The University of Paris-Saclay wishes to promote the international openness of master’s courses (National Diploma) provided within its components, its component establishments and its associated member universities, and thus facilitate the reception of international students of the highest level. international, and in particular those wishing to develop a doctoral project at the end of the master’s degree.

Mobility scholarships are offered for the 2023-2024 academic year. Set up thanks to the IDEX Program Investissement d’Avenir 3 financing, they are aimed at international students admitted to a master’s course whose mention is accredited at the University of Paris-Saclay and provided in one of the following establishments: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec , Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay), INSTN-CEA, Institute of Optics Graduate School (IOGS), University of Evry-Val-d’Essonne (UEVE), University of Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).  
They are awarded according to criteria of academic excellence.

These scholarships are granted for 1 or 2 years to students admitted to a master’s degree at the University of Paris-Saclay, depending on the level of admission (M1 or M2) and subject to obtaining the necessary credits for the passage to the level superior.

Application procedure:

1. Selected students will automatically receive by e-mail an internet link to the application form to be completed online.
After receiving the message informing him of his selection, the student wishing to apply for the scholarship must complete his scholarship application file online and must provide the names of two reference persons likely to recommend him (training manager, teacher , internship supervisor, etc.).

2. The referees designated by the candidate will receive an e-mail containing an internet link to a recommendation form. They must complete it online and validate it  imperatively before the closing date of the call.
The candidate will be automatically informed by e-mail of the validation of each form.

3. The scholarship application file will be considered complete once the recommendation forms have been completed and validated by the two referees.
Important: no specific message will be sent to the candidate informing him that his file is complete.
It will be the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the referees have completed and validated the recommendation forms before the closing date of the call for applications indicated in the invitation to apply email.

In partnership with the UNHCR ( United Nations Refugee Agency)  and supported by the MENS association  (Migrants in Higher Education) , the University of Paris-Saclay is setting up a bonus system for refugee students or beneficiaries subsidiary protection under the IDEX scholarship scheme.
If you are concerned by this status, we encourage you to indicate this in your cover letter at the master’s application stage.

Incomplete or late submissions will be automatically rejected.

Timetable / steps:

  • Deadline for candidate selection: May 10, 2023 midnight
  • After being selected, deadline for applying for the scholarship May 12, 2023 midnight
  • Closing of the call (deadline for return of recommendation by the 2 referents) : May 16, 2023 midnight
  • Announcement of results : end of June 2023

Identification of candidates:

Admission to a master’s degree from the University of Paris-Saclay does not automatically give the right to apply for the international master’s scholarship program.

For more information, see the “  Eligibility criteria” paragraph.

The choice of students who will be able to apply for an IDEX scholarship from the University of Paris-Saclay is made by the jury for admission to the masters of the University of Paris-Saclay from among the students admitted to a course.

Only students who receive an e-mail  from Université Paris-Saclay proposing that they apply for an IDEX scholarship from Université Paris-Saclay will be able to complete an application file.

Spontaneous applications for an IDEX scholarship from Université Paris-Saclay  are not possible.


Eligibility criteria:

Are eligible:
– Students admitted to a master’s degree at the University of Paris-Saclay operated by one of the following establishments: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS, UEVE, UPSaclay, UVSQ. Among these students, only those belonging to one of the categories mentioned below may be selected to apply.
– “Newcomer” students, aged 30 maximum in the year of selection.
– Students of foreign nationality present on French territory for less than one year following or having followed a non-degree course or an internship.
– Students of foreign nationality present on French territory for less than a year during language training (FLE, etc.).
– Students who have already stayed in France, as part of mobility during their studies (such as Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, mobility as part of an exchange, etc.) without issuing a higher education diploma French.

The following are not eligible:
– All students who have been or are enrolled in a French institution during their studies, with the exception of international students enrolled in a French educational institution abroad.
– Students who have had an interruption of studies for more than 3 consecutive years.
– Students also receiving funding of more than €600 per month.

Education / Discipline:

All disciplinary fields are concerned.
All master’s courses for which Université Paris-Saclay is accredited, with the exception of apprenticeship courses.

Selection of winners, evaluation criteria:

Reminder: admission to a master’s does not automatically entitle you to a scholarship.
The selection of the winners falls within the competence of a jury composed of expert members of the establishments of the University of Paris-Saclay The evaluation criteria take into account the following elements:
– Academic level,
– Personal project,
– Specifically for candidates admitted to M2: reasoned motivation for pursuing a thesis in a laboratory at the University of Paris-Saclay.

Amount and payment of the scholarship:

The Université Paris-Saclay scholarship amounts to €10,000 per year. It is paid by the University of Paris-Saclay for the entire duration of the academic year and for a stay of 10 consecutive months (September to June).
A maximum lump sum allowance of €1,000 for travel and visa costs is also awarded depending on the candidate’s country of origin.
The winners will only receive their scholarship and the transport allowance once they have arrived in France and are administratively registered in the training for which they have been admitted.  

No advance will be possible.

Course follow-up and study mobility:

Selected students will be required to follow the training for which the scholarship was awarded in one of the member establishments of the University of Paris-Saclay.
– The scholarship may be suspended in the event of the student’s repeated unjustified absence.
– The payment of the grant will be suspended, without possible postponement, during any period of study carried out in an establishment outside the Paris-Saclay perimeter (in France or abroad).
– Payment of the scholarship will be maintained within the framework of compulsory study mobility for certain courses at Université Paris-Saclay or international university exchange programs between Université Paris-Saclay and its partners (double degrees with mobility compulsory, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, etc.). This compulsory mobility cannot take place in the student’s country or establishment of origin.
– The payment of the grant will be suspended for any study mobility other than compulsory mobility.
– Gap years are allowed but not funded.

Stages :

– Internships in a research laboratory must be carried out in one of the research laboratories of the University of Paris-Saclay; outside this framework, the student may see his scholarship suspended without possible postponement.
– Company internships must be carried out on French territory.
– The scholarship will be suspended in the event that the internship bonus exceeds an amount of €650 per month.

Results :

All applicants to the Université Paris-Saclay scholarship program will be informed by e-mail of the jury’s decision.
Université Paris-Saclay reserves the right to refuse or terminate the granting of the scholarship if the information declared turns out to be false.


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