Juan de la Cierva at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

We are looking for a recent PhD (Jan 2020- Dec 2021), to support her/him to apply to the upcoming Juan de la Cierva Spanish call. The succesful Juan de la Cierva candidate would join our team at the recently created Metabolomics and Imaging data lab (MIDAlab), belonging to the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department of the Bioscience Faculty of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and to Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER), in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Biomedicine (group CB06/01/0010).

We work in the development and application of machine learning and software tools for improving the diagnosis and follow-up of brain tumour patients, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as well as imaging and clinical data. The profile we are seeking is a recent biomedical engineer, machine learning specialist or biologist/biochemist/physicist with a strong interest and relevant background in magnetic resonance and/or signal processing and/or machine learning. Current projects: search for MRS-based biomarkers of glioblastoma progression using MRSI alone or in combination with MRI, development and validation of automated artifact detection and filtering tools using blind source separation methods, for single voxel and MRSI, and the translation of all the tools into radiologist-friendly software tools.

Please read Juan de la Cierva call to know more about the selection process.

This is a competitive call for a National Spanish grant, and the candidate is hosted by a research group. Research groups can only support one candidate and each candidate must have previous support from only one research group.

The deadline indicated in this announcement is for our internal selection.

Interested persons please send CV, publication record and contact of 2-3 referring persons to: Margarita.Julia@uab.cat .

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by videoconference and/or in person by the contact person.

What is funded

Link to the call : Juan de la Cierva call

Juan de la Cierva are early postdoctoral contracts for 2 years. Gross salary: 25.350 €/year.

The contract comes with an additional 4.500 euros for research-related expenses of the successful candidate.


2 years


– PhD obtained from January 2020 until december 2021.

– Good publication record commensurate to the career stage.

– The candidate should not have been a beneficiary of a previous Juan de la Cierva or Ramón y Cajal contract.

– Juan de la Cierva and Ramon y Cajal simultaneous applications are not allowed. Multiple applications to the Juan de la Cierva program by the same applicant are cause of automatic exclusion of the candidate.

– No nationality restrictions apply, we look for the best candidates.

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