The Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (CMA/FCT/UNL) opens an international call to award 2 (two) doctoral research scholarships, in the area of Mathematics, under the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (EBI).
The scholarships will be financed by the “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol for Financing the Multiannual Plan for Research scholarships for PhD Students, signed between FCT and the R&D Unit “Centro de Matemática e Aplicações” (CMA), UI/297/2020.
The International Call is open between 30 June 2021 and 17:00 (Lisbon time) on 10 September 2021.
Applications and supporting documents for this International Call must be submitted via email (with subject line: Concurso Bolsas de Doutoramento) to
Each candidate may submit only one application, under penalty of cancellation of all submitted applications.
False declarations or acts of plagiarism on the part of the candidates are grounds for cancelling the application without prejudice to the adoption of other sanctions.
Doctoral research scholarships are intended for the holder to carry out research activities leading to obtaining a doctoral degree in Portuguese universities.
The research activities leading to the achievement of the academic degree of doctor will take place in Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, which will be the host institution of the scholarship holders.
The research activities leading to obtaining the academic degree of doctor of the selected scholarship holders must be part of the activity plan and strategy of the Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, and must be carried out within the scope of the following Doctoral Programs:
- Doctoral Program in Mathematics of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
- Doctoral Program in Statistics and Risk Management of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
The work plan must take place entirely in the Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (CMA/FCT/UNL).
The duration of the scholarships is, as a rule, annual, renewable up to a maximum of four years (48 months), and cannot be awarded for a period of less than 3 consecutive months.
The doctoral scholarships are intended for registered candidates or candidates who meet the necessary conditions to enroll in one of the Doctoral Programs contained in point 2 of this Notice and who intend to develop research activities conducive to obtaining the academic degree of doctor in the Centro de Matemática e Aplicações.
4.1 Candidate Admissibility Requirements
Who can apply for this call:
- Citizens of Portugal or citizens of other member states of the European Union;
- Citizens of third countries;
- Stateless persons;
- Citizens benefiting from political refugee status.
To apply for the Doctoral Research Scholarship it is necessary:
- Not having benefited from a Scholarship for a PhD or a PhD in companies directly financed by FCT, regardless of its duration.
- Not hold a Doctor’s degree;
4.2 Application Admissibility Requirements
It is essential, under penalty of not being admitted to the call, to attach the following documents to the application:
- Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae (the candidate must submit all documents considered relevant for evaluation);
- Motivation letter;
- Recommendation letters (two distinct);
- Write the application and all documents associated with it, including letters of motivation and recommendation, in Portuguese or English.
It is recommended that the candidate presents, in the application phase, a work plan prepared under the supervision of a CMA / FCT / UNL researcher. The scientific orientation or co-orientation will have to be carried out by a researcher from CMA/FCT / UNL,
6.1 Selection Criteria
Two methods of evaluation will be used: in the first phase, curricular evaluation (CE) and in the second phase, an interview (In), with the following weightings: curricular evaluation (CE) — 70% and interview (In) — 30%.
Applications considered admissible will be scored on a scale of 0 to 100 in both the curricular evaluation and the interview.
1st phase — curricular evaluation (CE), with a weight of 70%.
Each of the following evaluation criteria will be scored on a scale of 0 to 100:
- Criterion A — merit of the candidate with weight of 70%;
- Subcriterion A1 — curriculum vitae, with a weight of 60%
- Subcriterion A2 — recommendation letters, with a weight of 20%
- Subcriterion A3 — motivation letter, with a weight of 20%
- Criterion B – merit of the work plan, with a weight of 30%
(In case of non-submission of the work plan in the application stage, 0 points will be awarded in criterion B).
2nd phase — interview (In), with a weight of 30%
In the curricular evaluation, the score for criterion A is obtained by applying the following formula:
A = 0.6 x A1 + 0.2 x A2 + 0.2 x A3.
The classification of the curricular evaluation is obtained by applying the following formula:
CE = 0.7 x A + 0.3 x B
In the first phase, candidates who do not obtain a classification of at least 50 will be excluded.
