Job Archives

Université de Moncton

Location: New Brunswick
Date posted: 2024-04-25
Advertised until: 2024-06-24

Le Campus de Moncton sollicite des candidatures au poste suivant : CHARGÉE OU CHARGÉ D’ENSEIGNEMENT EN SCIENCE INFIRMIÈRE – INFIRMIÈRE PRATICIENNE OU INFIRMIER PRATICIEN (poste temporaire de trois (3) ans)

Entrée en fonction : Le 1er août 2024 Fermeture du concours : Le 5 juin 2024

Pour une description détaillée de ce poste et pour postuler, veuillez s’il vous plaît consulter notre site Internet, au

L’Université de Moncton est un établissement de langue française en milieu acadien. Elle souscrit à l’équité en matière d’emploi et encourage les candidatures de toutes personnes qualifiées : Autochtones, personnes en situation de handicap, femmes, hommes, personnes membres de minorités de genre, des communautés LGBTQ2+ ou de minorités racialisées. Les annonces sont faites conformément aux exigences relatives à l’immigration au Canada. Pour plus de renseignements sur l’Université, veuillez consulter le site

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Santé et médecine

Université de Moncton Location: New Brunswick Date posted: 2024-04-25 Advertised until: 2024-06-24 Le Campus de Moncton sollicite des candidatures au poste suivant : CHARGÉE OU CHARGÉ D’ENSEIGNE...View more

Université de la Colombie-Britannique - Campus Okanagan

Lieu : Colombie-Britannique
Date de publication : 2024-04-25
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-05-26

Un poste d'associé de recherche à temps partiel (32 heures/semaine) est disponible dans le groupe de recherche sur les composés bioactifs végétaux (Plant BioCoRe) du Département de chimie https://chemistry.ok.ubc .ca/graduate/chemistry/ à la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Campus Okanagan . La nomination initiale est d'un an avec possibilité de prolongation sous réserve de la disponibilité des fonds et du rendement au travail. Ce poste devrait commencer le 1er août 2024 ou à une date à convenir d'un commun accord.

Notre objectif ultime est d'apprendre et de traduire le métabolisme naturel en biotechnologies innovantes pour répondre à la demande toujours croissante de produits chimiques de grande valeur. Nos projets actuels consistent à découvrir des enzymes et des voies de biosynthèse, à générer des diversités structurelles et fonctionnelles d'alcaloïdes et à reconstituer le métabolisme des produits naturels dans un châssis de biologie synthétique. Ce poste est dédié à l'avancement des connaissances dans le domaine de la biocatalyse, avec un accent particulier sur l'exploitation du pouvoir catalytique des enzymes d'origine végétale. Nous recherchons actuellement un associé de recherche très motivé et innovant pour contribuer à nos recherches de pointe en biocatalyse d'origine végétale.

Les candidats doivent avoir le rang d’ associé de recherche (ou équivalent). Ils doivent avoir de l'expérience dans la rédaction de propositions, l'obtention de subventions, la gestion de budgets, l'obtention de résultats, la réalisation de publications de qualité de la conception à l'achèvement, la sécurisation de la propriété intellectuelle, la gestion d'un portefeuille de brevets et l'établissement de collaborations mutuellement bénéfiques avec le monde universitaire, les agences gouvernementales et/ou l'industrie. . En tant que futur leader, ils doivent posséder de grandes compétences en communication technique et non technique.

L'associé de recherche doit être titulaire d'un doctorat en chimie ou dans un domaine connexe. Ils travailleront de manière indépendante et en équipe sous la supervision du supérieur hiérarchique (Dr Thu-Thuy Dang) et collaboreront avec des collègues du groupe ainsi qu'avec d'autres groupes de recherche. Ils seront responsables de la gestion quotidienne du projet, y compris la planification et l'exécution des expériences, la collecte et l'analyse des données, les discussions et présentations lors de diverses réunions (réunions de laboratoire, conférences, ateliers, etc.), la rédaction de rapports/publications, et tâches connexes. Le titulaire du poste devra également superviser, former et conseiller les étudiants et autres membres juniors du laboratoire, ainsi que donner des conférences invitées. Le titulaire du poste sera conseillé par le chercheur principal, le Dr Thu-Thuy Dang, lors de réunions individuelles régulières et de canaux de discussion pertinents.

