MSc Internal Medicine Masters Scholarships

The University of Edinburgh’s MSc Internal Medicine will offer up to eight partial tuition fee scholarships.

Scholarhips are available for one year to support new students commencing study in the 2021-2022 academic year.


The scholarships will support tuition fees with a one-off payment of £2,500 for the 2021–2022 academic session.


Applicants should already have been offered a place on the MSc in Internal Medicine Programme and should have firmly accepted that offer or be intending to do so.

Only applicants who are domiciled and working in one of the less economically advantaged countries will be considered including:

Afghanistan Congo (Peoples Republic) Isreal Mozambique Surinam
Albania Costa Rica Ivory Coast Namibia Swaziland
Algeria Cuba Jamaica Nepal Syria
Angola Czechoslovakia Jordan Nicaragua Tanzania
Antigua and Barbuda Djibouti Kazakhstan Niger Thailand
Argentina Dominica Kenya Nigeria Togo
Armenia Dominican Republic Kiribati Oman Tonga
Azerbaijan Ecuador Korea DRY (North) Pakistan Trinidad and Tobago
Bangladesh Egypt Kyrgyzstan Papua New Guinea Tunisia
Belarus El Salvador Lao PDR Paraguay Turkey
Belize Equatorial Guinea Lebanon Peru Tuvalu
Benin Ethiopia Lesotho Philippines Uganda
Bhutan Fiji Liberia Puerto Rico Vanuatu
Bolivia [Bolivia  Plurinational State of] Gabon Libya Rwanda Venezuela
Botswana Gambia Madagascar Samoa Vietnam
Brazil Ghana Malawi Senegal Yemen
Burkina Faso Grenada Malaysia Serbia Zambia
Burma Guatemala Maldive Islands Seychelles Zimbabwe
Burundi Guinea Mali Sierra Leone
Cambodia Guyana Mauritania Solomon Islands
Cape Verde Haiti Mauritius Somalia
Cayman Islands Honduras Mexico St Helena
Chad India Moldova St Lucia
Chile Indonesia Mongolia St Vincent
Colombia Iran Montserrat St. Kitts-Nevis
Congo (Democratic Republic) Iraq Morocco Sudan


Selection is based on academic merit and the personal statement. Your personal statement should describe your current contribution to your local and/or national health care organisations and how successful participation in the Programme you will enhance your contribution to health care services in your country.

Successful applicants will be expected to:

  • work in their country’s health care service on completion of their studies
  • use their learning and skills to further enhance and develop that service
  • foster clinical and academic links between their country’s medical universities, teaching hospitals, health care organisations and research institutes and The University of Edinburgh
  • maintain high academic standards
  • commit to the university’s regulations and good academic practice
  • support the Internal Medicine student community by presenting a session at our student club on global practice
  • provide a biography to be held on our student scholarship award web-page


Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application

The scholarship deadline is 23:59 GMT 28th June 2021.

In order to gain access to the scholarship application system applicants must have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh.  Please note that, following the submission of an application for admission, it can take up to ten working days for all system checks to be completed and for access to be granted.

The online scholarship application form is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEd our web based information portal at

When logging in to MyEd, you will need your University User Name and password. If you require assistance, please go to

 Frequently Asked Questions

 Scholarships System FAQs for Applicants (504.3 KB PDF)


All applicants will be notified of the outcome by August 2021.

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