
16 PhD Positions in Münster (Germany): Imaging Cellular Processes and Disease

The joint CiM-IMPRS graduate program of the International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine and Münster’s Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre offers positions to pursue PhD projects in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or computer science. We are looking for young scientists with a vivid interest in interdisciplinary projects to image cell dynamics from the subcellular to the patient …

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International Master of Science Scholarships in Rural Development (IMRD)

Each year, a minimum of the 15 best candidates are selected for the Erasmus Mundus scholarships , i.e. 3 European students and 12 non-European students. In addition to these 15, the board of directors may decide to award additional scholarships to candidates from specific regions. The VLIR-UOS scholarships focus on developing and transition regions, granting scholarships …

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L-EARN for Impact Scholarship

Requirements Your nationality is one of the list of the Developing Countries of the World Bank. You are an excellent student according to the faculty’s standard. The average grade should be the equivalent to the Dutch grade of 8.0 on the Dutch grading scale of 1 to 10. You have recent relevant …

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INRS offers advantageous scholarship program

INRS offers its own scholarship programs, for which students registered in the pure and applied sciences and the social sciences are eligible. Consult the following calendar for the dates on which the INRS scholarships are paid. Summer term 2019 Fall term 2019 Winter term 2020 May 16 September 19 January …

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L1 : Cours BA, Tissu cartilagineux

L1 : Cours BA. Tissu cartilagineux. [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

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Le GIS Asie (CNRS) recherche un concepteur-rédacteur web (H/F)

Ingénieur web au GIS Asie (H/F) Assurez-vous que votre profil candidat soit correctement renseigné avant de postuler. Les informations de votre profil complètent celles associées à chaque candidature. Afin d’augmenter votre visibilité sur notre Portail Emploi et ainsi permettre aux recruteurs de consulter votre profil candidat, vous avez la possibilité de déposer …

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Appel à candidature pour la fonction de directeur de la Maison Française d’Oxford

L’Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS appelle à candidature pour la fonction de directeur/directrice de la Maison Française d’Oxford (UMIFRE 11, USR 3129), laboratoire interdisciplinaire de SHS qui bénéficie d’un accord de coopération avec l’université d’Oxford. Prise de fonction : 1er septembre 2020 Poste à pourvoir par un.e enseignant.e-chercheur.e ou …

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Jobs : Ghent University

Professor in EU external policies Req ID 13525 – Posted on 29/01/2020 – Professorial staff  –  100% Faculty of Political and Social Sciences Select Action Professor in Internal Medicine of Large Animal Req ID 13609 – Posted on 29/01/2020 – Professorial staff  –  100% Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Select Action Professor in Sustainable HRM and Organizational Behavior Req ID 13544 – Posted on 29/01/2020 – Professorial staff  –  100% Faculty of …

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