Scholarship in Europe

Research Grants for art historians from Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, Latin America and South East Asia

The Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) in Paris is a public research institute and a public research library specifically dedicated to art history. For 2020, the INHA launches its call for three 3-months grants for art historians from the following regions: Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, Latin America and …

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L’AUF au Maghreb lance un programme de Bourses d’Excellence pour doctorants marocains

L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie au Maghreb lance un nouveau programme- pilote de soutien à l’excellence scientifique et à l’internationalisation des activités de recherche développées dans les laboratoires des universités marocaines. L’objectif principal de ces bourses d’excellence est de permettre la finalisation et la soutenance rapide des mémoires de thèse …

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IPNA Pediatric Nephrology Fellowship For developing countries’ citizens

The International pediatric nephrology Association has a longtime fellowship program to supply medical specialtyians World Health Organization work off from a pediatric nephrology coaching center with coaching so asto diffuse information of pediatric medicine to totally different regions round the world. IPNA’s successes during this program embody the following: Over two hundred completed fellowships since 2003 Fellowships are offered in twenty four countries round the world At the conclusion of the program, the trainees are going to be needed to submit a report reviewing their coachingexpertise. This report is predicted inside the three months following the tip of …

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The Microsoft analysis Ph.D. Fellowship Program is biennial fellowship program for Ph.D. students at collaboratingU.S. or Canadian universities following analysis aligned to the analysis topics administered by Microsoft analysis. The fellowship covers 100% of tuition and costs for 2 educational years and provides a living regular payment and a conference and allowance. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Applicants should be within their third year of a Ph.D. program in the fall 2018 and appointed by the department chair in their field of study. Applicants should submit their …

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Kaunas University of Technology offers free of charge Bachelor or Master studies

Kaunas University of Technology offers freed from charge Bachelor or Master studies for the candidates with outstanding results. Awarded to students with a strong educational record and motivation. These scholarships square measure receptive all international candidates. All perspective students United Nations agency submitted their application through University’s application system ( can mechanically become candidates to receive scholarship. The application for …

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Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists for the 2019-2020 Academic Year

Each year the swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to push international exchange and analysis cooperation between Suisse and over a hundred and eighty alternative countries. Recipients ar chosen by the subsidisation body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships ar aimed toward young researchers from abroad WHO have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree. One minute introduction to …

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ASCL Visiting Research Fellowship in Netherlands

Visiting research fellows use their time in Leiden for data analysis and/or writing, often on a joint project with one or more ASCL staff members. A visiting research fellowship is for a maximum of 90 days. On occasion, the ASCL also hosts self financed visitors (PhD students or visiting academics). Requirements In …

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Scholarship Opportunities for Master Degree and PhD at Eastern Mediterranean University in Turkey

Eastern Mediterranean University graduate programs are accepting scholarship applications from new students for tuition fee discount  for the 2019 – 20 Academic Year Fall Term.  Application for scholarship can be made when completing the graduate program online application form ( latest by  14 August 2019. The scholarship grantees will be announced on 06 September 2019 on University’s website ( …

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PHD Scholarship in Molecular Biology at The Technical University in Denmark

Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites motivated students to apply for one of two available 3-year PhD fellowships in the field of physiology, metabolomics and metabolic flux analysis of Pseudomonas species. More Details From a broader perspective, the selected candidates will implement state-of-the-art methods to understand the core biochemistry and adaptation …

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UP and MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program for Africans at Pretoria University

The University of Pretoria (UP) in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation (MCF) is currently offering scholarships for high achieving African students interested in studying at postgraduate levels, commencing in January 2020. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) targets academically talented yet economically disadvantaged young people in Africa who will contribute to …

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One World Scholarship at Afro Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

Afro Asiatisches Institut Salzburg Masters/PhD Degree Deadline: 31 July 2019 (annual) Study in: Austria Course starts August 2020 Brief description: The One-World-Scholarship-Programme is a partial scholarship aimed at students from Africa, Asia and Latin America who have come to Austria on their own initiative, in order to complete their education. Prospective …

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Doctoral positions in Health and Biosciences at University of Oulu in Finland

The University of Oulu is an international science university creating new knowledge, well-being and innovations for the future through its multidisciplinary research and education. Close cooperation with various research institutes, companies and the public sector has created an internationally significant research and innovation hub that is changing the world. The …

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FRIDA Fellowship for Young Feminist Activists

FRIDA works with young feminist activists all over the world to build a more just, sustainable world and believes that when young feminist activists are trusted as experts of their own reality and provided with resources, opportunities, and networks, they are a powerful force for change. More Details In partnership …

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Carlsberg Foundation Research Funds

The Carlsberg Foundation supports excellent basic research at the highest international level in the fields of natural science, social science and the humanities, carried out by Danish researchers and foreign researchers with a pre-established connection to Danish research environments. Webfond The application system is open 1 September – 1 October …

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