Nous soutenons l’inclusivité et l’équité. Nous recherchons des candidats qualifiés de tous horizons (culturels, de genre, de race, etc.) pour garantir que notre équipe reçoive les meilleurs talents et reflète la diversité et l'inclusion de notre campus.

Tous les candidats qualifiés et intéressés sont encouragés à soumettre leur dossier de candidature dans un seul fichier PDF ou Word continu avant le 26 mai 2024 à . -Associate_JR16373 et doit inclure :

  • Lettre de motivation/Déclaration de recherche
  • CV
  • les noms de trois références qui pourraient être invitées à soumettre des lettres de référence, sur demande.

Les demandes de renseignements peuvent être adressées au Dr Thuy Dang à : . Toute correspondance doit indiquer le titre du concours (Associé de recherche – CHEM) dans la ligne objet du courriel. Le montant du salaire prévu pour ce poste de 0,8 ETP est de 55 145,60 $.

Remarque : Les candidatures seront acceptées jusqu'à 23 h 59 la veille de la date de fin de publication ci-dessus.

L’équité et la diversité sont essentielles à l’excellence académique. Une communauté ouverte et diversifiée favorise l’inclusion de voix sous-représentées ou découragées. Nous encourageons les candidatures de membres de groupes qui ont été marginalisés pour tout motif énuméré dans le Code des droits de la personne de la Colombie-Britannique, notamment le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle, l'identité ou l'expression de genre, la racialisation, le handicap, les convictions politiques, la religion, l'état matrimonial ou familial, l'âge et /ou statut de personne des Premières Nations, Métis, Inuit ou autochtone.

Tous les candidats qualifiés sont encouragés à postuler ; cependant, les Canadiens et les résidents permanents auront la priorité.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Chimie

Université de la Colombie-Britannique – Campus Okanagan Lieu : Colombie-Britannique Date de publication : 2024-04-25 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-05-26 Un poste d’associé de recherche ...View more

Université de Guelph

Lieu : Ontario
Date de publication : 2024-04-25
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-05-25

Les programmes de justice pénale de l'Université de Guelph, co-administrés par le Département de science politique et le Département de sociologie et d'anthropologie, sollicitent des candidatures pour une Chaire de recherche du Canada (CRC) de niveau 2 en technologie, criminalité et politiques publiques. La nomination sera menant à la permanence au niveau de professeur adjoint ou titulaire au niveau de professeur agrégé.

Les progrès rapides de la technologie, en particulier dans les domaines de la communication numérique, des « mégadonnées » et de l’intelligence artificielle, continueront d’avoir un impact important sur le comportement criminel, la victimisation, l’application de la loi, la prise de décision en matière de justice pénale et le travail des organisations non gouvernementales. organisations gouvernementales et mouvements sociaux dans le domaine de la justice pénale. Le candidat retenu s'engagera dans des recherches pour accroître notre compréhension des problèmes liés à la technologie, au crime et à la justice pénale (au Canada ou dans le monde) et proposera des alternatives politiques pour résoudre ces problèmes. Les chercheurs émergents (professeurs adjoints ou agrégés) qui démontrent leur potentiel pour devenir un leader internationalement reconnu dans le domaine de la technologie, de la criminalité et des politiques publiques sont encouragés à postuler. Une capacité démontrée à travailler avec de grands ensembles de données, à établir des partenariats avec des organisations concernées et/ou à accéder aux données de justice pénale est un atout.  

