The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is the premier national agency for the formulation, promotion and conduct of biomedical research in India. The mandate and policies of the ICMR coincide with national health policies. The Council not only plans and promotes medical research in the current and emerging health problems of the country but also is expected to build a strong national cadre of skilled biomedical scientists. One of the major mandates of the Council is to augment capacity strengthening of institutions involved in both basic and clinical sciences.
The world is now witnessing a rapid change in the way biomedical research is conducted. The developing countries are in the grip of formidable challenges posed by the existing communicable diseases coupled with new emerging infections. On the positive side, rapid advances in science and technology have brought in new technologies to understand the disease process and find strategies for prevention and cure. There are areas at the cutting edge of science such as molecular medicine, genomics, immunology, which have revolutionized knowledge for finding rapid diagnostics, vaccines, new drug targets and other therapeutic measures. There is an urgent need that researchers working in the core health sectors like diagnostics, epidemiology, surveillance and cure are exposed to the latest advancements in knowledge and interact with International scientists in their respective field of work.
Considering that India has attained excellence and leadership amongst the developing countries in several areas of research especially in tropical and communicable diseases in the field of epidemiology/surveillance/diagnosis, it becomes imperative that India should take a lead in sharing and offering opportunities to scientists from developing countries to come and work in Indian institutes/laboratories.
To achieve this objective and for better south to south cooperation, the ICMR has embarked upon international fellowships for capacity building and human resource development programme for biomedical scientists working in developing countries.
Duration of Fellowships
One to six months
Number of Fellowships
Five fellowships per year
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant should be a citizen of a developing country and working in that country.
- The applicant should possess a minimum qualification of MBBS/M.Sc (life sciences).
- Age : Preferably below 45 years.
- The applicant should be employed in a regular position in a recognised University /Scientific/Health Research Institution in his/her respective country.
- The application should be forwarded by the Employer/Head of the Institution preferably through the Indian Embassy in the respective country with a statement that the candidate will be considered on duty as a full time employee of the Institution during his/her fellowship programme.
- Knowledge of spoken/written English is essential (to be certified by Indian mission abroad).
- The applicant should prepare a concrete plan of training he/she wishes to undertake in India.
Financial support
A subsistence allowance of Rs.2500/- per day.
Economy class excursion return airfare to /from host Institution.
Guidelines Governing the Fellowship
- The individual availing this Fellowship would be addressed as an ICMR International Fellow (ICMR-IF).
- Fellowship will be awarded each year with the duration ranging from one to six months depending on the training needs.
- The Fellow will be entitled to a fellowship of Rs.2500/- per day.
- Subsidized guest-house accommodation will be provided to the Fellow during his/her sanctioned period of fellowship in India for which the Fellow will make the payment.
- The Fellow will be entitled to air travel (both ways) in economy class excursion air fare.
- As far as possible the Fellow should travel by the shortest route.
- The Fellow should have the overseas health insurance cover before coming to India.
- Parent Institute shall continue to pay the salary and other benefits to the fellow candidate while he/ she is on ICMR- fellowship programme.
- The Fellow should submit a final work report on the research and training activities undertaken in the Indian laboratory/institute at the expiry of the fellowship period.
- A final report evaluating the performance of the Fellow by the Head of the institute/guide of the host institute should also be submitted.
- The fellowship should be availed within the same financial year in which it is awarded.
- ICMR will help in finding an appropriate institute for training of the overseas fellow.
- The application should preferably be routed through the Indian Missions in respective developing country.
Applications should be addressed to
Head, International Health Division,
Indian Council of Medical Research,
Ansari Nagar, Post Box-4911, New Delhi-110 029.
Tele-Fax No. 91-11- 26589492.
For details log on to
Format of Application Form
List of ICMR and some of Non-ICMR Institutions which provide training in different areas of Biomedical Research