Faculty Position in Soil System Science

The EPFL School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) invites applications for a faculty position in its Institute of Environmental Engineering (IIE) at the tenure track level (Assistant Professor).

We encourage applications from experimentalists (field or laboratory) whose vadose zone research interests extend across scales, can inform model development and couple physical, chemical and biological processes. Example research domains include: response of soils to global change, microbial biogeochemistry of soils, role of soils in global greenhouse gas fluxes, soil biodiversity and its interactions with ecosystem functioning, and soil as a provider of ecosystem services. This professorship will interact with other research groups in IIE related to hydrology, ecology, chemistry, microbiology and atmospheric science.

We seek an outstanding individual who will lead an internationally recognized and impactful research program that extends and leverages the opportunities offered by EPFL. The professor will be committed to excellence in research and in undergraduate and graduate level teaching, and will contribute to the teaching program in Environmental Engineering, which views basic and translational research as the foundation for environmental adaption and engineering design.

EPFL is a growing and well-funded institution fostering excellence and diversity. It is well equipped with experimental and computational infrastructure, and offers a fertile environment for research collaboration between different disciplines. The EPFL environment is multilingual and multicultural, with English serving as a common interface. EPFL offers internationally competitive start-up resources, salaries and benefits.

Besides its main Lausanne campus, EPFL operates antenna sites across Western Switzerland, in Fribourg, Geneva, Neuchâtel and Sion. This professorship will be located at Sion.

The following documents are requested in PDF format: cover letter including a statement of motivation, curriculum vitae, publication list, concise statements of research and teaching interests (maximum of 5 pages for each statement) as well as the names and addresses, including emails, of at least three references (may be contacted at a later stage). Applications should be uploaded to the EPFL recruitment web site:


Formal evaluation of the applications will begin on
1st July 2020. The search will continue until the position is filled.

Further enquiries should be made to the Chair of the Search Committee:

Prof. D. Andrew Barry
Director of the Environmental Engineering Institute
E-mail:  SearchSoilScience@epfl.ch

For additional information on EPFL:
https://www.epfl.ch/en/, https://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/, https://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/research/environmental-engineering-institute-iie/, https://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/education/environmental/

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and a family friendly university. It is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, and strongly encourages women to apply.

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