Yearly Archives: 2021

Call for applications for the Croatian scholarships for young Christians from developing countries

The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia (Ministry) and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) are awarding the Croatian Government Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate university study to young Christians from developing countries. The National Strategy for Development Cooperation of the Republic of Croatia …

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Compulsory Subject: History 1- We accept cartoons only on the topic you entered 2- Total number of cartoons per author: 3 pieces 3- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competitions 4- Cartoons without words are not a requirement, but they have an advantage 5- Cartoons should only be …

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Scholarships are offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the applicants with an undergraduate degree from developing countries through its program “Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries“ for the study in Master’s in Textile and Clothing Technology at Institute of  Textile Machinery and High Performance Material  Technology …

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Trailblazers PhD studentships

Coventry University is inviting applications from suitably-qualified graduates for a fully-funded PhD studentship at the Institute for Future Transport and Cities. This is an exciting opportunity in cutting-edge research of second-life usage of EV batteries. Project details As the UK moves towards transportation electrification, an emerging challenge is how to deal …

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Lions Sports Academy was founded to help children and young adults realise their potential through sport. This is achieved by working with schools and sports organisations to deliver physical development and sports coaching programmes, in an attempt to improve the abilities and confidence of young people when playing sport. This …

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Fully Funded Asthma UK PhD Scholarship: Location, location, location: identifying the trade-off between being active and being exposed to air pollution for children with asthma This scholarship is funded by Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research. Subject areas: Sport and Exercise Sciences The health benefits associated with regular physical activity are …

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Comptable local.e

POSTE À POURVOIR Comptable local.e IMPLANTATION Direction régionale Afrique de l’Ouest AFFICHAGE N° DRAO-2021-04-13 PÉRIODE D’AFFICHAGE Du 23 avril au 8 mai 2021 L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) regroupe 1007 universités, grandes écoles, réseaux universitaires et centres de recherche scientifique utilisation la langue française dans 119 pays. Créée il …

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Responsable de communication et relations média

POSTE À POURVOIR Responsable de communication et relations média IMPLANTATION Direction régionale Maghreb Rabat, Maroc AFFICHAGE N° DRM-2021-04-12 PÉRIODE D’AFFICHAGE Du 15 avril au 9 mai 2021 L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) regroupe 1007 universités, grandes écoles, réseaux universitaires et centres de recherche scientifique utilisation la langue française dans …

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Comptable – responsable des paies

POSTE À POURVOIR Comptable – responsable des paies IMPLANTATION Services centraux de Montréal Direction des finances AFFICHAGE N° DF-2021-03-23 PÉRIODE D’AFFICHAGE Du 25 mars au 25 avril 2021 L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) regroupe 1007 universités, grandes écoles, réseaux universitaires et centres de recherche scientifique utilisation la langue française …

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Science & You: Doctoral training / Applications

This call is addressed to all French-speaking doctoral students, whatever their field of research, their nationality or their experience in science mediation. At the end of the call for participation, 56 young researchers will be selected to participate in the training. The selection criteria are those of diversity and motivation to participate. A …

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