Post-doc competition at LabEx Création, Arts, Heritage

Deadline: September 3rd, 2019

The Laboratory of Excellence “Creation, Arts, Heritage” (Labex CAP) announces, for its last campaign, the recruitment by competition of eight researchers / researchers at the post-doctoral level, for a period of one year.

I. General conditions

The methodological hypothesis of the Labex CAP consists in bringing together, through joint research work, the university teams and the teams of the institutions preserving, disclosing and exhibiting collections and heritage funds. In this context of institutional and disciplinary decompartmentalization, selected corpora and objects of research concern the interactions between creation and heritage.

At the same time an observatory and an experimental laboratory, the Labex CAP studies the arts, the creation and the patrimonies and takes them as points of support to understand and accompany the changes of the contemporary society, connected to the globalization of the economic life and the means. communications but also cultures. Thus, the Labex CAP mobilizes various scientific skills, in the fields of art history, cultural anthropology, architecture and heritage, cinema, music studies, theater studies, poetics, the sociology of art, aesthetic theories and philosophy of art, the history of materiality and techniques.

The multidisciplinary jury, made up of members of the Conseil and the Bureau of the Labex, will select the eight most relevant and original research projects proposing new scientific definitions , in connection with the Labex CAP themes.

Candidates are requested to inform the persons in charge of the related institutions (laboratory director or representative within Labex bodies, without asking for a formal letter), when preparing their projects, and to design the writing of these in accordance with the general scientific policy of Labex CAP.

II. Conditions of eligibility
→ PhD: thesis defended after 01/09/2014. 
→ Age: this competition is part of the “young researchers” competition, less than 38 years old (this means 37 years at the time of application). 
→ Status: a person in post (secondary or higher, France or abroad) can not be recruited. 
→ Application: It should be noted that a candidate who has applied in previous years, without being auditioned, can stand for the competition. On the other hand, a candidate who has already been auditioned can not resubmit a proposal.

III. Recruitment calendar
→ Competition launch date: 11/06/2019 
→ Closing date for submission of applications: 3 September 2019
→ Eligibility phase: 17 October 2019 
→ Admission phase ( hearings ): 7 November 2019

IV. Duration of recruitment and starting date
→ The proposed contracts are for a one-year period 
→ The start date will be January 2, 2020

V. Candidature
file The complete application form must be sent no later than 3 September 2019 at 16:00 to the following address:

In order to simplify the procedure for receiving and processing the files, please send all the documents relating to your application in one PDF file(Surname_FirstName.pdf), sorting them in the order of the list above. Be sure to optimize the size and resolution of your files. If possible, it would be best if your entire application file does not exceed 5 MB and a maximum of 10 MB.

The file includes: 
→ title page: surname, first name; title (explicit) of the project; home institutions requested (main host unit and secondary unit home, that is to say, a laboratory or a museum department, members of Labex CAP ( Partners LabEx CAP_2020 ). Note that the laboratory where the candidate has defended his thesis can not be chosen as a host laboratory) ; home institution (defense of the thesis) 
→ the research project written in French (12,000 characters maximum, including notes) 
→ a curriculum vitae and a list of publications 
→ the doctoral degree
→ the defense report (if the thesis is defended in France), stamped on all pages by the ED or the theses department 
→ a letter of motivation 
→ a significant publication (PDF) 
→ two letters of recommendation at least written by recognized researchers and personalities from the world of arts and creation

NB: Each file is evaluated by two experts outside the Council and the Bureau of the Labex. The Board and the Board serve as a jury during the eligibility and admission phases. The expert opinions and the content of the deliberations are not communicated to the candidates.

VI. Service Obligations and Participation in Laboratory Work
In addition to the personal research project on which they will be selected, the young researchers will take part in the microprojects and activities of Labex. For two-fifths of their working time, they will contribute in particular to the organization and realization of valorization actions such as workshops, meetings, study days, and the enrichment of communication media (website slides or presentation documents) and the life of the laboratory / host department. They will organize together the post-doctoral seminar of Labex CAP.

Post-docs will perform their duties in accordance with the European Researcher’s Charter .

VII. Expected results
– the candidate agrees, under pain of reimbursement of all the treatments received , to make a study of 40 pages (60 000 signs including spaces) on his research subject to 12/30/2020. This study will be published in the “Cahiers du CAP”, a review of Labex (Editions de la Sorbonne, Paris). 
– the candidate organizes, takes part and follows the Labex post-doctoral seminar sessions in order to present and discuss his work collectively.

VIII. Remuneration
Recruitment is in the form of a full-time fixed-term contract. The candidate will receive an exclusive gross monthly lump sum remuneration of any ancillary remuneration on the basis of a full-time amount of € 2,361.45.

IX. Selection Criteria
The proposed contracts are aimed at young researchers. Candidates must have a doctorate degree and be able to claim first achievements in the field of research. 
The criteria taken into account by the selection committee are: 
→ The scientific excellence of the project, its originality, its methodology, its adequacy with the themes of the Labex 
→ The profile and aptitudes of the candidate (scientific skills, experiences in the field of research, publications) 
→ The international nature of research (study visits, publications, language skills) 
→ The relevance of the attachments requested

Clélia Simon-Henry, Manager of Labex CAP: 
(from 11/06/2019 to 17/07/2019, then from 26/08/2019)

Zinaïda Polimenova, Head of Labex CAP: 
(from 11/06/2018 to 15/07/2018, then from 23/08/2019)

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