Swiss foundations/associations and universities foundations which offers scholarship to students

Orlando Lauti Foundation

The Orlando Lauti Foundation offers support grants to Master students in the Architecture or Civil Engineering ProgrammesPreference will be given to Swiss or Italian nationals. The student has to prove that he spent at least one year at EPFL and passed the exams with success.


  • To have completed, at least, one year at EPFL

Application files should include the following documents:

  • CV including family situation and career plan
  • Grades from preparatory year or Bachelor exam
  • Recommendations from two EPFL professors
  • Budget for the given academic year including supporting evidence for the applicant’s economic circumstances (own or parents’ tax return, bank statements, etc.)
  • Full statement of existing financial help to the applicant, including supporting evidence
  • Signed written statement certifying the accuracy and completeness of the application

Deadline for applications to the Student Affairs department: 15 May of each year

Orlando Lauti Foundation / SAE
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Charles Rapin grant

This fund provides financial support to an EPFL Master student from a developing country. The student has to prove that he spent at least one year at EPFL and passed the exams with success.


  • To have completed, at least, one year at EPFL

Application files should include the following documents:

  • CV including family situation and career plan
  • Grades from preparatory year or Bachelor exam
  • Budget for the given academic year including supporting evidence for the applicant’s economic circumstances (tax return, bank statements, etc.)
  • Full statement of existing financial help to the applicant, including supporting evidence
  • Signed written statement certifying the accuracy and completeness of the application

Foundation website (in French only)

Deadline for applications to the Student Affairs department: 15 February and 15 May of each year

Charles Rapin Fund / SAE
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Luce Grivat Foundation

The Luce Grivat Foundation offers support grants to Bachelor and Master students in the Environmental Science and Engineering Programme, each year and for a 10-year period.


  • To have completed, at least, one year at EPFL

Application should include the following documents:

  • Application form
  • Motivation letter including career plan
  • Grades from preparatory year or Bachelor course
  • Budget for the given academic year including supporting evidence for the applicant’s economic circumstances: own or parents’ tax return (1 or 2 according to their marital status), bank statements (6 months), lease etc.
  • Full statement of existing financial help to the applicant, including supporting evidence
  • Passeport photo
  • Signed written statement certifying the accuracy and completeness of the application

Deadline for applications (on paper, no email possible) to the Student Affairs department: 15 May of each year 

Luce Grivat Foundation / SAE
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Zdenek and Michaela Bakala Foundation

The Zdenek et Michaela Bakala Fondation, Geneva is granting scholarships to students and research fellows to give them an opportunity to study at top-ranked universities in the United-States, the United Kingdom  such as Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, Yale among others (this enumeration not being limitative or exhaustive).

The program is available to students or research fellows from different Swiss universities (from french-part and german part).

Students or research fellows with the highest academic merits but without the required financial resources to study at the foreign institution are eligible for the scholarships.

The scholarships seek to support students or research fellows in their academic careers, covering tuition fees as well as living expenses if required. The annual budget of CHF 200’000.- will be divided in 5 to 10 scholarships, in different amounts according to the needs and the type of studies.

The scholarships will cover studies in the foreign university in the following areas:

  • a complete Master diploma
  • one or more semesters during a Swiss Master
  • a Doctorate
  • one or more semesters during a Swiss Doctorate


  • academic excellence
  • financial needs
  • admission or pre-admission at the foreign university (must be provided at the latest for the interview)
  • registration at the Swiss university (minimum during the 3 last years)
  • most preferably resident in Switzerland during the last 5 years (for tax reasons)


The appropriate FZMB Scholarship Application (electronically field) with all annexes completed, dated and signed must be sent by post directly to the university where the student or research fellow is registered within the indicated deadlines (no direct applications to the Foundation):

Zdenek et Michaela Bakala Fondation / SAE
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Deadlines and selection procedure

  • Application: 1 March 2018
  • Pre-selection  by a Selection Committee of the Swiss university composed of professor(s) from the student/research fellow’s field of study and representatives of the Mobility Departments.
  • Interview: 7 May 2018. In Geneva and in English
  • Final decision: 15 June 2018.

Vahabzadeh Foundation

Vahabzadeh Foundation provides grants and loans to students and also to EPFL students. Applicants must be Iranian or Swiss whose cantons of origin is in the French part of Switzerland. The Foundation also awards grants for academic publications and for stays abroad.


