Call for the recruitment of excellent researchers 2024

Posted 5 months ago

AIM OF THE CALL. The Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida – Fundació Dr. Pifarré (IRBLleida) opens a call aimed at attracting researchers in the field of biomedical sciences with an outstanding scientific record and leadership that want to continue their scientific career in our institute holding an ICREA Senior Researcher position ( The candidate must have a solid scientific trajectory and international experience in the pre-doctoral and/or post-doctoral period. The research of the candidates must be aligned with IRBLleida’s scientific programs and strategic objectives. Ideally, their expertise and field of research should generate new synergies with the ongoing research lines at IRBLleida.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. Researchers wishing to apply to a forthcoming ICREA 2024 Senior Researcher position ( or already holding an ICREA Senior position and wanting to continue their career at IRBLleida can apply to this call. The candidates must have a PhD degree obtained preferably before 2019, with relevant multinational exposure. Candidates in an expansive phase of their academic career, with an outstanding research record and leadership are encouraged to apply. Applications from women are especially welcome.

EVALUATION PROCESS. The evaluation process will consist of two phases and will be carried out by a Scientific Strategy Committee composed of the Director and Deputy Director of IRBLleida and at least three members of the Institute’s external Scientific Advisory Board (eSAB). The evaluations will be based on the excellence of the research record, the research plan for the next five years, the strategic added value of the research carried out by the candidates and, when necessary, personal interviews with the candidates. Stage 1: Candidates who want to apply for an ICREA Senior Researcher position ( to continue their research at IRBLleida will be evaluated and ranked by the Scientific Strategy Committee. Selected candidates will receive a letter of ‘Expression of Interest (EOI)’ from IRBLleida as the host institute for their ICREA Senior Researcher application ( before the 5th of March. The candidates must then complete the ICREA application procedure as described in their web site:

Stage 2: Only applicants that have a ICREA Senior Researcher position, obtained in the ICREA 2024 call or earlier ICREA calls, can proceed to the second stage of the current IRBLleida call. In this second stage of the evaluation, candidates will be evaluated and ranked by the Scientific Strategy Committee. The final appointment will be ratified by the Board of Trustees of IRBLleida based on the evaluation reports of the Scientific Strategy Committee, and the appointed candidate will be offered a start-up package to join IRBLleida (see below).

The principles of impartiality, absence of conflict of interest, objectivity and scientific rigor shall be observed during the evaluation process. All interviews will be governed by the OMT-R (Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment) principles of the Institute’s Recruitment and Selection policy established by the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code). Candidates will be duly informed of the progress of their application after each phase of the process. Possible claims and allegations received within one week after each phase will be considered by the Scientific Strategy Committee, that will prepare the appropriate response, which will not be open to any further appeals.

STARTUP PACKAGE AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE POSITION. The successful candidate will be offered a start-up package to carry out her/his research at IRBLleida: Startup package. For the first three years, the successful candidate will be offered a startup package.

Startup funds: a maximum of 450.000€ in three years (i.e., 150.000€ per year) to cover costs of equipment, reagents and staff.

Space: sufficient lab and office space to start the research activity will be made available.

Salary top-up: in addition to the standard salary of the ICREA Senior Researcher position a top-up of up to 10.000€/year will be offered.

Stable package. After the first 3 years, researchers will receive a maximum of 50.000€ per year for staff, equipment or reagent costs.

Salary top-up: in addition to the standard salary of the ICREA Senior Researcher position a top-up of up to 10.000€/year will be offered.

The research progress of successful candidates will be evaluated by an external evaluation committee after the first three years and then every five years, and the ‘stable package’ maintained while the evaluations are positive and the ICREA Senior Researcher position is kept.

After final award decision and notification, the successful candidate must accept the position within 15 calendar days by sending an email to If the position in not accepted, it can be offered to the next ranked candidate.

The position can be left vacant if no candidates are found to be suitable after the evaluation process is completed.

APPLICATIONSCandidates that want to continue their career at IRBLleida after applying for an ICREA Senior Researcher position in the 2024 call ( should send in their application to the current IRBLleida call before the 25st of February to undergo Stage 1 of the evaluation process. Candidates already holding an ICREA position and that want to continue their research at IRBLleida should send in their application before the final award decision of the 2024 ICREA Senior Researcher call, to join Stage 2 of the evaluation process. All applicants must provide the following documentation by sending an email to with the following subject: “OUTSTANDING RESEARCHERS CALL – Name of candidate”:

A standardised Curriculum Vitae (CVA), ideally generated using the FECYT online tool: A research statement containing a summary of past achievements, including the main publications, training and technology transfer activity, and a research plan for the next 5 years describing the different research lines and ongoing competitive projects. Maximum of 5 pages. A description of how the new group will complement and synergize with the research programs at IRBLleida, existing or planned collaborations with IRBLleida groups as well as the specific needs in terms of space, human resources, scientific equipment or core facilities. Maximum of 2 pages. Two letters of support.

