Scholarships for students in the field of architecture • DAAD

Program objective

The aim of the program is to offer students in the fields of architecture, interior design, monument preservation, urban planning / urban development, regional planning, landscape architecture and landscape planning the opportunity to spend a longer study period abroad for further training or to obtain a degree there.

Who can apply?

Can apply:

  • Students in the fields of architecture, interior design, monument preservation, urban planning / urban development, regional planning, landscape architecture and landscape planning who are enrolled at a state-recognized university

such as

  • Graduates from state-recognized universities.

If you are not a German citizen, you can apply under certain conditions: Further information

What is funded?

Funding is provided for:
a) a study visit without a degree at a university abroad
b) participation in a postgraduate course (e.g. master’s) with a degree abroad.
A stay can also take place at several host institutions in one country.
If you are planning to stay in several countries, the application deadline for the country in which your stay begins applies. Therefore, please select this country as the “target country” when starting your application in the portal.

Duration of funding

a) One academic year (one academic year, depending on the host country, 2 semesters or 3 trimesters with a maximum of 12 months of funding). An extension is not possible.
b) Depending on the study program, between one academic year (2 semesters or 3 trimesters) and 24 months. The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study of the chosen degree program (maximum 24 months).
In the case of 2-year study programs, further funding is given after the first year of study if the academic performance you have achieved up to that point indicates that you will successfully complete the study within a reasonable timeframe. Applicants who at the time of application are already abroad in the first year of a 2-year postgraduate or master’s degree can apply for a scholarship for the second year up to graduation. An extension of the scholarship is excluded.

Please note that shorter stays or semester stays are not funded in this program. If necessary, there are funding opportunities within the framework of the PROMOS and Erasmus + programs; Information on this is available from the respective home university. Students from universities of applied sciences / universities of applied sciences can apply for shorter study stays abroad in the DAAD program HAW.International: Semester stays and theses for students .

Scholarship benefits

The scholarship includes the following benefits

  • a monthly scholarship rate determined according to the host country
    The monthly DAAD scholarship rate for a certain country / a certain status is displayed here: Scholarship calculator . In this program, the rates for undergraduate / graduate students apply. The above-mentioned scholarship rates apply with reservation to scholarships that are awarded for funding in the academic year 2021/2022.
  • Travel allowance depending on the host country
  • Health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits

In addition, under certain conditions, additional benefits can be granted upon request:

  • Grant for any tuition fees incurred up to an upper limit: You can find more information on this in our important scholarship information / Section D, Point 3
  • Subsidy for a language course (national language or language of instruction or working language): Further information
  • Family benefits for accompanying spouses or partners and / or children: Further information
  • Grant for trips in the host country that are directly related to the project (please submit a cost estimate with confirmation from the supervising university professor with the application)
  • In the event of a disability or chronic illness: Subsidy for additional costs due to foreign travel that are not covered by a third party: Further information

Contributions from third parties are partly offset against the DAAD scholarship (see the explanations in the important scholarship information / Section E ).
Note for scholarship holders of the gifted funding agencies: Funding through a DAAD scholarship excludes the use of a foreign allowance from the funding agency. Continuing domestic services by the funding agencies are fully credited towards the DAAD scholarship for students and graduates.

Basic requirements


Status: Students
Destination Country:
only certain 
Subject area:
see list 

Further application requirements »

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