
China plans to send an artificial moon in 2020

The Chinese daily China Daily – under state control – reports that the country’s space industry is preparing to launch an artificial moon with the aim of replacing urban lighting at night. Moon-face-face-cache-NASACThis project was presented by New Area Science Society for the city of Chengdu. A first experimental satellite …

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The 10 best reasons to stop sugar right now

1. Sugar Slows You Down When I decided to give up sugar in my early twenties, probably the most remarkable effect and the one that stands out most in my memory was that I became the only person in the office where I worked who didn’t experience the “post-lunch coma.” …

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Octobre rose, le mois dédié à la lutte contre le cancer du sein

Cela fait vingt-cinq ans. 25 ans qu’est née l’association «Cancer du sein parlons-en» . Objectif, mobiliser les femmes bien sûr mais aussi leur entourage. C’est d’ailleurs le slogan de cette année: «Tous concernés». La première campagne d’«Octobre Rose» est née aux États-Unis en 1993. La France s’engageait un an plus tard. …

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Vivre sans dormir: mythe ou réalité future?

Methods and conditions differ, but all animal species rest in one way or another. Standing, sitting, lying, flying, even underwater. Human beings often feel the need for it and generally suffer from the slightest reduction in their sleep quota. Total deprivation can cost him his life. Strangely, some people don’t …

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Newborn contracted fatal herpes virus from kiss, mom warns

The parents of a newborn baby who died just eight days after her May 2018 birth are warning others about the potential dangers of allowing family and friends to touch and kiss infants. Abigail Rose Friend, who said her daughter Aliza Rose was born healthy but later contracted herpes virus …

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Where was your house 600 million years ago?

If you ever wondered where your home was at the time of the Pangaea, here is the answer. As you probably know, our beautiful blue planet has not always looked as we know it today. Before our continents, there was a single one called Pangaea, a term derived from ancient …

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Bride who refused to move wedding despite cancer dies 7 months after dream nuptials

A South Carolina bride whose story of triumph went viral after she refused to move up her wedding date despite facing stage 4 cancer has died seven months after tying the knot. Laurin Bank, 30, married Michael Bank in March and spent the next few months traveling, reported. She had …

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J’ai demandé pourquoi les gens ont trompé leur partenaire et voici ce qu’ils ont dit

Avant même que la pensée ne vous traverse l’esprit, NON, nous ne tolérons aucune forme de tricherie. Nous étions simplement curieux de connaître les raisons personnelles qui poussent certaines personnes à tricher. Voici ce que nous avons appris: 1. “Je l’ai fait au début en tant que power trip.” Nous faisions partie …

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Une femme âgée de 27 ans, épouse le père de sa meilleure amie, âgé de 54 ans, et maintenant ils passent tous leurs vacances ensemble

L’agent immobilier Taylor Lehman, 27 ans, a admis qu’elle se sentait d’abord coupable de sortir avec Kern, 54 ans, en raison de son amitié avec sa fille Amanda, 30 ans. Mais cinq ans plus tard, le couple originaire de Phoenix a toujours le vent en poupe – et Taylor affirme …

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Amphibio, the artificial gills to breathe underwater

We will all soon be true “Poseidon” thanks to the research work of a Japanese engineer and artist. Its 3D printed artificial gill system would allow you to breathe underwater. The device is called Amphibio and is inspired by the respiratory system of fish. There is no need to disguise …

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The benefits of spirulina, 7 reasons to try it without flinching

Well, do not dwell too much on its taste comparable to the muddy pond scum, you could miss out on its sumptuous benefits! 1. The most nutritious food on our planet? The concentration of protein and vitamins in Spirulina has led many nutrition experts to classify it as ” the most …

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Liste des étudiants retenus en master pour l’année universitaire 2018/2019

Liste des étudiants retenus en master pour l’année universitaire 2018/2019 SNV ORAN1   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

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These alternative foods to antibiotics

Over the past few decades, the overuse of antibiotics has reached a record level. The result is drug-resistant bacteria, “superbacteria” that evolve too quickly for scientists to understand how to fight them. We have already heard about a future where bacteria are at the top of the food chain. Long …

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