Ramsay Memorial Fellowships

The Ramsay Memorial Fellowships were instituted in 1920 as a memorial to Sir William Ramsay (1852-1916). The Fellowships are offered to postdoctoral chemists who already have some postdoctoral experience of research but who are in the early stages of their career, so that they may initiate a programme of original and independent research.

Sir William Ramsay was a Professor of Inorganic and General Chemistry at UCL from 1887-1913 and Britain’s very first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, in 1904, for his discovery of the noble gases. He was also SCI President from 1903 to 1904.

Award Information

Presentation Details


British Ramsay Fellowships are awarded annually by the Ramsay Memorial Fellowships Trust to postdoctoral chemists in the early stages of their career, so that they may conduct original and independent research at universities in the United Kingdom.

Ramsay Fellows typically continue to work in the chemistry field after their Fellowships have ended. Many have become Professors of Chemistry; others have gone on to occupy responsible positions in industry and public service.


Eligibility Criteria



      • University Graduates with distinction in chemical sciences
      • Postdoctoral chemists with some postdoctoral experience of research
      • Candidates who may initiate a programme of original and independent research
      • Applicants from under-represented groups are particularly welcome
      • Fellowships are usually tenable at a university or other place of academic research within the United Kingdom

Career Stage

      • Postdoctoral candidates
      • PhD thesis must be submitted by 31 Dec, following the deadline for receipt of applications
      • Candidates in the early stages of their career


    • Inorganic Chemistry
    • General Chemistry




Applications open 1 August
Applications close 15 November
Frequency Annually


Additional Information

Ramsay Trust Memorial Fellowship – Application Form 2021
Online brochure – Ramsay Trust Memorial Fellowship
Ramsay Trust Memorial Fellowship brochure (PDF)
Ramsay Trust Memorial Fellowship – Extended Eligibility Criteria (PDF)

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