Professorship for Embedded_Real-Systems – Cologne, Germany

Posted 1 year ago

The TH Köln is among the most innovative Universities of Applied Sciences. We offer 27,000 students and 1,000 scientists and researchers from Germany, Europe, and across the world an inspiring learning, research and working environment in engineering, the humanities, social and natural sciences. TH Köln stands for social innovation – with this approach, we meet current and future challenges of society. Our interdisciplinary thinking and acting and our local, national, and international activities make us an appreciated and valued partner for cooperation.

Professorship for Embedded Real-Time SystemsW 2 | unlimited | full time | Faculty of Information, Media and Electrical Engineering | Campus Deutz

Your area of work
In teaching, the successful candidate represent the area of embedded real-time systems in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the faculty (they are responsible for the bachelor’s as well as master’s degree programs of the faculty). The successful candidate hold lectures in German and English. With their research activities, the candidate strengthen the profile of the faculty and actively attract third-party funding. You actively participate and take on responsibility in self-administration.

Your profile
The successful candidate has a university degree, preferably in electrical engineering or a comparable field of study, and a doctorate. You have at least five years of relevant professional experience, of which at least three years outside of academia/ the university context are highly desirable. In the absence of professional experience, additional  academic achievements may be recognized. Ideally, the successful candidate has already gained experience in teaching. The successful candidate has the ability to align your own thinking and actions with the long-term goals of the university as well as the ability to reliably develop solutions in an interdisciplinary and cooperative manner.

We foster a culture of empowerment and cooperation. International science standards, gender equality and inclusion are the guiding principles of our human resources development. We are committed to providing equal opportunities and seek to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Thus, applications from women are given priority in case of equal suitability, qualification and professional expertise in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz). Disabled persons and persons with comparable status are also given preference in case of equal suitability.Further information regarding the job profile, appointment process and application is available HERE.

Your contact person for questions regarding your subject:
Prof. Dr. Harald Elders-Boll
T: +49 221-8275-2448

We look forward to receiving your application!
Application deadline: Sep 26, 2023

Your contact person for questions about the procedure:
Christiane Schnuer
T: + 49 221 8275 3508

Job Features

Job CategoryTeaching and scientific research

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