Erasmus Mundus Excellence Grant (EMJMD) coordinated by IMT Atlantique in Safe and Reliable Nuclear Applications (SARENA)

The Erasmus Mundus SARENA aims to develop scientific, technical and managerial skills allowing engineers to work in all fields related to nuclear energy and its applications, and with a strong international culture, thus enabling students from around the world whole to join the program. This is a fully English-language program, which covers a wide range of nuclear applications, including the design and operation of nuclear power plants, and addresses the important issue of the safe management of radioactive waste, decommissioning and decommissioning of facilities, which is a prerequisite for sustainability.

SARENA’s Erasmus Mundus program offers two study tracks:

– Radioactive Waste Management & Decommissioning(RWMD)

– Nuclear Reactor Operation and Safety (NROS)

The program, which includes two tracks, is made up of 3 complementary semesters and one semester of an industrial or research project with a master’s thesis:

1. basic general education in nuclear science and engineering in semester 1 (semester common to both courses) at IMT Atlantique (France) in addition to a management module and project management, organizational theory, organizational safety factors and management of technology in the nuclear field, thus offering a complete training taking into account technical and management aspects.

2. pre-specialization teaching in semester 2, either at UPM (Spain) (track RWMD) or at LUT (Finland) (NROS).

3. specialization in semester 3, radioactive waste management and dismantling at IMT Atlantique (RWMD) or operation and safety of nuclear reactors at UL (Slovenia) (NROS).


The amount of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship varies from 35,000 to 48,000 euros.

The scholarship covers:

– Scholarship fees

– Travel and installation costs (fixed amount)

– Monthly allowance (1,000 € / month)


The Erasmus Mundus scholarship is granted for the duration of the program, i.e. two years.


European Union



No age limit.



A few scholarships are reserved for a series of target countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Cambodia, Egypt, Georgia, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Moldova, Mongolia , Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine and Vietnam.


Chemistry; Physical; Engineering Sciences




The program is aimed especially at students graduating from a Bachelor or Master in nuclear engineering, nuclear physics, energy engineering.


All courses in the SARENA Master program are taught in the English language, students whose first language is not English must demonstrate a very high level of proficiency in English by providing one of the following language certificates:

TOEFL 550 (on paper), 200 (on computer) or 80 (on the internet);

IELTS grade 6.0;

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English grade B2.

TOEIC : 605





Online application platform for the Erasmus Mundus SARENA program


05 March 2022


Here is the list of information / documents to provide to complete the application:

– The duly completed SARENA application form (this form is produced automatically by the application website on the basis of the information you enter).

– A complete curriculum vitae in English (use of the Europass template is strongly recommended).

– A copy of your transcripts, with translation into English (carried out by your educational establishment or by an official institution).

– A copy of your diplomas, with translation into English (carried out by your educational establishment or by an official institution).

– 2 letters of recommendation in English (including at least one from an academic advisor).

– A summary cover letter in English to present your professional project and your motivation to join the program (1 page.).

– Certificate of English (eg TOEFL, IELTS, see specific minimum requirements in the previous subject).

– Copy of passport information page (must include passport number, your name and photo) or copy of your ID card.

– 1 recent photo


Admission to the Erasmus Mundus SARENA is the responsibility of the admissions committee made up of representatives of the consortium partners. The admissions committee reviews the applications and establishes the priority list for Erasmus Mundus scholarships.

The admission criteria are as follows:

– Academic excellence: Academic background, Bachelor / Master grades and ranking, quality of the home university.

– Professional / academic experience, extra-curricular activities.

– Professional objectives

– Motivation for an intercultural experience, interest in European countries and cultures.

– Language skills: English (high priority), Spanish, French, Finnish or Slovenian (second priority), other European language (small bonus)

– Letters of recommendation: quality of referees, quality of letters, content related to the SARENA Master.

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