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Integrated Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Tourism and Marketing Strategies

Description of the call The program will allow understanding the principles that underline the effective management of natural resources, mitigation of environmental impacts, compensation process and low-carbon tourism (low-carbon tourism destination), reuse and recycling in agribusiness, tourism diversification, agrotourism, and technological innovation for sustainable tourism. Status and dates of the …

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E-Commerce: an opportunity to reinvent the economy

Description of the call This virtual course will share Singapore’s e-commerce regulatory frameworks, policies and initiatives. Status and dates of the call Call status: OPEN Opening: August 4, 2021 Closing: August 23, 2021 National Scholarship Commission: August 26, 2021 Table of generalities Country: Singapore Study area: Administration Offerer Government of …

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Rankings: Top 10 Universities in the UK for 2021/2022

The United Kingdom is famous for its universities: Every year, British institutions dominate the top places in international rankings. The best universities in the UK are also among the very best in the world: The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge usually secure the foremost ranks, regularly followed …

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Tempus Public Foundation / Hungarian National CEEPUS Office offers CEEPUS Freemover mobility scholarships for incoming university students and teachers from CEEPUS member countries in the winter semester (1 September 2021 – 31 January 2022) of the Academic Year 2021/2022. Applications are accepted only from the CEEPUS member countries: Albania, Austria, …

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Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme

As you may know, the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme was launched in the autumn of 2020. The program was established for those who live in a Hungarian diaspora in any country outside of the European Union, the Republic of Serbia or the Zakarpattia Oblast of Ukraine. The scholarship aims to …

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Poland My First Choice Scholarship Program (Poland Government Scholarships for Master’s Students)

A Master’s degree at Polish universities for young, talented, and purpose-driven individuals from foreign countries is the main purpose of this Poland Government Scholarship. The students are given a wide array of universities and courses to choose from while enjoying Poland’s temperate climate. Amount of scholarship grant for Poland My …

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Call For Applications : African Union Commission And the United States Department of Agriculture Scientific Exchanges Program

Program Description  Application Deadline: October 10, 2021 Background: The African Union Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Policy Framework aims to facilitate harmonization of AU Member States’ SPS policy priorities of SPS systems in Africa. The policy framework addresses diverse and intersecting needs with the objective to; establish harmonized science-based SPS systems; …

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