
Postdoctoral Research Fellow New York Blood Center (NYBC)

Our faculty members seek highly motivated and exceptionally creative candidates to lead cutting-edge research projects in the field of blood cellular therapy, inflammation and immunology, and hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) biology. Areas of research focus include: ·        basic molecular biology and cellular mechanisms regulating multiple hematopoietic cell types with the ultimate goal …

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Position for Postdoctoral Fellow – Massachusetts General Hospital

A position for a postdoctoral research fellow is immediately available at the McCance Center for Brain Health at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in the laboratory of Dr. Christiane Wrann, located in the Charlestown Research Campus. Our lab focuses on the molecular mechanisms of the beneficial effects of …

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Schöller Fellowships

The Dr. Theo and Friedl Schöller Research Center for Business and Society at the Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg aims at contributing to responsible leadership in business and society. Based on the research focus “Creating Cohesion – Designing Change – Realizing Innovation”, the Research Center supports top-level research by creating and …

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Appel à candidatures « Label Cap Ingénieuses » : la CDEFI lance une deuxième campagne de labellisation pour promouvoir les sciences et technologies auprès des plus jeunes

En janvier 2021, la CDEFI a lancé le label Cap Ingénieuses, initiative s’inscrivant dans la continuité de l’opération phare Ingénieuses et qui vise à mettre en lumière des projets pédagogiques et ludiques déployés par des écoles d’ingénieur·e·s dans des classes d’écoles élémentaires et de collèges locaux dans un but de …

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PhD Positions in Cancer Research – Heidelberg, Germany

Le Centre allemand de recherche sur le cancer (DKFZ) à Heidelberg invite les étudiants internationaux titulaires d'un Master en biologie (moléculaire), (bio-)chimie, (bio-)physique, biologie computationnelle, informatique, épidémiologie/études de santé publique, économie de la santé et sujets connexes pour postuler au programme de doctorat international

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PhD fellowship in Environmental humanities

The University of Stavanger invites applicants for a PhD Fellowship in environmental humanities at the Faculty of Arts and Education, Department of Cultural Studies and Languages. The position is vacant from 01.04.2022. This is a trainee position that will give promising researchers an opportunity for academic development through a PhD education leading to a doctoral …

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Doctoral student in Medical Science – Biochemistry

The PhD education in Medical Science comprises carrying out a scientific project and completing at least 30 credits of courses at third-cycle level. The doctoral student must also write a scientific compilation thesis or monograph corresponding to at least 120 credits. For more information about third-cycle studies at Sahlgrenska Academy, see Project: Mitochondria …

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British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence 4-year MRes+PhD studentships

Call for Applications for PhD studentships in Cardiovascular Sciences commencing 2022-23 The King’s College London British Heart Foundation (BHF) Centre of Research Excellence offers an outstanding environment for cardiovascular research training. It includes a large number of internationally rated investigators whose expertise encompasses a broad range of cardiac and vascular …

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Jouer à la Loterie Visa de Diversité Pour Immigrer aux USA

Les candidatures sont ouvertes pour le programme de la Loterie Visa de Diversité 2023 (loterie visa). Établi par la section 203 (c) de la loi sur l’immigration et la nationalité (INA), la loterie DV ou le programme de visa de diversité a été créé pour permettre aux personnes originaires de …

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The University of Stavanger invites applicants for a Ph.D. Fellowship in Economics

The University of Stavanger invites applicants for a Ph.D. Fellowship in Economics at the UiS Business School, Department of Economics. The position is vacant from 1.1.2022. This is a trainee position that will give promising researchers an opportunity for academic development through a Ph.D. education leading to a doctoral degree. The hired candidate …

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