Only candidates ranked in the first four places and with classifications of at least 50 will be invited, by email, to have an interview by videoconference.
In the second phase, candidates who do not attend the interview or who obtain a classification in the interview of less than 50 will be excluded.
For the purposes of deciding on the award of scholarships, applicants will be ranked according to the weighted average of the classification obtained in the curricular evaluation and the interview, obtained by the following formula:
Final classification = 0.7 x CE + 0.3 x In
For tie-breaking purposes, the ranking of candidates in the first phase will be made based on the ratings assigned to each of the evaluation criteria in the following order of precedence: criterion A, criterion B.
For tie-breaking purposes, the ranking of candidates in the second phase will be made based on the ratings assigned to each of the evaluation criteria in the following order of precedence: interview, curricular evaluation.
The panel evaluating the candidates consists of the following members:
Effective members of the Jury:
- Fernanda Cipriano, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (coordinator of the panel)
- Alan James Cain, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- Marcos Raydan, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Substitute members of the Jury:
- Magda Rebelo, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
- Regina Bispo, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The panel will evaluate the applications in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in the present notice of the opening of the call, considering the various elements of evaluation.
All the members of the panel, including the coordinator, undertake to respect a set of responsibilities essential to the evaluation process, such as the duties of impartiality, the declaration of any potential conflicts of interest, and of confidentiality. At all times during the evaluation process, confidentiality is totally protected and ensured in order to guarantee the independence of all the evaluations produced.
For each application there will be produced, by the panel, a clear, coherent, and consistent record of the final evaluation, presenting the arguments that guided the classifications made for each one of the criteria and subcriteria of evaluation.
From the meetings of the evaluation panel there will be produced a minute recording the responsibility of all the members.
The minute and its annexes must record, the following information:
- Names and affiliations of all the members of the evaluation panel;
- Identification of all the excluded applications and the respective grounds;
- The methodology adopted by the panel in particular considered cases;
- Record of final evaluation of each candidate;
- A provisional list of the classification and ordering of candidates, in descending order of final evaluation, of all applications evaluated by the panel;
- Declarations of conflicts of interest by all members of the panel;
- Any delegation of voting or authority by reason of justified absence.
The results of the evaluation are communicated via e-mail to the e-mail address used by the applicant to send the application / indicated in the application.
After the communication of the provisional list of the results of the evaluation, the applicants have a period of 10 working days to give their opinion, if they wish, at the prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms of articles 121 et seq. of the Code of Administrative Procedure.
The final decision will be rendered after the analysis of the statements presented at the prior hearing of interested parties. From the final decision a complaint may be submitted within 15 working days, or, alternatively, an appeal may be submitted within 30 working days, both counted from the respective notification. Candidates who choose to submit a complaint must address their statement to the member of the FCT Board of Directors with delegated authority. Candidates who choose to submit an appeal must address the same to the FCT Board of Directors.
The Research Scholarship contract is entered into directly with FCT.
The following documents must be sent, when the scholarship is awarded, for the purposes of drawing up the contract:
- Copy of the civil, tax and, where applicable, social security identification document(s)[1];
- Work Plan;
- Document proving enrolment in one of the Doctoral Programs identified in this Notice;
- Statement by the supervisor(s) assuming the responsibility for supervising the work plan, pursuant to article 5-A of the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (EBI) (draft declaration to be made available by FCT);
- Document proving the applicant’s acceptance by the institution where the research activities will take place, guaranteeing the necessary conditions for its successful development, as well as the fulfilment of the duties provided for in article 13 of the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (EBI) (draft declaration to be made available by FCT);
- Updated document proving compliance with the exclusive dedication regime (draft declaration to be made available by FCT).
The Scholarship is still dependent on:
- compliance with the requirements provided for in this Notice;
- the result of the scientific evaluation;
- the absence of unjustified non-compliance with the scholarship holder’s duties under a previous scholarship contract financed, directly or indirectly, by FCT;
- FCT’s budget availability.