En plus d'une rémunération compétitive et d'une allocation de recherche, le CRC offre une charge d'enseignement réduite (normalement deux cours par an) et un environnement institutionnel favorable. En entreprenant des recherches, le candidat retenu bénéficierait et aiderait à former des étudiants de premier cycle (justice pénale et politiques publiques, sciences politiques et/ou sociologie) et des étudiants diplômés du programme de maîtrise en criminologie et politique de justice pénale (CCJP), le programme de criminologie. volet des programmes de maîtrise et de doctorat en sociologie, du programme de maîtrise en anthropologie et des volets de doctorat en droit et politique et politiques publiques du programme de doctorat en science politique.   

Le candidat retenu rejoindra des professeurs qui travaillent à l'intersection de la technologie, de la criminalité et de la justice. Le poste de CRC s'aligne également sur d'autres unités de l'Université de Guelph, notamment le Centre pour l'avancement de l'intelligence artificielle éthique et responsable (CARE AI) et le nouveau programme de maîtrise en cybersécurité et renseignement sur les menaces.  

Diplômes Doctorat en sciences politiques, en sociologie ou dans une discipline étroitement liée (y compris le droit).   

Un programme de recherche qui aborde l'intersection de la criminalité, de la technologie et des politiques publiques, démontrant le potentiel du candidat à devenir un leader internationalement reconnu dans son domaine. Généralement, le candidat sera dans les dix ans après avoir obtenu son diplôme le plus élevé (sauf congé personnel ou médical). Normalement, le candidat retenu sera au niveau d'assistant principal ou d'associé.    

Expérience d’enseignement qui comprend une démonstration de supervision efficace. 

Le Programme des chaires de recherche du Canada (niveau 2) Les chaires de recherche du Canada de niveau 2, d'une durée de cinq ans et renouvelables une fois, sont destinées à des chercheurs émergents exceptionnels (c'est-à-dire que les candidats doivent être un chercheur actif dans leur domaine depuis moins de 10 ans à la fois). de candidature). Les candidats qui ont plus de 10 ans après avoir obtenu leur diplôme le plus élevé (et lorsqu'il existe des interruptions de carrière, comme un congé de maternité, parental ou de maladie prolongé, une formation clinique, etc.) peuvent voir leur éligibilité à une chaire de niveau 2 évaluée par le niveau du programme. 2 processus de justification . Pour plus d'informations sur l'éligibilité et le processus de justification de niveau 2, veuillez contacter Ailsa Kay, gestionnaire des programmes stratégiques à . Veuillez consulter le site Web des Chaires de recherche du Canada pour obtenir des informations complètes sur le programme.  

Pour répondre aux critères du programme CRC, les candidats doivent :   

  • être d'excellents chercheurs émergents de classe mondiale qui ont fait preuve d'une créativité particulière en matière de recherche ; 
  • ont démontré leur potentiel pour obtenir une reconnaissance internationale dans leur domaine au cours des cinq à dix prochaines années ; 
  • en tant que titulaires de chaire, ont le potentiel d'attirer, de développer et de retenir d'excellents stagiaires, étudiants et futurs chercheurs ; et 
  • proposer un programme de recherche original, innovant et de grande qualité.

Pour chaque chaire de niveau 2, l'établissement reçoit 100 000 $ par an pendant cinq ans (qui peuvent être utilisés pour les salaires et la recherche). De plus, lors de son premier mandat, la Chaire reçoit une allocation annuelle de 20 000 $ pour la recherche. Le salaire est négociable et proportionné à l'expérience et aux qualifications. Les postes sont sujets à l'examen et à l'approbation finale du Secrétariat du CRC.

L'Université de Guelph est le troisième employeur en importance à Guelph, une ville d'environ 130 000 habitants située à environ une heure de route à l'ouest de Toronto, en Ontario. L'Université de Guelph est l'une des universités polyvalentes les mieux classées au Canada, avec un effectif de plus de 30 000 étudiants du premier cycle et des cycles supérieurs répartis dans plus de 40 unités universitaires. L'Université est connue pour son engagement envers l'apprentissage des étudiants, sa recherche innovante et sa collaboration avec des partenaires de classe mondiale. C'est un lieu unique, avec une recherche et un enseignement transformateurs et une culture de campus distinctive. Les personnes qui apprennent et travaillent ici sont façonnées et inspirées par un objectif commun :  améliorer la vie . Refléter cet objectif commun dans chaque expérience liée à notre université nous permet de créer un changement positif, ici et dans le monde. Notre communauté universitaire partage un profond sens de la responsabilité sociale, une volonté de développement international et une obligation de résoudre les problèmes mondiaux.

