Post-doc Position | Neural and Intelligence Engineering Center, Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence


Location Shanghai, China

Salary ¥250k ~400k /year ($35k~58k / year)

Employment period 2 years initially, extendable up to 4 years

Hours Full Time

The positions are supported by Shanghai Government Key Project of ‘Brain and Brain-inspired Intelligence’ ($125 Millions), and are affiliated with the Neural and Intelligence Engineering Center led by Prof. Shouyan Wang, Vice-dean of Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence (ISTBI), Fudan University.

The projects will collaborate with Professor Peter Brown ( and Professor Timothy Denison ( at University of Oxford, and Professors Trevor Robbins ( and Barbara Sahakian ( at University of Cambridge.

Research Projects:

  • Neural decoding in neuropathic pain, movement disorders and depression
  • Intelligent  neuromodulation  of  deep  brain  stimulation  and transcranial electrical stimulation in neuropathic pain, movement disorders and depression
  • Big data analysis and electronic health (e-Health) for brain disorders
  • Consciousness and cognition intervention in depression


  1. Researchers who will receive PhD soon or graduated within last five years.
  2. Under 35 years old. Excellent candidates aged 35 to 38 may be considered.
  3. Research experience in machine learning, neural signal processing, biomedical electronics or neurophysiology in pain, movement disorders or depression, or related research experience in neuroscience or psychology.


  1. The initial employment period is 2 years and extendable up to 4 years according to project progress.
  2. Salary is ¥250k ~400k /year ($35k~58k / year).
  3. Additional research funding up to $30k provided to support researchers with excellent ideas and independent capability.
  4. Opportunities to top-up salaries up to $14k / year with grant from Shanghai Government.
  5. Opportunities to have research visiting at University of Oxford, University of Cambridge or Harvard University.
  6. Opportunities to transfer to faculty position with start-up of $72k~144k.
  7. In accordance with the policies of Fudan University, assist children of the candidates to apply for admission to kindergartens or primary school affiliated to Fudan University.

Application Procedure

Send CV with contact information of referees, cover letter and PDF of key publications to and with e-mail subject Post-doc Application

Additional Information

Fudan University is one of the top five universities in China, and ranked at #105 in Times Higher Education World University Ranking. ISTBI is a leading institute in brain-inspired artificial intelligence, neuroimaging, biomedical big data and neural engineering in China. More information can be found from and

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