Call for Proposals for Logo Design of Call for Ideas and Award Competiton “IMAGINE”

The CEI-Executive Secretariat is pleased to announce the launch of a Call for Proposals for the elaboration of a logo design to be used for the forthcoming editions of the Call for Ideas and Award Competiton “IMAGINE” .

Who can participate: high-school students of public and private high schools / secondary education institutions based and registered in a CEI / AII Member State (14 to 19 years of age) are requested to elaborate a logo that reflects the spirit of “IMAGINE” which is designed to raise the awareness of the CEI and AII countries’ high school students on the UN Agenda 2030 (UNA2030) and its Sustainable Development Goals and stimulate their engagement through a participation in a Call for Ideas and Award Competition.The Applicant is to be a representative of the school (teacher, principal, dean),

The logo will have to be simple, modern, vibrant and innovative. It shall be easily recognisable and, as such, should stand out and be different from other logos.

Deadline for submission of logo proposals: 15 December 2021 (23:59 CEST). 

Compensation: The winning institution will be awarded with a total amount of 1,000 EUR.

Application Package with detailed info on main design/submission requirements and related documentation available HERE.

For more info:

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