Processus de candidature Les candidatures doivent être soumises avant le 10 juillet 2024 . L'examen des candidatures et des nominations débutera le 11 juillet 2024 et se poursuivra jusqu'à ce que le poste soit pourvu. Les candidats intéressés doivent soumettre les documents suivants (de préférence sous forme de fichier PDF unique) :

  1. Un curriculum vitae complet
  2. Une lettre de motivation qui décrit brièvement les qualifications du candidat pour le poste.
  3. Une déclaration de quatre pages (maximum) comprenant :
  4. Un dossier pédagogique qui décrit brièvement l'approche du candidat en matière d'enseignement et de supervision et comprend de la documentation appuyant l'efficacité de l'enseignement (plans de cours, devoirs, évaluations, etc.)

Les candidatures doivent être envoyées par email à l’attention de :

Dr Troy Riddell, directeur Département de science politique Université de Guelph Guelph (Ontario) N1G 2W1 Courriel : csahsdean@uoguelph

24-20 après JC

Remarque : les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés pour obtenir des lettres de référence. Noms et coordonnées de trois références qui répondent aux exigences du CRCP en matière  de conflits d'intérêts  . Pour les candidatures de niveau 2, jusqu'à deux des trois lettres de référence peuvent être « en conflit » avec au moins une référence « indépendante ». 

L'Université de Guelph reconnaît qu'un campus inclusif et une culture d'inclusion  (  constituent un impératif institutionnel et social.

L'Université soutient l'  engagement du Programme des chaires de recherche du Canada  envers l'EDI. Le programme CRC s'engage envers l'excellence en recherche et en formation à la recherche et promeut des pratiques exemplaires en matière d'équité, de diversité et d'inclusion (EDI). Les objectifs d’excellence en recherche ne peuvent être atteints que lorsque l’équité et la diversité sont intégrées dans l’initiative de recherche. Le programme CRC reflète l'engagement du gouvernement fédéral envers l'équité et la diversité en matière d'emploi. Il vise à assurer la représentation appropriée des femmes et des minorités de genre, des personnes handicapées, des peuples autochtones et des personnes racisées.

L'Université de Guelph s'engage à mettre en œuvre un  programme d'équité en matière d'emploi  qui comprend des mesures spéciales pour lutter contre la sous-représentation des personnes appartenant à quatre groupes désignés par la Loi sur l'équité en matière d'emploi (les femmes et les minorités de genre, les personnes handicapées, les peuples autochtones et les groupes racialisés) au sein de son allocation. des Chaires de recherche du Canada. L'université recherche particulièrement les candidatures de candidats de ces quatre groupes. L'identification de candidats exceptionnels parmi les groupes désignés est essentielle à l'engagement de l'Université envers l'excellence, ainsi qu'à sa capacité à atteindre les objectifs du Plan d'action pour l'équité, la diversité et l'inclusion des chaires de recherche du Canada de l'Université .   

La collecte de données d'auto-identification est une exigence du programme CRC, et tous les candidats aux postes CRC doivent remplir le formulaire d'auto-identification de l'Université, le  questionnaire de suivi des candidats . Le questionnaire comprend une option « préfère ne pas répondre ». Les informations d'auto-identification sont collectées par le Bureau de la diversité et des droits de la personne (ODHR) à l'appui du programme d'équité en matière d'emploi de l'Université. Tous les détails d’auto-identification des candidats resteront confidentiels par le ODHR. 

