Tobacco Control Strategic Grants Program (Round 34)

Posted 1 year ago

Round 34 is a STRATEGIC Grant Round – applicants from our priority countries can apply.

Please read through the Call for Proposals and the guidance information before submitting a Project Idea. Please check you are from an eligible country for the Strategic Grant Round:

  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Brazil
  • Ukraine
  • Mexico

Applicants from Africa are encouraged to submit a brief inquiry with their name, email address and telephone number to the following email box:

For applicants interested in proposing a short-term project up to 6 months long that focuses primarily on identifying, exposing, and countering tobacco industry activity that undermines tobacco control measures, please consider applying for a Tobacco Industry Interference Grant.   For more information about Tobacco Industry Interference Grants visit and download the application packet at  For applicants that wish to include countering tobacco industry interference within a longer-term, policy-focused project, please apply to Round 34 as below.

For applicants interested in proposing a project that focuses on high-impact population level interventions that address one or multiple aspect of evidence-based cessation services, please consider applying for a Cessation Grant. These targeted grants are supported by the Bloomberg Initiative To Reduce Tobacco Use grants program. For more information about the cessation grants or to ask specific questions, please consider attending the upcoming information session. Register here. To download the application packet please visit

Applying with Fluxx

We use an application system called ‘Fluxx’ to process project ideas. You will be required to have an account on Fluxx in order to submit an application, even if you have submitted an application to the Grants Program before.

If you have previously registered within Fluxx, you will not be required to re-register. Simply login with your username and password to submit your project idea application.

Please allow at least 2 working days before submitting your application to register as all registrations need to be reviewed and processed by our administrative staff. If you plan to submit an application and have not yet registered, we encourage you to start this registration process as early as possible. For further assistance, please review the “guidance” section below on how to register and/or submit an application through Fluxx.  

Resources for Round 34

Call for Proposals in 5 languages

Call for Proposals (English pdf)

نداء لتقديم الاقتراحات (Arabic pdf)

 (Chinese pdf)

Appel à Propositions (French pdf)

Invitación Para Presentar Propuestas (Spanish pdf)


  • Getting Started: a step by step guide to submitting a project idea (pdf 112 Kb)
  • Fluxx Video Tutorial
  • Considerations of an effective proposal (pdf 85 Kb)
  • Budget Example for Project Ideas (xls 19Kb)

Application form template

  • Project Idea form (word 93KB) (for offline drafting only, please submit using online form)

Country 2023 Policy Focus
  1. Support national and subnational FCTC-compliant smoke-free policies
  2. Advocate for effective tax and price measures for tobacco products
  3. Raise tobacco control profile and work towards achieving sustainability
  1. Support effective tax and price measures for tobacco products with an emphasis on bidis
  2. Advocate for FCTC-compliant COTPA amendment at the national       and subnational levels
  3. Support effective, comprehensive, FCTC-compliant implementation of TAPS and/or smoke-free policies
  4. Counter industry interference and/or support passage and implementation of Article 5.3*

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.

  1. Increase tax and price of tobacco products
  2. Support passage and advocate for effective implementation of smoke-free and/or TAPS laws
  3. Support passage of larger FCTC-compliant pictorial health warnings
  4. Counter industry interference and/or support passage and implementation of Article 5.3.*

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.

  1. Increase tax and price of tobacco products
  2. Advocate for FCTC-compliant law amendment at the national level
  3. Support effective, comprehensive implementation of TAPS and/or smoke-free policies
  4. Support adoption of FCTC-complaint larger pictorial health warnings
  5. Counter industry interference and/or support passage of country specific Article 5.3 policy.*
  6. Advocate for effective regulation of new products

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.

  1. Increase tax and price of tobacco products
  2. Support adoption of FCTC-complaint larger pictorial health warnings
  3. Establish sustainable funding and/or implementation mechanism for tobacco control
  4. Support the effective, comprehensive, FCTC-compliant implementation of TAPS and smoke-free at the city and/or province level
  5. Advocate for effective regulation of new products
  1. Increase tax and price of tobacco products
  2. Advocate for implementation of smoke-free and TAPS law
  3. Counter industry interference

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.    

  1. Support passage and implementation of tobacco tax increases
  2. Advocate for implementation of local and national smoke-free laws
  3. Counter industry interference and support passage of law removing industry from IAC-T (amendment of RA 9211) and implementation of existing Article 5.3 policy (JMC).*
  4. Support adoption of FCTC-complaint larger pictorial health warnings

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.

  1. Increase tax and price of tobacco products
  2. Support the maintenance of the ban on electronic smoking devices (ENDS and HTPs).
  3. Support the litigation seeking recovery of health care cost from tobacco industry
  4. Monitor TI interference/Conflict of interest/Implementation of Art 5.3 throughout Brazilian government
  5. Support passage and effective implementation of more comprehensive TAPS policies
  6. Support strengthening of packaging and labeling policies

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.

  1. Support and maintain the gains from the tobacco control act and regulations that include the smoke-free law and the comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship (TAPS) including the sale of electronic cigarettes
  2. Increase tax and price of tobacco products
  3. Support strengthening of packaging and labeling policies
  4. Counter industry interference and/or support passage and implementation of Article 5.3.*
  5. Support the maintenance of the ban on exportation and importation on electronic cigarettes and HTPs

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.

  1. Support effective implementation of the new tobacco control law and relevant regulations.
  2. Advocate for adoption of a point-of-sale ban
  3. Increase tax and price of tobacco products
  4. Counter industry interference and/or support passage and implementation of Article 5.3.*

*Note, this must be combined with reference to support for MPOWER policies listed above.

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