Two-year postdoctoral fellowship with a focus on Epigenetics in hematological malignancies

The Department of Medical Biosciensces welcomes applications for a full-time two-year postdoctoral fellowship in the studies of Epigenetics in hematological malignancies. In the research group, several parallel projects are underway with the overall aim of understanding the mechanisms behind tumor development and progression in leukemia and lymphoma, as well as finding new targets for therapy.

The Department of Medical Biosciensces belongs to the Faculty of Medicine at Umeå University and has approximately 100 employees who conduct research, clinical diagnostics, and teaching. The department is located in the “Translational Research Centre”, a translational research center at Umeå University with direct contact with the hospital.

Project description

The project aims to clarify interactions between epigenetic, genetic, and transcriptome changes during tumor development and progression, and to identify new treatment options based on these. The research will involve bioinformatic analyzes of large-scale data as well as functional studies and evaluation of potential treatment strategies in experimental model systems. The research results will be published in scientific journals.

Qualification requirements and other desirable requirements

To be eligible for the fellowship, applicants must hold a doctoral degree. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a strong background in at least one of the following fields in tumor biology: epigenetics; genomics or transcriptomics. Priority will be given to applicants who have completed their doctoral degree no more than five (5) years before the closing date for application. A candidate who has completed their degree before this date may be considered in the event of special circumstances. Special circumstances include leave due to illness, parental leave or clinical service, trust assignments within trade unions, or other similar circumstances.

The applicant should have documented hands-on experience in molecular biology laboratory techniques (e.g qPCR, array, sequencing) and substantial theoretical knowledge in cell and tumor biology, and knowledge about hematology is desirable. The applicant should have documented and a thorough knowledge of bioinformatic analysis of large-scale data including methylation array data, and/or RNA sequencing, and/or genomic analysis.

The successful candidate must be able to carry out independent scientific research work, comply results, and to write scientific reports and manuscripts, and positively cooperate with others. The applicant should have a track record of publishing high-quality scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals.

Fluency in written and spoken English is essential. In the selection process, emphasis will also be placed on a genuine enthusiasm for the research area and methodology, personal suitability, organizational skills, and ability to work collaboratively with other lab members, facility staff, and collaborators. Applicants with knowledge of both hematological malignancies and large-scale data analysis will be prioritized.

Postdoctoral scholarship period

The postdoctoral scholarship period is full-time and is limited to two (2) years. The start date is as soon as possible or upon agreement.

Application procedure

The application must include the following documents:

    • A personal letter describing your qualifications, research interests, and suitability for the project (max 2 pages).
    • A curriculum vitae (CV), including date for doctoral degree, technical and bioinformatic expertise, the title of your thesis, and an updated list of publications.
    • A copy of your postdoctoral degree and other relevant certificates.
    • Name and contact details for at least two reference persons.

Submit you application as a PDF to Deadline for application is no later than the 15 June 2021.

Further information

For further information about the project please contact Associate Professor Sofie Degerman, e-mail: Read more about the research at

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