L'Université reconnaît que les candidats peuvent avoir eu des obligations en dehors du travail qui ont eu un impact négatif sur leurs réalisations (par exemple, parentales, soins aux personnes âgées et/ou médicales). Vous n’êtes pas tenu de divulguer ces obligations lors du processus d’embauche. Si vous choisissez de le faire, l'Université veillera à ce que ces obligations n'aient pas d'impact négatif sur l'évaluation de vos qualifications pour le poste. 

L'Université de Guelph réside sur les terres ancestrales du peuple Attawandaron et sur les terres et territoires issus de traités des Mississaugas du Crédit et nous offrons notre respect à nos voisins Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee et Métis alors que nous nous efforçons de renforcer nos relations avec eux. 

Si vous avez besoin d'un accommodement médical pendant le processus de recrutement ou de sélection, veuillez contacter Santé et bien-être au travail au 519-824-4120, poste 52674. 

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Université de Guelph Lieu : Ontario Date de publication : 2024-04-25 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-05-25 Les programmes de justice pénale de l’Université de Guelph, co-administrés par le D...View more

Publié il y a 3 mois
Research Field
Language sciences
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
First Stage Researcher (R1)
United States
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
To be defined
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Visiting Assistant Professor of French

About Susquehanna: Susquehanna University is the future-ready institution for today, invested in cultivating intellectual grounding, active learning and global citizenship for all students. Renowned as one of the finest U.S. national liberal arts colleges, Susquehanna inspires and challenges 2,200 enterprising, bright-minded students studying the arts, business, humanities and sciences. Our students seize opportunities through exceptional worldwide internships, expert-guided research and an acclaimed study-abroad program, leading to a transformative education that empowers each graduate to realize their unique potential and lead a successful and meaningful life.

The Susquehanna River Valley with its fresh air and overall pleasant year-round climate, provides four distinct seasons amidst a backdrop of vibrant autumn foliage, occasional winter snowfalls, flower-filled springs and warm summer evenings illuminated by fireflies. Nearby outdoor recreational areas for hiking, kayaking, fishing and skiing — and the bustling cultural and commerce hubs of New York City, Washington D.C., Baltimore and Philadelphia within a three-hour drive — present abundant opportunities for learning and discovery.

Position Summary: The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Susquehanna University invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor of French beginning in August 2024. Candidates must have native or near-native fluency in French and a record of excellent teaching. Candidates must demonstrate an ability to teach French language at all levels as well as a range of courses in Francophone culture and literature studies. The teaching load is 3/3. Support for conference attendance and scholarship is available.An earned doctorate in French or Francophone studies (or related field) is required by date of appointment. We expect a strong commitment to teaching in a liberal arts environment. Please submit a letter of application, a CV, a statement on how the applicant will contribute to the university's commitment to diversity and inclusion, and three letters of recommendation online at Any inquiries should be sent to the department head, Dr. Daryl Rodgers,

Required Qualifications: An earned doctorate in French or Francophone studies (or related field) is required by date of appointment.

Preferred Qualifications:

Special Instructions to the Applicant: Please submit a letter of application, a CV, a statement on how the applicant will contribute to the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, and three letters of recommendation online at Any inquiries should be sent to the department head, Dr. Daryl Rodgers,

Benefits Eligible: Yes Number of Months: 9 months Other Number of Months: Full-Time/Part-Time: Full Time Work Schedule/Hours per Week: Posting Date: 04/17/2024 Closing Date: Open Until Filled: No Anticipated Start Date: Posting Number: F00177

To apply, visit

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Langues, Littérature & Culture

Organisation/Company SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY Research Field Language sciences Literature Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) First Stage Researcher (R1) Country United States Application Dead...View more

Publié il y a 3 mois
Research Field
Psychological sciences
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
First Stage Researcher (R1)
United States
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
To be defined
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Job ID: 271367 Location: Columbus State University Full/Part Time: Full Time Regular/Temporary: Regular

About Us

Great universities inspire the very best in us. They nurture new ideas, fresh perspectives, and creative problem-solving. They challenge students to discover their passions - and to turn those passions into thriving careers that improve our world.

