
Postdoctoral fellowship in Applied Mathematics, Statistics or Data Science

The School of Applied Mathematics at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, invites applications for female candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship in Applied Mathematics, Statistics or Data Science. FGV EMAp is a growing department that aspires to be top-ranked worldwide. It currently offers undergraduate, M.Sc. and …

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Opening Call for the awarding of Doctoral Research Scholarships – 2nd Edition – CEMAR

The Consórcio de Escolas de Ciências do Mar (CEMAR) is opening a call for the award of 20 (twenty) PhD Research Scholarships in the area of Marine Sciences, under the FCT Research Grants Regulation (RBI) and the Research Grant Holder Statute (EBI). The grants will be funded by the Foundation …

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Scholarships for International Students Netherlands | HAN

CAN I GET A SCHOLARSHIP? OUTSTANDING ACHIEVERS Have you made outstanding achievements in your education and personal development? And are you a national of a country outside the EU/EEA? Then you’re a good candidate for one of the HAN scholarships below. Don’t meet these requirements? Then you might want to search …

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Clovibactin: A New Avenue in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance

Since the turn of the century, antibiotic resistance has posed a major challenge to public health. To address this concerning issue, researchers have delved into the bacterial dark matter in search of a molecule capable of neutralizing pathogenic bacteria. The recent discovery of Clovibactin opens the door to powerful new …

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Cousins of T. rex Discovered in Morocco

Two new, highly partial dinosaur skeletons have been unearthed in the Ouled Abdoum basin in Morocco, renowned for its phosphate quarries. Interestingly, this site was once a shallow tropical sea around 70 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period. Most of the fossils found here belong to marine creatures …

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The oxymel, a blend of honey and vinegar known for centuries, is said to be effective against infections

The oxymel, a blend of honey and vinegar known for centuries, is said to be effective against infections. A remedy with historical roots, oxymel has been purported to heal infections. But how much scientific truth is there in this traditional pharmacopoeia? British researchers set out to investigate. Oxymel, a mixture …

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Tachycardia: When the Heart Races, Should You Worry?

Tachycardia, characterized by an accelerated heart rate, often raises concerns. When the heart’s beats exceed 100 per minute at rest, it’s classified as tachycardia. While sometimes benign, this condition can also signal underlying issues. Let’s delve into the various aspects of tachycardia with more detailed examples. Different forms of tachycardia …

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4 Scientific research fellowships_MorphoPlay

The Polytechnic of Leiria is now opening applications for 4 (four) scientific research fellowship (BII) within the project “MorphoPlay – Playful strategies for assessing morphological knowledge (2022.02585.PTDC)”, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), in the following terms: . SCIENTIFIC AREA: Health – Medical and Health Sciences; …

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Osteoarthritis: Lizard Tails Unlock New Treatment Avenues

Researchers have identified key cells and mechanisms behind the regenerative capabilities of lizard tails. Their ability to rebuild cartilage opens up new treatment possibilities for osteoarthritis. Lizards are among the few vertebrates capable of regenerating cartilage without it turning into bone, a skill that enables them to regrow their tails …

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Frozen Fruits and Vegetables: Are They Healthy? Exploring Nutritional Benefits with More Examples

Consuming an ample variety of fruits and vegetables is paramount for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But when it comes to consumption, the dilemma often arises: should we go for fresh produce or reach for frozen options straight from the freezer? The primary goal is to relish the consumption of fruits …

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Link Established Between Late Introduction of Food Diversity and Food Allergies in Children

Food allergies are particularly common among children and young adults. A French epidemiological study that examined the eating habits of 6,662 infants and children has confirmed a strong connection between delayed introduction of food diversity and the risk of allergies. In this epidemiological study, scientists discovered that only 62% of …

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For the first time in its history, Canada receives 900,000 foreign students

Canadian Immigration Minister Mark Miller announced that his country will receive 900,000 foreign students this year, an unprecedented number in its history. Miller said in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that Canada is on its way to receive 900,000 foreign students this year, which is a very large number unprecedented …

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Could Farnesol Be the Future Cure for Parkinson’s Disease?

Farnesol, an antimicrobial compound found in herbs, fruits, and mushrooms, has emerged as a potential game-changer in the fight against Parkinson’s disease, as unveiled by an international team of researchers led by scientists from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Through extensive studies conducted on mice, their findings suggest that …

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Call for Applications 2023: AGNES-BAYER Science Foundation Research Fellowship

We are pleased to announce this call for applications for the AGNES-BAYER Fellowship for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. This grant is financed by the BAYER Foundation with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and the Federal Republic of Germany. The grant is intended for …

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These Healthy Habits Could Add Up to 24 Years to Your Lifespan: Unveiling the Impact

While it’s common knowledge that maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can enhance longevity, quantifying the exact benefits of a positive way of life remains a challenge. A team of researchers recently took on this intricate task, revealing their findings in July 2023 at the …

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