
Diabetes. A Polynesian sponge, possible miracle cure

Her name ? Dactylospongia metachromia . A learned name, certainly, but one that could become familiar. For this Polynesian sponge, very abundant in the Tuamotu Archipelago (Tahiti), could be a miracle cure for the more than 425 million people with type 2 diabetes worldwide. The sponge is at the heart of the Redame project (Study of sponge …

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Internet could alter brain functions, says study

The Internet will alter specific brain regions and have an effect on our attention capability, memory processes and social interaction, a study has found. The analysis, printed within the journal World psychopathology, showed that the web will turn out each acute and sustained alterations in specific areas of noesis. Researchers, together with those from Oxford University within the U.K. and Harvard University within the U.S., investigated hypotheses on however the web could alter psychological feature processes. “The key findings of …

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The best foods for a healthy pancreas

The pancreas may be a important a part of the systema digestorium because it neutralizes and regulates acidic food through the employment of enzymes. These enzymes additionally facilitate your body to digest the proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids from the food you eat. once your exocrine gland is healthy, the sugar in your system is regulated properly and it ends up in a stronger systema digestorium. the subsequent foods will facilitate your pancreas to try to to its job …

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Farmed Salmon Is one in every of the foremost poisonous Foods within the World

Fish has forever been touted as a healthy food, however once it involves today’s farmed salmon, specialists say that description couldn’t be clear of the reality. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, “Today’s fisheries area unit long-faced with a spread of severe issues, from overfishing to chemical pollution and change from virulent exposures.” Farmed salmon has been tested to be 5 times a lot of virulent than the other food tested. In fact, Norwegian environmental activist Kurt Oddekalv claims that today’s farmed …

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Affichage dettes L2

Affichage dettes L2   Télécharger le fichier ici [embeddoc url=”” download=”none”]

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Affichage des notes de rattrapage Impact socio L1 SNV

Affichage des notes de rattrapage Impact socio L1 SNV section 1 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”] section 2 [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”] section 3 [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”] section 4 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]

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Affichage des notes de rattrapage Biologie végétale L1

Affichage des notes de rattrapage Biologie végétale L1   Section 1 [embeddoc url=”” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]   Section 2 [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”]   Section 3 [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”]   Section 4 [embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”]

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Circulaire Relative à la préinscription et à l’orientation des titulaires du baccalauréat Au titre de l’année universitaire 2019-2020

Circulaire Relative à la préinscription et à l’orientation des titulaires du baccalauréat Au titre de l’année universitaire 2019-2020   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

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