Tag Archives: Prix

UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development

The 2021 call for nominations is open until 30 April 2021. The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for sustainable development, funded by the Government of Japan, consists of three annual awards of USD 50,000 for each recipient. It was awarded for the first time by the Director-General of UNESCO in November 2015. The Prize and …

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Prix Levallois for young international photographic creation.

Created in 2008, the Prix Levallois is a springboard for young international photographic creation.  For ten years, it has been rewarding photographers under 35. A freedom of tone and expression that seduces young photographers whose approaches are free from any artistic division. The Prize doesn’t require a theme nor a …

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Show us your vision of how light will change the way we see cars beyond 2025! Today we are attending to some crucial changes around the car pushed by environmental issues, social trends and new uses. In the next ten years electric drive trains will make possible a more dramatic …

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UNICEF Innovation Fund Call for Data Science & A.I

The UNICEF Innovation Fund is looking to make up to 100K equity-free investments to provide early stage (seed) finance to for-profit  technology start-ups that have the potential to benefit humanity. If you’ve got a start-up registered in one of UNICEF’s programme countries and have a working, open source prototype (or you are …

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The subject for the 2019 prize is Food Security The prize is to be awarded to individuals or institutions who through their research projects or initiatives have made significant advancement within one or more of the following areas: Developing new varieties of seeds, crops or livestock which can improve the …

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Financing € 100,000 by the International Peace Prize for Children

Want to be part of the International Children’s Peace Prize?  Nominate a young changemaker for the Children’s Peace Prize 2019! The International Children’s Peace Prize is awarded annually to a child who fights courageously for children’s rights. All winners have shown a remarkable commitment to combating problems millions of children face …

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Prix Ingénieuses’19

Pour la neuvième année consécutive, la CDEFI est heureuse d’annoncer le lancement de l’opération de communication Ingénieuses. Ce projet créé en 2011 par la CDEFI, a pour ambition de favoriser l’orientation des jeunes filles vers les formations scientifiques et technologiques et les carrières d’ingénieur-e-s. L’opération Ingénieuses prend également la forme …

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Appel à candidatures pour le Prix Leclant 2019 – Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres

Appel à candidatures pour le Prix Leclant 2019 – Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Ce prix d’une valeur de 10 000 € récompense des travaux de recherche en égyptologie. Les dossiers de candidature (CV, lettre de candidature, notice de présentation du projet de recherche et liste de publications portant sur le projet), …

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McKinsey&Company Next Generation Women Leaders Award 2019 (Fully-funded)

Applications for the Next Generation Women Leaders award are now open! The Next Generation Women Leaders award is a scholarship designed to recognize talent and support students who would like to maximize their own potential. McKinsey&Company invites female students of all backgrounds to apply for the scholarship designed to recognize talent …

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Since 2008, the European Parliament together with the ‘Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen’ have each year been inviting young people from all EU Member States to submit projects run by and for youth showing an active participation in the development of Europe. Projects can be submitted individually …

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PDFelement Scholarship Contest

How to Apply step1 Create Create an original 2-3 minute video on the topic of “PDF in education.” Check out these examples for reference. step2 Submit 1. Submit your video to Scholarship@wondershare.com and include your name, email, and institution. Our team will upload your video to the PDFelement YouTube channel. 2. You’ll receive the URL …

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The Schindler Global Award (SGA) will focus on the impact and implications of current and future mobility systems on urban development in one of the most globally significant cities – Mumbai. The SGA is a one-of-a-kind urban design competition that encourages students to put their skills to the test. As …

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International Leader of Tomorrow Award

This award recognizes international undergraduate students who demonstrate superior academic achievement, leadership skills, involvement in student affairs and community service, and recognized achievement in other key areas. The value of your International Leader of Tomorrow Award is proportional to your financial need. Financial need is determined by totalling tuition, fees, …

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For the 14th global edition of the Metro Photo Challenge, Metro is proud to present this year’s photography contest that will focus on feelings #MakeUsFeel. They happily invite you to participate in one of the three available categories: happy, hope or sad and/or angry starting september 24, 2018. Happy What …

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