Columbus State University is exactly that kind of place. With exceptional facilities, ideal class sizes, and unique field experiences, our students have room to create. Here, every faculty and staff member is part of the educational process, actively mentoring students and championing each new step in their journey.

Located just 100 miles southwest of Atlanta, CSU is part of the University System of Georgia where we pride ourselves in the USG Statement of Core Values - Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, and Respect. These values form and guide the daily work of our institution.

CSU's core values - Excellence, Creativity, Engagement, Sustainability, Inclusion, and Servant Leadership make us an institution like no other. Each year, we enroll more than 7,000 students from the Southeast, across the nation, and around the world. Many programs at Columbus State rank high for affordability and value. The university strives to provide all students with an exceptional education that's accessible, affordable, and creative to the core.

Department Information

Department of Psychology

Job Summary

The Department of Psychology at Columbus State University seeks applications for an Assistant Professor of Psychology. The start date for this position is August 1, 2025.


Candidates are expected to demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and student success. Candidates will be expected to teach introductory psychology courses as well as upper-level courses in their specialty. Preference will be given to candidates who can expand the department's course offerings related to applied psychology. Candidates who can also teach statistics, writing, or research methods will also receive additional consideration. Candidates who have experience with a variety of teaching methods, and have experience working with culturally diverse groups, are preferred.

The normal teaching load is four classes per semester. Courses may be taught during daytime and evening hours, using a variety of modalities such as face-to-face, hybrid, and fully online in certain circumstances.

Required Qualifications

Earned Ph.D. with specialization in psychology before the start date of August 2025.

Preferred Qualifications

Additional expertise in applied areas, including but not limited to social, health, or biological psychology is preferred but not required.

Proposed Salary

Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Required Documents to Attach

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position has been filled. Applications for part-time and full-time faculty positions must include transcripts of all academic work, and official transcripts must be presented before campus visit if selected for interview. Applicants must have the ability to meet Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requirements, in particular, a minimum of 18 graduate hours in the teaching discipline.

Required Documents to Submit with Online Application:

- Cover Letter/Letter of Application

- Curriculum Vitae

- Unofficial Transcripts (Official transcripts from all institutions attended must be received prior to an offer being extended)

- Statement of Teaching Philosophy

- Evidence of Effective Teaching

- Contact information for three (3) persons willing to provide letters of reference

All applications and required documents must be submitted using Columbus State University's online employment site.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jonathan Meyers at

Conditions of Employment

All selected candidates are required to submit and successfully pass a background investigation to include reference checks and verification of academic credentials (if applicable). Other additional requirements may be required based upon specific position duties:

  • A credit check completed for Positions of Trust and or approved departmental Purchase Card usage;
  • Pre-employment drug testing for positions with high-risk responsibilities.
  • Motor vehicle reports are required for positions that are required to drive a Columbus State University fleet vehicle or other vehicle designated as a fleet vehicle. A successful drug screening will be required as a condition of employment a randomly thereafter.

*Applicants for positions of trust may be asked to disclose criminal record history during the initial screening process and prior to a conditional offer of employment. *

For Faculty Hires: Final candidates will be required to provide proof of completed academic degree(s) as well as post-secondary coursework in the form of original transcript(s). Those candidates trained by a foreign institution will also be required to provide an educational/credential evaluation.

All employees are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of sensitive information by exercising sound judgment and adhering to cybersecurity and privacy policies during their employment and beyond. Additionally, all members of the USG community must adhere to the USG Statement of Core Values must also be aware of and comply with the Board of Regents policies on Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Columbus State University is proud to be an equal employment, equal access, and equal educational opportunity institution. It is the policy of our institution to recruit, hire, train, promote and educate persons without regard to race, color, national or ethnical origin, age, disability, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status as required by applicable state and federal laws.

