Tag Archives: Bourse d’étude

PEARL Program: Attracting Leading Researchers from Abroad to Luxembourg

With the PEARL programme, the FNR offers Luxembourg research institutions attractive funding to enable them to draw established and internationally recognised researchers from abroad to Luxembourg. Through the recruitment of outstanding scientists in strategically important areas, the FNR aims to accelerate the development and strengthening of Luxembourg’s national research priorities. …

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ATTRACT Mobility Program in Luxemburg

The ATTRACT programme is designed for researchers not yet established in Luxembourg, who demonstrate the potential to become leaders in their field of research. The scheme offers promising junior researchers the opportunity to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions. Researchers are eligible between 2 …

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Grenoble Quantum Engineering Doctoral Scholarships in France, 2019

The Grenoble Quantum Engineering (GreQue) doctoral programme has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754303. It will provide the laureates with a double training involving fundamental research in top-level laboratories and strong industrial exposure through internships within …

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OECD Future of Work Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme for International Students in France, 2018

The OECD Future of Work Fellowship Scheme aims to promote new and innovative (post-)doctoral research in the fields of economics, statistics, sociology and other related social sciences which provide better evidence to help policy makers across OECD countries respond to labour issues. The fellows’ work focuses on i) megatrends that are affecting …

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The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. These so called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study: 1) in follow-up Master study programmes plus …

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Appel à candidatures pour enseignants-chercheurs et chercheurs invités de l’Université Paris-Est (UPE) – Année 2019

Comme chaque année, la Communauté d’universités et établissements Université Paris-Est (UPE) invite des enseignants-chercheurs et des chercheurs de renommée internationale résidant à l’étranger. L’objet est une des deux actions suivantes ou leur combinaison : Action n°1 : contribuer à des projets de recherche ou de formation communs et les enrichir au …

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Mexican Government Scholarships for International Students

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) invites foreign citizens who are interested in studying for a specialization, master’s degree or doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral research, or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate-level academic mobility program, to participate in …

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Airbnb offre une bourse aux étudiants français Erasmus

Étudier dans un autre pays, c’est aussi l’occasion de partir à sa découverte. Pour permettre aux étudiants de voyager pendant leur échange universitaire, la plateforme de location de logements Airbnb lance une bourse Go-Europe, en partenariat avec le réseau association Erasmus Student Network (ESN) France. Trois étudiants bénéficieront chacun de 1000€ …

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Postdoctoral Fellowship call: “la Caixa” Foundation Junior Leader Programme

33 postdoctoral fellowships at Universities and Research Centres of Spain, including CRAG, are offered through this programme “la Caixa” Foundation Junior Leader Programme The postdoctoral fellowships programme, Junior Leader “la Caixa”  is aimed at hiring excellent researchers—of any nationality—who wish to continue their research career in Spanish or Portuguese territory. Sponsored by …

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Freemasons Scholarships for Postgraduate students to Study in New Zealand

Freemasons Scholarships are available to students who are enrolled at one of the eight participating universities: Auckland, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Waikato, Massey, Victoria, Canterbury, Lincoln and Otago. This year eight Postgraduate Scholarships of $10,000 each and 20 University Scholarships of $6,000 each. The Freemasons Scholarships are provided annually, funded …

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Bourses d’exemption des droits supplémentaires de scolarité pour étudiants internationaux (C), Canada

En plus des droits de scolarité réguliers, les étudiants internationaux inscrits dans un programme d’études supérieures doivent débourser des montants supplémentaires. Pour les aider à régler ces droits, l’Université de Montréal (UdeM) offre plusieurs bourses d’exemption. La très grande majorité des étudiants étrangers admis dans les programmes d’études de maîtrise …

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