Failure to deliver any of the documents required to complete the scholarship contract process within 6 months from the date of communication of the conditional scholarship award decision implies the expiration of the said award and the termination of the process.
The payment of the scholarships will start after the applicant has returned the duly signed scholarship contract, which must occur within a maximum period of 15 working days from the date of receipt.
The scholarships awarded under this call for proposals will be financed by the FCT with funds from the State Budget and, when eligible, with funds from the European Social Fund, to be made available under PORTUGAL2020, through, inter alia, the Northern Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), The Regional Operational Program of the Center (Centro 2020) and the Regional Operational Program of Alentejo (Alentejo 2020), or others that may be approved, in accordance with the regulatory provisions established for this purpose.
Scholarship holders receive a monthly maintenance allowance in accordance with the table in Annex I of the RBI.
The scholarship may also include other components, under the terms set out in article 18 of the RBI and at the amounts provided for in its Annex II.
The scholarship holders benefit from insurance for personal accidents relating to research activities, supported by FCT.
The scholarship holders who is not covered by any social protection regime can ensure the exercise of the right to social security through adherence to the voluntary social insurance regime, under the terms of the Social Security System’s Contributory Scheme Code, FCT guaranteeing the charges resulting from contributions under the terms and with the limits provided for in article 10 of the EBI.
Payments to the holder of the scholarship are made by bank transfer to the specified account. The monthly maintenance allowance is paid on the first business day of each month.
The payments for the registration, enrolment or tuition components are made by FCT directly to the national institution where the scholarship holder is enrolled in the doctoral program.
The renewal of the scholarship is always dependent on a request submitted by the holder of the scholarship, within 60 working days prior to the renewal date, accompanied by the following documents:
- a) opinions issued by the supervisor(s) and by the host organization(s) on the monitoring of the scholarship holder’s work and the evaluation of his/her activities;
- b) updated document proving compliance with the exclusive dedication regime;
- c) document proving the renewal of enrolment in the course of studies leading to the degree of doctor.
In all R&D activities directly or indirectly financed by the scholarship, namely, in all talks, publications and scientific creations, as well as theses, carried out with the support provided for in the scholarship, it is required to mention the financial support from FCT and the European Social Fund, namely through the Northern Regional Operational Program (NORTH 2020), the Regional Operational Program of the Center (Centro 2020) and the Regional Operational Program of Alentejo (Alentejo 2020). For this purpose, the FCT, MCTES, ESF and EU insignia must be included in the documents referring to these actions, according to the graphical rules of each operational program.
The dissemination of results of research funded under the RBI must comply with the rules for open access to data, publications and other research results in force at the FCT.
In all exchanges, and in particular in the case of actions supported by community funding, namely from the ESF, monitoring and control actions may be carried out by national and community bodies in accordance with the applicable legislation in this matter, there being for supported scholarship holders the duty of collaboration and provision of the requested information, which includes surveys and evaluation studies in this area, even when the scholarship has ended.
The FCT promotes a policy of non-discrimination and of equality of access, whereby no candidate may be privileged, favoured, prejudiced, deprived of any right or exempted from any duty for reasons of ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, civil status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social circumstance, genetic heritage, reduced capacity for work, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs, or union membership.
The International Call to award a doctoral scholarship is governed by this Opening Notice, by the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships (RBI), approved by Regulation No. 950/2019 , published in the II Series of the DR of December 16, 2019, by the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (EBI) approved by the Law 40/2004, of August 18, in the current wording, and by other applicable national and community legislation.
[1] The availability of these documents can be replaced, at the candidate’s option, by presentation in person at the funding entity, which will keep the elements contained therein that are relevant to the validity and execution of the contract, including the civil, fiscal and security identification numbers and the validity of the respective documents.
In basic information
Eligibility criteria
In basic information
Selection process
In basic information
Additional comments
In basic information
Web site for additional job details