A fully funded postdoctoral position is available in the Computational Genomics Laboratory at the Lady Davis Institute, McGill University

The position start date is flexible, and remote work arrangements during the initial period can be discussed.

We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to develop projects at the interface of cancer and brain development, integrating large multimodal datasets across species and disease models. The Kleinman lab combines genome-wide technologies and computational approaches to understand gene regulation, cell identity and disease, particularly in the context of childhood brain tumors. We have large single-cell datasets from hundreds of patient and normal samples, combined with multimodal profiling of disease models including transgenic mice, xenografts and patient-derived cell lines.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop their own projects and work in an interdisciplinary setting, with frequent Canadian and international collaborations in the context of ongoing funded initiatives, such as a Genome Canada Large-Scale Applied Research project (LSARP). Examples of recent work from the lab relevant for this position can be found in Chen et al, Cell 2020, or Jessa et al, Nature Genetics 2019.

Qualifications and Experience

    • Recent PhD (within the last 2 years) or graduating PhD candidate in computer science, bioinformatics, statistics, or equivalent. A degree in molecular biology, genetics or a related field is also eligible with proven experience (4+ years) in bioinformatics
    • Strong background in R/Python, Linux and HPC, and experience with version control (Git and GitHub). Skills in other languages and experience with pipeline development and software containers are a plus
    • Experience in computational biology with prior first-author publications. Priority will be given to candidates with experience in neuroscience, development, epigenomics or cancer genomics
    • Experience in machine learning or computational analysis of single-cell datasets is an asset
    • Excellent writing, interpersonal and verbal communication skills
    • Ability to work independently and in a team

We offer

    • Competitive salary and benefits
    • A diverse, well-funded and interdisciplinary environment with access to state-of-the-art technologies, including (and not restricted to) single-cell transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiling, ChIP-seq, Hi-C, and spatial transcriptomics

About the Lady Davis Institute and McGill University

McGill University offers a dynamic, multidisciplinary and collaborative environment, ranking 1st in Canada among medical-doctoral universities (Maclean’s, 2020). The Lady Davis Institute is located in Montreal, a culturally vibrant city, consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world to live in.

How to apply

Please send a CV, a brief statement of scientific interest, a sample of your code (GitHub repository preferred), and contact information for two references to claudia.kleinman@mcgill.ca, using the subject line “PDF 2022”

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