
ARUA Doctoral Fellowships On Mobility & Sociality In Africa’s Emerging Urban

The African Centre for Migration & Society at Wits University is seeking applications for up to three doctoral students whose work will support the African Research Universities Alliance’s (ARUA) Mobility and Sociality in Africa’s Emerging Urban research programme. With support from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, this initiative is a scholarly response to unprecedented levels of …

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Wolfsonian–FIU Fellowship Program, USA

Since its inception in 1995, our fellowship program has supported projects from a wide range of academic fields to promote scholarly research on The Wolfsonian’s collection. Fellowships are awarded for full-time research at the museum, generally for periods of 3–4 weeks. Fellows receive: A stipend Accommodations Round-trip travel The program …

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Call for applications is open until January 9th 2020 The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs. It gives opportunity to the future foreign …

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They manage to publish ridiculous studies in scientific journals

Three people succeeded in a hoax in the United States by publishing entirely invented research articles in several sociology journals, with ridiculous conclusions, in order to demonstrate, in their opinion, the lack of rigour of these journals. In total, seven of the trio’s twenty articles were accepted by journals, overcoming …

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Facebook construit des lunettes qui pourraient envoyer des amis virtuels dans votre maison

Facebook a confirmé qu’il travaillait sur une paire de lunettes de réalité augmentée. Les lunettes de science-fiction vous permettraient de voir des objets virtuels dans le monde réel – comme s’ils y étaient réellement. Ficus Kirkpatrick, responsable AR du réseau social, a déclaré à  TechCrunch : “Ouais! Bien sûr, nous y travaillons.” …

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Appel à candidatures : Bourse d’études pour un Master en informatique – Vietnam

L’Institut Francophone International (IFI), rattaché à l’Université Nationale du Vietnam -Hanoï (UNVH), lance un appel à candidatures pour le programme de bourses de sa promotion 2018-2020 du Master Informatique, option Réseaux et Systèmes communicants. (Double diplôme remis par l’Université Nationale du Vietnam à Hanoi et l’Université de Lyon 1, France). Date limite après prolongation : 15 novembre …

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China plans to send an artificial moon in 2020

The Chinese daily China Daily – under state control – reports that the country’s space industry is preparing to launch an artificial moon with the aim of replacing urban lighting at night. Moon-face-face-cache-NASACThis project was presented by New Area Science Society for the city of Chengdu. A first experimental satellite …

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The 10 best reasons to stop sugar right now

1. Sugar Slows You Down When I decided to give up sugar in my early twenties, probably the most remarkable effect and the one that stands out most in my memory was that I became the only person in the office where I worked who didn’t experience the “post-lunch coma.” …

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