Background Check

  • CSU Background Standard Only

To apply, visit

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Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Psychologie

Organisation/Company COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY Research Field Psychological sciences Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) First Stage Researcher (R1) Country United States Application Deadlin...View more

We are hiring a Postdoctoral Associate in the Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center at Baylor College of Medicine. The Breast Center is a collaborative environment dedicated to breast health and disease research, as well as prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of different forms of breast cancer. We are looking for a candidate with a background in computational biology/bioinformatics who thrives in collaborative research.  For more information, visit

Job Duties

  • Works in a Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) funded laboratory focused on computational cancer biology.
  • Integrates various modalities of single-cell sequencing data and spatial genomics data to better understand the contribution of spatial multi-cellular environments to cancer formation, progression, and treatment.
  • Contributes to the development of new methods or in the advancement of biological knowledge.
  • Focuses on one of following:
    • Methodological development: The candidate will develop innovative methods to integrate multiple modalities of single cell data to disentangle cell-to-cell variability, and identify novel cell subpopulations that contribute to treatment resistance and cancer recurrence. Methods range from statistical, computational, to machine-learning based. These new methods are expected to benefit the community at large by being broadly applicable to different datasets.
    • Applied computational biology: The candidate will use a range of bioinformatics tools to analyze research data in order to glean interesting mechanistic insights during development and cancer progression, and treatment resistance. The candidate is expected to have excellent collaborative skills as he/she is expected to work alongside biologists and clinicians from other laboratories to make impactful discoveries.

Minimum Qualifications

  • MD or Ph.D. in Basic Science, Health Science, or a related field.
  • No experience required.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Needs to have published a first-authored paper in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • For candidate in the applied computational biology:
    • Knows how to use InferCNV to disentangle copy number variations in cancer genomics data.
    • Knows how to use Seurat, Monocle, SCENIC, Dynamo, Velocyto to infer both discrete cell populations and continuous developmental trajectories from single cell RNAseq data.
    • Knows how to infer cell-cell communication pairs.
    •  Knowledge about how to use UK Biobank and All of Us Research data is a plus.
    • Knowledge about genetic analysis, such as variant calling, is a plus.
  • For candidates in the methods development area:
    • Knowledge of probabilities and statistics, probabilistic modeling, Bayesian network, and deep programming knowledge of Python, R, is required.
    • Deep learning related experience is a plus.
    • The candidate needs to demonstrate ability to implement new algorithms in Python, R, and modify existing implementations written in one of the these languages.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

We are hiring a Postdoctoral Associate in the Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center at Baylor College of Medicine. The Breast Center is a collaborative environment dedicated to breast health and disease ...View more

We seek two postdoctoral fellows to join the Mustelin/Najjar lab in the Rheumatology division, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, to lead and collaborate on genomics research projects in systemic autoimmune diseases. These are full-time positions on an annual service period of 12 months (July 1 – June 30).  The anticipated start date for these positions is July, 1st 2024.

The fields of autoimmunity and rheumatology have seen important advances in therapeutics that have improved patients’ lives. At the same time, all these advances are based on inhibiting inflammatory molecules that are physiologically important for a healthy immune system. We are interested in the next generation of therapeutics that will be personalized and only target the original disease process. Such treatments can only be created if we reveal the true causes of systemic autoimmune diseases.

Join our lab to help generate and test novel hypotheses in rheumatologic autoimmune diseases. We are looking for highly motivated postdoctoral fellows with expertise in computational biology, bioinformatics, or a similar field. While our lab conducts both wet and dry lab experiments, the current roles will focus on computational research. Our work explores multiple domains of biology including alternative splicing, transposable elements, and innate immunity sensing. Our research projects include analyses of multiple types of genomic data including bulk and single cell transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, epigenomics, and DNA sequencing.

The base salary range for this position will be $5,705-$6,000 per month, commensurate with experience and qualifications, or as mandated by a U.S. Department of Labor prevailing wage determination.

Postdoctoral scholar are represented by UAW 4121 and are subject to the collective bargaining agreement, unless agreed exclusion criteria apply. For more information, please visit the University of Washington Labor Relations website.


