The Research Scholar in Photograph Conservation works in the Sherman Fairchild Center for Works on Paper and Photograph Conservation. The Research Scholar is fully integrated into the life of The Met and is given unique access to the inner workings of the Museum through a rich program of tours, roundtable discussions, and workshops.


The Research Scholar in the Department of Photograph Conservation conducts a research project based on the Museum’s resources and its collections of photographs, in addition to participating in the preventive conservation and exhibition-related activities of the Photograph Conservation lab. Successful candidates will propose focused research built around the Museum’s collections that furthers The Met’s academic mission and contributes to the field of photograph conservation. Applicants are welcome to present their own areas of study based on these criteria or to submit proposals on recent topics of interest. The proposals may include technical, analytical, and historical characterization of the methods and materials of a single artist, artistic movement, or particular time period. Collaborative and innovative approaches to conducting research and visualizing data are welcome.

Examples of past research projects include a technical and historical investigation of E. J. Bellocq’s working methods; the characterization of photographs in The Diane Arbus Archive; measurement and documentation of color change in photographs using densitometry, spectrophotometry, and micro-fading; and the application of anoxic enclosures for conservation of photographic objects, focusing on the effectiveness of these packages for long-term preservation of autochrome plates. Further information about the Department of Photograph Conservation’s research endeavors and analytical capabilities are available here.

If you have specific questions, please contact

Fellowship Period

Fellowships are for 24 months, beginning on September 1 following the application deadline.

The Research Scholar in Photograph Conservation Fellowship carries the possibility of renewal for a third year.


The Research Scholar is expected to have a graduate degree in conservation or equivalent experience and should be completely committed to the conservation of photographs as his or her area of specialization.


The stipend amount is $52,000 per year, with up to an additional $6,000 for travel (maximum of six weeks).

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