Research Scientist Opportunities

At Bristol Myers Squibb, we are inspired by a single vision – transforming patients’ lives through science.In oncology, hematology, immunology and cardiovascular disease – and one of the most diverse and promising pipelines in the industry – each of our passionate colleagues contribute to innovations that drive meaningful change. We bring a human touch to every treatment we pioneer. Join us and make a difference.

CITRE, based in Seville, Spain, is Bristol-Myers Squibb’s research institute in Europe, and link to the European research community. Informatics & Predictive Sciences at CITRE performs innovative computational research to inform decisions across all stages of drug development. Areas of research include computational and network biology, machine/deep learning, cheminformatics, predictive modeling, patient stratification, and method development for analysis and interpretation of biological and real-world data. In close collaboration with our in-house laboratory, we look to set a new standard in rational design of novel targeted therapies for well-defined patient segments.

We are looking for enthusiastic, creative and collaborative computational scientists to join us:

• Research Scientist, Machine Learning • Research Scientist, Target Identification • Research Scientist, Computational Biology Methods • Research Scientist, Molecular Interactions • Scientific Programmer • Scientific Data Manager

More information about the individual positions can be found by clicking the apply button. Please include a cover letter with your motivation when applying.

The positions advertised are fixed-term (24 months) and based in Seville, Spain. They present a unique opportunity to experience research in an industry setting and to contribute to helping patients with unmet medical need, while performing cutting-edge research and maintaining close ties to academia.

Around the world, we are passionate about making an impact on the lives of patients with serious diseases. Empowered to apply our individual talents and diverse perspectives in an inclusive culture, our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues.

Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives.

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