Tag Archives: Bourse d’étude

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards PhD fellowships to outstanding junior scientists

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards PhD fellowships to outstanding junior scientists who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project of approximately 3 years in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory. For further details please refer to “Who can apply?”. The peer-review-based selection process is highly competitive. Applicants should therefore be outstanding in …

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Visiting Professorships in the United Kingdom

Applications must be completed by the responsible academic in the UK host institution. As part of the application process both the proposed visiting professor and the UK host institution must give approval by the closing date. The Trust will report results to applicants within five to six months of the …

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Le CERPE (Centre de recherche en économie régionale et politique économique) propose une bourse doctorale, Belgique

Faculté : Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion Département : Centre de Recherches en Économie Régionale et Politique Économique (CERPE) Grade : Chercheur(euse) doctorant(e) Contrat : durée déterminée Catégorie : personnel scientifique Poste : Hors-Allocation (CPO) Tâches Missions et contexte Le CERPE (Centre de recherche en économie régionale et politique économique) propose une bourse doctorale de deux ans pour entamer …

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University of Liège PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships for International Students in Belgium, 2018

Applications are invited for scholarships to work at doctoral and post-doctoral level on migrants’ social protection strategies from a qualitative perspective. These positions are advertised in the framework of the ERC project Migration, Transnationalism and Social Protection in (post-)crisis Europe  (MiTSoPro) led by Dr. Jean-Michel Lafleur at the University of Liège. Application …

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Fudan-Princeton Postdoctoral Program (FPPP) on Contemporary China

Fudan University and Princeton University have established a joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: Fudan-Princeton Postdoctoral Program (FPPP), aimed at training highly-qualified, early-career postdoctoral researchers in studies of Chinese economics and society problems using big data so that they are positioned to become leaders in their respective academic fields. The Paul and …

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UNSW Scientia Fellowship Program, Australia

The UNSW Scientia Fellowship program is one of the cornerstones of UNSW’s 2025 Strategy. Its aim is to attract and retain the best and brightest people, with outstanding research track records. A primary goal of the program is to enhance UNSW research performance by attracting and retaining exceptional researchers at …

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Soutien à l’accueil et à l’insertion d’étudiants réfugiés – 2018

L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), en partenariat avec plusieurs organismes publics et fondations ainsi qu’avec le réseau MEnS (Migrants dans l’enseignement supérieur), lance un appel à projets auprès de ses établissements membres, concernant l’intégration d’étudiants en exil (réfugiés, demandeurs d’asile, personnes sous protection subsidiaire) dans des formations en langue …

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