  • Age: between 16 and 35 years
  • Iranian or Swiss whose cantons of origin is in the French part of Switzerland
  • Bachelor or master student at EPFL
  • To have completed, at least, one semester at EPFL

Useful information

  • Scholarships are given depending on the budget, extensions are given during the studies at EPFL
  • Punctual scholarships for stays abroad of minimum one semester (exchange semester or master project)

Application files should include the following documents:

  • Motivation letter
  • Copy of the passport/ID
  • Copy of the residence permit (if existing)
  • CV including family situation and career plan
  • Grades from preparatory year or Bachelor exam
  • Budget for the given academic year including supporting evidence for the applicant’s economic circumstances as well as from his parents (tax return, bank statements, etc.)
  • Full statement of existing financial help to the applicant, including supporting evidence
  • Signed written statement certifying the accuracy and completeness of the application

Deadline for applications to the Student Affairs department: 1 Mars and 1 October of each year

Vahabzadeh Fund / SAE
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Giveka Foundation

The Giveka Foundation offers scholarships to Swiss or French studentswhich are disabled due to an illness or an accident and who need help to go back to studies or to complete their studies.

Scholarship applications must be done with this form.

Giveka foundation / SAE
Station 16
1015 Lausanne

Erna hamburger grant

The Erna Hamburger Foundation offers support grants to women with a Master’s degree following a continuing education course or their last PhD year at EPFL or Lausanne University. These grants are open to both Swiss and foreign nationals.

Deadline for applications to the Foundation31 March of each year

Foundation ACUBE of A3-EPFL

The ACUBE Foundation of the Alumni Association A3-EPFL grants loans to members of the Association wishing to broaden their education and professional experience. Support is usually granted in the form of a interest-free loan repayable within 3 to 5 years (max. CHF 20,000).

Applications can be submitted throughout the year.

More Information available on the Site of the Association

Berrow grant (Lincoln College Oxford, UK)

Postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford (Lincoln College), in all disciplines. These are available to graduates of French-speaking Swiss universities and EPFL who are Swiss or Liechtenstein nationals. Sound knowledge of both spoken and written English is required.

Information available on their website.

Application deadline: 20 January of each year

Swiss Study Foundation

The Swiss Study Foundation promotes inquisitiveness, motivation and responsibility.

Since 1991 the Swiss Study Foundation supports excellent students at universities and technical colleges who due to their personality, creativity and intellectual skills are in a position to contribute to science, business, culture and politics. The Foundation offers them learning opportunities complementary to their studies, an individual mentoring and guidance scheme as well as financial support.

For more information please consult:

Bono Pro association

The bono pro association supports deserving students who could otherwise no attend tertiary education in Switzerland. The support is financial (honor loan) and practical (coaching). In exchange, beneficiaries are expected to sponsor a student when they are in a position to do so.

To apply, candidates must:

  • Have successfully completed their 1st year of university studies
  • Write a motivation letter
  • Attach a detailed budget
  • Be in a position to demonstrate they have “exhausted” traditional scholarships demands

Beyond the formal conditions, members of the association attach great importance to supporting deserving students – a criteria not exclusively based on academic results.

More information at on their website or get in touch with

WISH Foundation

To encourage female graduates of EPFL to develop professional careers, WISH offers assistance targeted at the real obstacles which they will encounter after their studies.

Personalised financial assistance to pursue studies or training (grants), to publish (help with costs), to get themselves known (travel grants), to reconcile the demands of career and family (help with child care costs).

More information on their website

Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation

The Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation supports, encourages and develops top research in the fields of engineering and environmental sciences as well as of medieval languages and literature.

The ZKS-Foundation realizes its aim principally by subsidizing research projects, by granting subsidies and scholarships to researchers and academics of any nationality who devote themselves to afore-mentioned fields of research.

The ZKS-Foundation also proceeds by granting prizes or other rewards for new and important research work in said domains.

The ZKS-Foundation can also make donations to universities of all countries for their needs in research equipment as well as support conferences and other scientific meetings.

The ZKS-Foundation is managed by a Foundation Council which consists of five members one of whom is the Founder; the other four members being two representatives of the Université de Genève and two other of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL. The Foundation Council has all necessary decisional powers to ensure the finalization of the Foundation’s purposes. It can, nevertheless, call on external specialists.

More information on their website

Charles-Edouard Guillaume Foundation

Charles-Edouard Guillaume Foundation inform us that they are delivering social scholarship for students in microengineering.

More information on this document.

Please contact the Foundation to get the application form.

Fondation Charles-Edouard Guillaume
Monsieur F. Matile
c/o Convention patronale de l’industrie horlogère suisse
Avenue Léopold Robert 65
2301 La Chaux-de-Fonds
e-mail :
Tél: +41 (0)32 910 03 83
Fax: +41 (0)32 910 03 84

Deadline for applications: 30 June and 31 December of each year.

Heinrich J. Klein Foundation

The Heinrich J. Klein foundation wants to support international scientific exchange by providing scholarships to students who want to pursue their studies abroad.

Requirements and documents for the application are available on this page.

Deadline for applications: 31 May

Bourses Fondation politique et science

Available in French only

Hasler Foundation

Within the Foundation’s area of funding, the Hasler Foundation is able to give grants to students who are permanently resident in Switzerland. However, a grant is only awarded where above-average results can be expected and only in special cases where state grants are not available.

More information on this website.

Deadline for applications: any time

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