Destination Australia open for applications

The first round of the Destination Australia Program is now open for applications from tertiary education providers. Please note students cannot apply for scholarships at this stage.

The aim of the Destination Australia Program is to attract and support international and domestic students to study in regional Australia, to grow and develop regional Australian tertiary education providers and offer students a high quality learning experience.

The Destination Australia Program was announced as part of the Planning for Australia’s Future Population on 20 March 2019. The program will:

  • enhance regional and remote Australian education institutions through promoting activities that contribute to growth and sustainability
  • offer students from Australia and overseas the opportunity to undertake high quality education, training and research in, and to experience regional and remote Australia and
  • ensure regions share in the benefits of our $35 billion international education sector.

How do I apply?

Tertiary education providers will need to apply through a competitive grants process. The Community Grants Hub is administering the Destination Australia 2020 grant round. The application form is an online form and must be submitted electronically.

Apply for the Destination Australia Program

How do students apply for a scholarship?

Students will not be able to directly apply to the Department of Education for a scholarship.

Students will only be able to apply for a scholarship directly with a successful tertiary education provider once the outcomes of the 2020 funding round are known later in 2019. A list of the successful tertiary education providers will be published on the Department of Education website at that time.

What is the closing date for applications?

The application form must be submitted by 11.00pm AEST on Thursday 12 September 2019.

Which tertiary education providers can apply to administer Destination Australia scholarships?

Tertiary education providers with a campus located in regional Australia will be eligible to apply for scholarships for students studying at their regional campus.

What is the definition of regional used for the Destination Australia program?

For the purposes of the Destination Australia Program, a regional location is classified as any area outside of Major Cities of Australia, in line with the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Australian Statistical Geography Standard Remoteness Structure.

Where can I find further information?

Further information is available from the Community Grants Hub.

Enquiries can be directed to or

Destination Australia Guidelines

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