The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Primate Research Center is looking for a highly motivated scientist

The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Primate Research Center is looking for a highly motivated scientist who wants to enter a postdoctoral training in novel iPSC-based technologies for immunotherapies. The overall goal of the project is to generate CAR-expressing universal type iPSCs and develop technologies for immunotherapies for cancer and AIDS and bone marrow transplantation.

Requirements: Ph.D. in biology or other biomedical science (preferably cell biology, hematopoiesis, molecular biology, immunotherapy, stem cells or related field). This individual should have a strong background designing and conducting cell culture and molecular biological experiments as well as considerable experience with basic techniques such as in vivo engraftment and tumor killing assay, flow cytometry, immunostaining, RT-qPCR, Western blot, cell sorting and genetic engineering.

Specific duties include cell culture, iPSC and HSC transfection and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, conditional gene expression, molecular cloning, hematopoietic differentiation of pluripotent stem cells, in vivo engraftment and tumor regression assays, collaboration with bioinformatician on RNAseq and ChIPseq data analysis.

Creativity, initiative, and persistence will be essential characteristics for the successful candidate. Additionally, we are looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated individuals who thrive in a fast-paced and challenging research environment and can multitask and interact well with others as part of a cohesive team.

University of Wisconsin is the world leader in stem cell biology and elite center for learning and research. You will have opportunity to work on cutting edge research and network with internationally renowned scientist within Wisconsin Stem Cell Program. The principal investigator is affiliated with University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center, Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC) and Morgridge Institute for Research and co-directs Precision Medicine and Genomics core at WNPRC.

English speaking and writing skills are essential as well as a track record of peer reviewed publications. Applications, accompanied by a letter of intent expressing your interest in the position, curriculum vitae, and list of three references should be sent to Dr. Igor Slukvin

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