Offre d’Emploi

Misasa International Student Internship

The annual Misasa International Student Intern Program for advanced undergraduate (3rd to 4th year) and master’s students, first initiated in 2005, is designed to promote international collaborative research and education. During the intern program, each student will work on an active IPM research project under the supervision of IPM faculty …

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Appel à candidature membres scientifiques à titre étranger 2019-2020 à L’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire

Appel à candidature membres scientifiques à titre étranger 2019-2020 Lieu, service L’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire (Ifao) est un établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel placé sous la tutelle du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation. L’Ifao a pour mission principale l’étude des …

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Paid training at the European Economic and Social Commission in Brussels

Twice a year, the European Economic and Social Committee proposes five-month traineeships to university graduates who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union, as well as a number of university graduates from from third countries. These internship periods are an opportunity to become familiar with the functions …

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In cooperation with CMCC, IIASA, and the support of EAERE, the CD-LINKS project is launching a Summer School aimed at providing advanced training for young international scholars on integrated assessment models. It will take place at the Palazzo Artigianelli, Venice, Italy from 30th June to 6th July 2019. As environmental policy-making becomes increasingly informed by model simulations, it becomes …

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Summer training program for undergraduate and graduate students in Austria

The ISTernship (“IST-” + “(int)ernship“) is a summer internship program for bachelor’s and master’s students who are looking to expand their scientific research experience. Every summer since 2013, roughly 30-40 students join the ISTernship program and work closely with our faculty or a lab member on a short research project. As part …

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Working at UNITAR

As an autonomous institute within the UN Common System, UNITAR has independent authority in performing the human resources function. The staff of the Institute is appointed by the Executive Director. UNITAR staff members are members of the United Nations but they are not members of the United Nations Secretariat. Their …

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Internship at the United Nations Office in Geneva

The United Nations Information Service’s Graduate Study Programme provides an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of the United Nations System and the International Geneva through first-hand observations, lectures and study. The Graduate Study Programme is held at the United Nations Office at Geneva in early July every year. …

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Research Associate Program, CANADA

What is the program? The Research Associate Program provides promising scientists and engineers with the opportunity to work in a challenging research environment during the early stages of their career. Applicants will be selected competitively and must demonstrate the ability to perform original, high-quality research in their chosen field. Research …

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Applications are open for the YSI Innovation Program 2019 in Norway. The aim of the program is for you and your team to create a real startup that helps solve the sustainable development goals and are economically viable. Brilliant individuals are put in international teams of 3 people and will go through …

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Vacancy in UNESCO in the field of Natural Sciences – Physics

Intitulé  : RESEARCH SCIENTIST  Domaine : Sciences exactes et naturelles – Physique Numéro de poste : 1ITSC 0869TP Classe : P-3 Organisation  : NATURAL SCIENCES SECTOR Lieu principal  : IT-Trieste Recrutement ouvert à : Candidats internes et externes Catégorie de contrat : Engagement de durée définie Salaire : 79 673 USD (Annual Salary)   Clôture des candidatures : (Minuit heure de Paris) : 19 janvier 2019 RESUME DES FONCTIONS …

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That’s where you can find scholarships and other opportunities near you  the new free classified ad site near you is now available. If you are looking for a new free classified ad site near you,   can do your business . A site that brings happiness to people who want to do good business online . In fact, Buyonner is a …

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White House Internship Program

The White House Internship Program’s mission is to make the “People’s House” accessible to future leaders from around the nation. The White House Internship Program is a public service leadership program that provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. This hands-on program is designed to mentor …

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Deutsche Welle (DW) International Journalism Traineeship Program

Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany’s international broadcaster. It produces in-depth, accurate and credible content for radio, television and online in 30 languages. DW is complemented by DW Akademie – an international media development organization that fosters the right to freedom of expression and access to information in 50 countries around …

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World Bank International Finance Corporation Summer Internship Program (Paid Position)

Summer Interns are hired for a duration of four to ten weeks between May and September every year in Washington, DC or directly in one of IFC’s country or regional offices. On average, about 30-40 candidates are selected every year. As a Summer Intern, you will be assigned to an …

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Apply to be Research Associate at University of York – Heslington Campus (Salary up to £32,000/yr)

Apply to become a Research Associate at University of York – Heslington Campus. This is a rare and exciting opportunity for a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate with research experience in West Africa to contribute to a new project on Hidden Narratives of Transnational Organised Crime (TNOC) in West Africa. The …

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