The Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship (DLF) is awarded annually to a leading researcher to work on cutting-edge research at the interface between the humanities and social sciences on the one hand and the natural and technological sciences on the other. Distinguished Lorentz Fellows are nominated by prominent figures from within the Dutch academic community. NIAS and the Lorentz Center are committed to encouraging women and minority groups in academia, therefore nominations for researchers from these groups are particularly encouraged to apply. The NIAS-Lorentz Fellowship Board evaluates the DLF nominations.

A Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship consists of:

  • A fellowship at NIAS for 5 to 10 months between September and June. It includes a personal study, research facilities and, if applicable, accommodation or travel expenses.
  • A teaching duties replacement fund of up to € 3,800 for each fellowship month spent at NIAS.
  • A workshop at the Lorentz Center on the fellowship topic, with full organizational support and a budget of € 20,000.
  • A personal prize of € 10,000.


Candidates must be nominated by a leading figure from one of the following Dutch scientific communities: rectors and deans of Dutch universities, members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and of the Young Academy (DJA), the board of the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH), directors of KNAW, NWO and TNO institutes and directors of museums or industrial organizations with a research agenda.

The nomination consists of:

  • The nomination letter signed by the nominator.
  • Title of the intended DLF research project.
  • Brief description of the intended DLF research project (max. 1 page) that bridges the divide between the humanities and/or social sciences and the natural and/or technological sciences. The description should be explicit on how the research project will encourage research at the cutting-edge of these different scientific areas and describe the possible societal impact as well as plans for one or more publications.
  • Brief outline of the NIAS-Lorentz workshop related to the fellowship topic (max. 2 pages: see Guidelines for a DLF Workshop Outline (PDF)).
  • Curriculum Vitae of the nominee (max. 3 pages).
  • Short list of the nominees most important publications (max. 10 publications).


Nominations will be evaluated by the NIAS-Lorentz DLF Board. Nominees and nominators will be informed of the outcome within six weeks of the submission deadline. The successful nominee will be invited to NIAS to further discuss plans with NIAS and the Lorentz Center, and will be asked to submit a Full Proposal of the NIAS-Lorentz Workshop at a later date.

Evaluation criteria include:

  • The nominee is an outstanding scientist with an excellent academic track record.
  • The nominee has the capacity to bring together researchers from necessary disciplines.
  • The topic is firmly embedded within the Dutch scientific community.
  • The topic is clearly interdisciplinary and brings together perspectives from the humanities and/or social sciences with the natural and/or technological sciences.
  • The interdisciplinary approach will contribute to achieving the research goals.
  • The topic has the potential to produce exciting advances at the interface of scientific fields.
  • The topic is relevant to current societal issues.
  • The topic will broaden the scope of the NIAS-Lorentz Program.
  • The quality of topic and researcher will attract wider interest.

Nominations are submitted to nomination@nias.knaw.nl. For further information contact Dindy van Maanen.


For information about the suitability of candidates, please contact Professor Jan Willem Duyvendak (rector NIAS) or Professor Arjen Doelman (director Lorentz Center).


The next Call for DLF nominations will open 15 September and the submission deadline will be 1 November.

Full text Call for DLF nominations: Call for Nominations DLF NIAS-Lorentz 2021-22 : IS CLOSED

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