Eleven Faculty and Research Positions available in the Institute of Ecology, Peking University

The Institute of Ecology (IOE), Peking University (http://www.ecology.pku.edu.cn) is currently seeking excellent talents for expanding the breadth of our research areas. We welcome applicants from different areas of ecology including but not limited to microbial ecology, biodiversity and conservation biology, evolutionary biology, restoration ecology, landscape ecology and molecular or physiological ecology.

Positions can be filled as tenured or tenure-track professorship at the levels of Full Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor, or as research professorship at the levels of Research Professor, Research Associate Professor or Research Assistant Professor. We also open soft money-based research positions at different levels. Successful candidates for the tenured or tenure-track professorship are responsible to develop and lead an internationally competitive team and teach 2-3 courses per year at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Successful candidates for research professorship are expected to participate in the research of a group.

Each position comes with a competitive annual salary and benefit packages, including child education in top primary and middle schools in China, housing benefits (renting or buying apartments from Peking University or allowance in cash) and health insurance. The recruitment package also contains a generous start-up funding.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, a statement of research and teaching interests, a full curriculum vitae, and names and contact information of three referees to Dr. Zhiheng Wang (zhiheng.wang@pku.edu.cn) and Ms. Bei Zhou (zhoubei@pku.edu.cn). If you need more information, you could also contact us through phone: +86-10-6276-0150. The positions will remain open until filled.

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