Win a a lifespan license for ALL Lutify merchandise and additional in color pic contest

They say “if the image doesn’t work, print it big. If it still doesn’t work – make it red!” Color has the power to transform an image. A color by itself can be a subject. they want to see your best works where color is the primary subject of the photo and its main theme.

More Details

Photocrowd is A global community of photographers, of all levels and interests, Home to some of the most prestigious photo awards on the planet, A place to enter an array of great photo contests, prized by well known brands, An opportunity to run your own Community Contest, on any theme and The chance to have your work seen by photographers around the world.

Opportunity Focus Areas:

  • Photography

Required Languages


Eligible Countries


Program Period


Entries close 4 September 2019.
Rating 4 September 2019 to 13 September 2019.
Winners announced 13 September 2019.

Eligibility Requirements (Criteria)

  •  contest is open to photographers worldwide

Opportunity Cost


First place in both the expert-judged category and the crowd vote – a lifetime license for ALL products, current and future (at the moment Professional 3D LUTs package and LUTs Previewer. Other products to come soon.) A permanent mention on our blog, featuring photographer’s work and a mention in our newsletter sent to almost 300K subscribers.

Second place in both the expert-judged category and the crowd vote – a one year license for ALL products, current and future (at the moment Professional 3D LUTs package and LUTs Previewer. Other products to come soon.)

Third place in both the expert-judged category and the crowd vote – a one year license for Professional 3D LUTs package.

How to Apply

First Step:  register at Photocrowd from here 

Second Step: Upload and submit your photos.

Apply Now

More Details

Know more about this opportunity:

Official Website

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