Tag Archives: Bourse d’étude

Canon Foundation-Kyoto University Japan-Africa Exchange Program

Le programme offre des bourses à des chercheurs hautement qualifiés dans des domaines de recherche. liés aux études africaines. Le programme est destiné à soutenir 1) les boursiers de la KU qui souhaitent faire de la recherche en Afrique et 2) les universitaires des universités et instituts partenaires de l'Université de Kyoto en Afrique qui souhaitent faire de la recherche à Kyoto.

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Postdoctoral Researchers in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

The Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) is located in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian, China. Over the past half century, research at DICP has addressed the economic and scientific needs of China. The Institute has built up an impressive portfolio of achievements, principally in the fields of catalysis, chemical engineering, chemical …

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PhDs in Economics, History and Civilisation, Law and Political and Social Sciences – up to 150 Scholarships available

L'Institut universitaire européen (IUE) propose des programmes de doctorat entièrement financés sur quatre ans en économie , histoire et civilisation , droit et sciences politiques et sociales . medjouel.com vous informe que Jusqu'à 150 bourses sont disponibles pour une entrée en septembre 2022, couvrant les frais de scolarité et fournissant une subvention mensuelle.

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ESRC new investigator grant

We award new investigator grants to support new researchers at the start of their careers, based at research organisations eligible for UKRI funding, to become independent researchers through gaining experience of managing and leading research projects and teams. In addition, they will provide applicants with an opportunity not only to …

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MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR PLANT BREEDING RESEARCH 9 fully funded PhD student positions in the computational & experimental plant sciences, Germany

THE GRADUATE SCHOOL | Our International Max Planck Research School on Understanding Complex Plant Traits using Computational and Evolutionary Approaches is a local collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research and the University of Cologne, Germany. International students are closely supervised by an advisory committee, receive training in professional skills …

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Chairs of Excellence in Biology – Universite Cote d’Azur (Labex SIGNALIFE) – Nice-Sophia Antipolis – France

The Laboratory of Excellence for Innovation in Signal Transduction Pathways in Life Sciences (Labex SIGNALIFE) brings together high-profile researchers in 2021-2022, from five institutes of biology (Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire-C3M, Institut de Biologie Valrose-iBV, Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire-IPMC, Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging, Nice-IRCAN and …

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Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

Field of Study Various Level MSc, PhD Country Qatar Eligibility No student may combine the scholarships of the Institute with any other scholarship whatever the source thereof. Only students who have a good academic standing continue to benefit from the Institute’s scholarships. The Institute may, In accordance with its procedures …

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Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship

The Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship is available to apply for during the University’s Continuous Scholarship Round. The GUIPRS covers tuition fees for the applicant for up to three years for doctoral candidates and up to two years for research masters candidates. In addition, the scholarship covers Overseas Student Health Cover for the …

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International Fellowships in Pattanam Archaeological Research

The Kerala Council for Historical Research (KCHR), is offering Senior and Junior International Research Fellowships in Material Culture Studies in the Pattanam Archaeology Research. Named after eminent archaeology researchers across the world, these reciprocal fellowships are dedicated to the advanced study of Pattanam excavation finds. The research opportunity is offered …

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The Humboldt Research Fellowship for researchers of all nationalities and research areas: We support you – postdoctoral and experienced researchers – with your research in Germany. Through the Humboldt Research Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors researchers with above-average qualifications from across the globe. As a fellow, you will benefit from individual support from …

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Centrale Nantes Elite scholarship

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM The Centrale Nantes Elite Scholarships – Total of € 3,000 for 2 years – are awarded to the best non-European students accepted in the 1st year of the Master. The application form is available online via the application platform https://ecandidat.ec-nantes.fr/ Applications for the scholarship must be …

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The Women, Peace and Security Programme of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) offers fellowships for the period of 4-6 months through our New York City UN office. The fellow will work closely with WILPF staff on monitoring, research and communications support on Women, Peace and Security issues in …

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