Danish Cardiovascular Academy calls for applications to 12 PhD Scholarships and 8 Postdoctoral Fellowships

We are pleased to inform you that the Danish Cardiovascular Academy has announced the first two calls for applications to:

  • 12 PhD Scholarships
  • 8 Postdoctoral Fellowships

Applications can be within any field of cardiovascular research. Projects involving different research disciplines and/or sectors are evaluated positively. The grants will cover salary (PhD also tuition fee), but will not cover overhead or other expenses.

Deadline for applications is 10th of September 2021

PhD scholarships:

  • 6 scholarships will provide a 1/3 or 2/3 funding and amounts to 550,000 DKK and 1,100,000 DKK respectively covering one or two years of a PhD
  • 6 scholarships will provide full funding (due to co-funding from Danish Heart Foundation) primarily to clinical research, prevention or public health and amounts to 1,650,000 DKK over a period of three years

Postdoctoral Fellowships:

  • 4 two-year full time Postdoctoral Fellowships which amounts to 1,150,000 DKK
  • 4 five-year 20 % of the candidate’s time as a clinical Fellowship supported by the Danish Heart Foundation which amounts to 575,000 DKK

Read more on the application process here

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