PERSONAL DATA. By submitting their application, candidates agree to become part of the IRBLleida’s record and files with the aim to manage, and process, both the assessment, granting, awarding, payment and monitoring of the grant, according to the present call. The data provided will be processed in a lawful, fair, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, accurate and up-to-date manner, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December (LOPDGDD). The legal basis for the processing of data is the fulfilment of a legal obligation on the part of the controller reinforced with the consent of the data subject. This data must be kept for the period of time strictly necessary to fulfil the aforementioned purpose, respecting in all cases the period determined by these rules and regulations governing the call for applications and the applicable archiving regulations.

Certain data may also be communicated to third parties in the public or private sphere, either because the intervention of these entities in the course of the aid management process may be necessary, or because it is provided for in a regulation with the status of law.

As long as the interested party does not communicate otherwise, it will be understood that their details have not been modified and that they undertake to notify the IRBLleida of any variation.

Applicants may exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, suppression, opposition to the processing of their data or exercise their right to portability by writing to IRBLleida (Avda. Rovira Roure, 80, 25198 Lleida), to the e-mail address or to the IRBLleida’s Data Protection Delegate,

You must attach a photocopy of your ID card or sign the e-mail with a recognized electronic signature.

In the event of disagreement with the processing, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Catalan Data Protection Authority.

Information clause on the processing of personal data

Responsible party: Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida Fundació Dr. Pifarré (IRBLleida).

Purpose: Management of the call for the recruitment of outstanding researchers.

Legitimation: The legal basis of the processing is the carrying out of a call to recruit an outstanding researcher.

Addressees: The data will not be transferred to third parties, except in the legal obligations established by law. Certain data may be communicated to public or private third parties, if this is necessary for the management of the grant.

Rights: Access, rectification and deletion of data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.

Additional information: You can consult additional and detailed information on Data Protection on our website

RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. Rights and obligations of the beneficiary of the contract are:

Guarantee the truthfulness of the data provided in their application and accept that any negligent or guilty falseness in them will lead to the exclusion of the candidacy from the selection process. To authorise IRBLleida to use personal data for the purposes of managing and monitoring the Grant. In the event that the candidate is finally chosen, he or she can accept or reject the grant within the period established in the call. If the person accepts the given grant and joins the IRBLleida: To be entitled to receive the salary top-up applicable to the contract as established in the present call. To be considered IRBLleida’s researcher for all intents and purposes. To use the common facilities, services and equipment of the IRBLleida under the same conditions as IRBLleida staff, maintaining at all times the employment relationship with ICREA. To participate in all IRBLleida activities in accordance with its internal regulations, or any other regulations or directives from the management, as a result of their researcher condition. The ownership of those patents and utility models and any other industrial and/or intellectual property rights obtained through the research work carried out by the beneficiary will correspond to the Institute. Nevertheless, the researcher may enjoy the copyright and property rights derived from his/her research activity as established by both the IRBLleida in force regulations and current legislation. The beneficiary of the grant will specifically agree to comply with IRBLleida regulations, in particular with those matters regarding data protection, professional ethics, public procurement and, in general, on any other relevant aspect related to the Institute. Participation in this call for the recruitment of outstanding researchers implies the full acceptance of the regulatory bases. IRBLleida’s rights and obligations are:

To comply with the rules of the present call. To comply with the corresponding legal obligations regarding Occupational Risk Prevention, facilitating the coordination of preventive activities. To offer the researcher those IRBLleida’s own services, according to the Institute’s internal regulations. To inform the researcher of all applicable regulations. To allow the researcher’s participation in those IRBLleida bodies and commissions that result from applying its own regulations. To take into account the principle of equality between men and women, in accordance with Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March, for the effective equality of women and men. To consider the principle to equal opportunities and treatment, as well as the real and effective exercise of rights by people with disabilities on equal terms with other citizens, through the promotion of personal autonomy, universal accessibility, access to employment, inclusion in the community and independent living and the eradication of any form of discrimination, in accordance with articles 9.2, 10, 14 and 49 of the Spanish Constitution and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the international treaties and agreements ratified by Spain, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of 29 November.

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Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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