
2018 Call for Applications for Master’s Scholarship Tenable at Universities in the People’s Republic of China

2018 Call for Applications for Master’s Scholarship Tenable at Universities in the People’s Republic of China CLOSING DATE: 29th June 2018 May 07, 2018 to June 29, 2018 The Government of The People’s Republic of China has made scholarship offers to the African Union Commission, through the Department of Human Resources, Science …

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Research Fellowships at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna

IFK_Research Fellowships are intended for postdoctoral researchers who are at an early stage of their scientific careers. Qualified applications can be submitted regardless of the nationality and institutional or professional affiliation of the applicant. Austrian applicants with comparable qualifications are given preference. Length and funding: Research fellowships are awarded for …

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Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study scholarships

No restriction is placed on the country of origin, discipline, or academic affiliation when STIAS considers a fellowship invitation. It encourages the cross-pollination of ideas across cultures, academic or otherwise, and hence gives preference to projects that will tap into, and benefit from, a multi-disciplinary discourse while also contributing unique …

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Prix Line Pomaret-Lalande sur les maladies rares

La Fondation Line Pomaret-Delalande, créée sous l’égide de la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale, soutient la recherche sur les maladies rares. Elle accorde chaque année, un Prix à un étudiant pour la réalisation d’une thèse de sciences. Toutes les maladies rares sont concernées à l’exception des cancers rares. Les projets de thèse …

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Allocation de recherche post-doctorale Anthropologie des transferts culturels au LabEx TransferS, France

Dans le cadre du labex TransferS (ENS-CNRS-Collège de France), le Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale (Collège de France-CNRS-EHESS) propose une allocation de recherche post-doctorale pour l’année 2018-2019 sur le thème suivant : « L’anthropologie des transferts culturels (circulation, emprunt, assimilation, appropriation, transposition) ». Les candidats devront effectuer une recherche sur les transferts …

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Early Career Women Scientists (ECWS) Fellowships

The Early Career Women Scientists (ECWS) fellowship is a prestigious award of up to USD 50,000 offered to women who have completed their PhDs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and are employed at an academic or scientific research institute in one of the listed Science and Technology Lagging …

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Bourse postdoctorale conjointe RISQ – IUD sur la dépendance

L’équipe Recherche et intervention sur les substances psychoactives–Québec (RISQ) et l’Institut universitaire sur les dépendances (IUD) du CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal s’associent pour offrir un soutien financier de 40 000$ à un ou une chercheur(e) qui souhaiterait poursuivre des études postdoctorales sur le thème de la dépendance. Le stage postdoctoral devra être …

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