
The researchers recorded their sounds. The plants screamed for help when they were exhausted

A recent study by researchers – on tomatoes, tobacco and the vertebral cactus – has shown that plants emit ultrasound when subjected to severe stress conditions In recent years, researchers have discovered that plants are able to see, hear and smell, but no one thought they could make sounds the …

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Turkey has set up the first free hot soup tap for students

In order to improve the quality of education in all areas, from primary school to university, the Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa, which has put in place concrete investments such as the renewal of educational institutions and youth centers, pursues social projects aimed at improving the quality of life of students. As …

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AIDS: researchers have first achieved HIV elimination

Researchers in the United States have successfully eradicated HIV, the virus that causes AIDS , in some infected mice. Scientists from the University of Nebraska and Temple University of Philadelphia behind this feat revealed their findings in a study published in the journal Nature  . For this study, the researchers combined two advanced technologies. They first …

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Switzerland: A 100-year-old physics mystery solved by a Tunisian

A new scientific feat has just been achieved by Tunisians shining under other skies. Wassim Dhaouadi, a young researcher of Tunisian nationality living in Switzerland, has managed to solve a 100-year-old mystery of physics. The announcement was made by the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne where he is registered Wassim Dhaouadi. …

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Berberine, a formidable and natural weapon against type 2 diabetes

The number of people with   type  2 diabetes is steadily increasing and the  International Diabetes Federation  predicts that the number of people with diabetes could increase from 285 million in 2010 to 438 million in 2030. This global increase is mainly due to the aging of the population as well as the growing evolution of obesity, …

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Top 10 most intense pain

McGill University (Canada) has established a pain scale by cross-referencing questionnaires submitted to patients. Here is the ranking of the most intense pains; they are here classified from the most tolerable to the most insupportable. 10. Trigeminal neuralgia This disease, also known as “tic pain”, is characterized by sudden and unexpected attacks of intense pain …

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9-year-old child prodigy set to graduate from college

9-year-old Laurent Simons is all set to become the youngest person to complete a graduation degree. The little genius, who is half Belgian and half Dutch, will complete his degree in electrical engineering in December from Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). According to a report by The Telegraph, Laurent has …

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No, this man is not Michael Jackson!

More than ten years have passed since the death of the pop king, Michael Jackson, but in spite of that he continues to arouse a lot of interest thanks to this double named Sergio Cortés come from Spain. Michael Jackson , international star, has never left anyone indifferent with his music …

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Diabetes. A Polynesian sponge, possible miracle cure

Her name ? Dactylospongia metachromia . A learned name, certainly, but one that could become familiar. For this Polynesian sponge, very abundant in the Tuamotu Archipelago (Tahiti), could be a miracle cure for the more than 425 million people with type 2 diabetes worldwide. The sponge is at the heart of the Redame project (Study of sponge …

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Avec plus de 550 brevets, 60 licences et 425 publications, l’Algérien Karim Zaghib remporte la plus haute distinction scientifique au Canada

Le scientifique algérien basé au Canada Karim Zgheib a reçu le prix Lionel Bollett 2019, la plus haute distinction décernée par le gouvernement de la province de Québec dans le domaine de la recherche et du développement industriels, pour sa contribution exceptionnelle au développement des batteries pendant trois décennies. Selon …

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Un Marocain remporte le “Prix mondial de l’énergie 2019”

Le chercheur marocain Khalil Amine a remporté le prix “Global Energy prize 2019”, pour ses travaux sur les batteries au lithium. Le prix lui sera remis par le Président russe Vladimir Putin. Khalil Amine a été récompensé dans la catégorie “Nouvelles méthodes d’application de l’énergie”. Dr. Amine effectue ses recherches …

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PV de délibération L1 SNV 2018-2019

PV de délibération L1 SNV 2018-2019   [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]

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Global Teacher Prize are now open!

Help us find one exceptional educator who deserves to be recognized around the world. The Global Teacher Prize is a US $1million dollar award, presented annually to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession. The Varkey Foundation established the prize in 2014, to recognise and …

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L’Université Franco-Tunisienne pour l’Afrique et la Méditerranée ouvre ses portes en octobre 2019

L’Université Franco-Tunisienne pour l’Afrique et la Méditerranée (UFTAM) ouvre ses portes à la rentrée 2019 pour offrir à des étudiants de l’Afrique Sub-saharienne autant qu’à des étudiants tunisiens, français ou méditerranéens un panel de formations d’excellence co-construites par de très grandes universités publiques françaises et tunisiennes. Annoncée conjointement par la Tunisie et …

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