Scholarship in Europe

Airbnb offre une bourse aux étudiants français Erasmus

Étudier dans un autre pays, c’est aussi l’occasion de partir à sa découverte. Pour permettre aux étudiants de voyager pendant leur échange universitaire, la plateforme de location de logements Airbnb lance une bourse Go-Europe, en partenariat avec le réseau association Erasmus Student Network (ESN) France. Trois étudiants bénéficieront chacun de 1000€ …

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Postdoctoral Fellowship call: “la Caixa” Foundation Junior Leader Programme

33 postdoctoral fellowships at Universities and Research Centres of Spain, including CRAG, are offered through this programme “la Caixa” Foundation Junior Leader Programme The postdoctoral fellowships programme, Junior Leader “la Caixa”  is aimed at hiring excellent researchers—of any nationality—who wish to continue their research career in Spanish or Portuguese territory. Sponsored by …

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Imperial College Research Fellowships

Imperial’s prestigious Imperial College Research Fellowships sustain the brightest and best early career researchers from across the world, providing a level of commitment and support that is rare from a UK university. As an Imperial College Research Fellow (ICRF) you will receive a four year fellowship which includes: a competitive salary research and …

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National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic

The Government of the Slovak Republic approved the establishment of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for the support of mobility of students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists in 2005. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic (NSP) is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, …

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Georgia Rotary Student Program

Since 1946, Rotarians in Georgia, USA, have promoted world peace through understanding by offering scholarships to international studentsfor one year of study in Georgia colleges and universities. Georgia Rotary Clubs sponsor students recommended by a Rotary Club in their home country. The students become adopted members of a Georgia “host family,”living …

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16 Fully Funded PhD Studentships for all Nationalities at LogiCS Doctoral College in Austria, 2018

Applications are invited for a 4-year fully funded PhD studentship in LogiCS Doctoral College – Logical Methods in Computer Science. ======================================== The faculty of the LogiCS doctoral college is looking for 16 doctoral students, where 30% of the positions are reserved for highly qualified female candidates. ======================================== LogiCS – Logical …

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We are very pleased to announce that, thanks to the generous support our institution receives from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, we are now able to once again offer scholarships to docs and postdocs for 2019. This is our 16th anniversary of offering scholarships to those working with the collections of the Gotha Research …

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Bourses Metchnikov aux chercheurs russes, France

Dans le cadre de son programme Metchnikov d’aide à la mobilité des chercheurs, l’Ambassade de France en Fédération de Russie attribue pour l’année 2019 des bourses à des chercheurs russes invités à travailler dans une équipe de recherche française, rattachée à un établissement d’enseignement supérieur, un organisme de recherche ou une …

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