The ideal candidates will have PhDs (or foreign equivalent) in computational biology, bioinformatics, genomics, or other similar fields such as biostatistics. Applicants must have a proven publication record and a computational background is required.

Postdocs will lead projects in rheumatologic autoimmune disease and contribute to other projects on a collaborative basis.

Application Instructions

Please email Dr. Rayan Najjar ( (1) a 1-page cover letter describing your computational experience, career objectives and research interests, (2) a CV with a list of publications (max. 3 pages), and (3) a list of three references. Please also apply at this link:

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status.

Benefits Information

A summary of benefits associated with this title/rank can be found at Appointees solely employed and paid directly by a non-UW entity are not UW employees and are not eligible for UW or Washington State employee benefits.

Commitment to Diversity

The University of Washington is committed to building diversity among its faculty, librarian, staff, and student communities, and articulates that commitment in the UW Diversity Blueprint ( Additionally, the University’s Faculty Code recognizes faculty efforts in research, teaching and/or service that address diversity and equal opportunity as important contributions to a faculty member’s academic profile and responsibilities (

Privacy Notice

Review the University of Washington Privacy Notice for Demographic Data of Job Applicants and University Personnel to learn how your demographic data are protected, when the data may be used, and your rights.

Disability Services

To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiSanté et médecine, Postdoctoral

We seek two postdoctoral fellows to join the Mustelin/Najjar lab in the Rheumatology division, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, to lead and collaborate on genomics research projects in systemic...View more

We currently have multiple postdoctoral fellowship positions within the multidisciplinary research team headed by Dr. Ajay Goel, professor and founding chair of the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics and associate director of basic sciences at City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer. Our multidisciplinary research group comprises basic researchers, gastroenterologists, surgeons, oncologists, and bioinformaticians, undertaking several collaborative projects involving large international consortia. Our research is focused on translational research on the genomic and epigenomic characterization of various gastrointestinal cancers (GI), including colorectal, pancreatic, gastric, esophageal, and hepatocellular cancers. Our group performs cutting-edge research in GI oncology, is very productive, and publishes in high-impact journals such as Gastroenterology, Cancer Cell, PNAS, JAMA Oncology, JNCI, Clinical Cancer Research, Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Annals of Surgery, etc.

Some of the key research topics in our laboratory include:

  1. Development of cell-free DNA (mutation and methylation), RNA, and exosomal-based liquid assays for early cancer detection, prognosis, and predictive responses to chemotherapies and targeted drugs.
  2. Study the genetic and epigenetic basis of GI cancers (e.g., aberrant DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNAs).
  3. The genetic basis of early-onset colorectal cancer (EO-CRC) and familial/hereditary colorectal cancer.
  4. The role of extracellular vesicles/exosomes in cancer pathogenesis and their role as disease biomarkers.
  5. The role of the tumor microenvironment, stem cells, immune regulation, and identification of novel targeted therapies.
  6. Cancer preventive and adjunctive role of natural and integrative therapy approaches.

Key Responsibilities include:

  • Devise, plan, document, and advance basic science and translational projects in genetics, epigenetics, and precision oncology of gastrointestinal cancers.
  • Generate data for grant applications and prepare manuscripts for publication.
  • Work closely with other team members and external collaborators, including presenting progress internally or externally.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced team environment and handle multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Train and supervise technical staff.

Qualifications: Basic education, experience, and skills required for consideration:

  • Ph.D., MD, or MD/Ph.D., with a strong background and profound knowledge in oncology, cancer biology, immunology, or immunotherapy.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced research environment and manage multiple projects and collaborations.
  • Previous experience working with human specimens and developing novel, innovative cancer biomarkers.
  • Evidence of scientific rigor and excellence as documented by high-impact peer-reviewed publications.
  • Strong team player with excellent communication skills and fluency in spoken and written English.
  • The individual must have effective skills in oral and written communication, teamwork, and problem-solving and be adaptable to changes in technological and scientific directions
  • Commitment to the program for at least 2-3 years.

Additional Information:

  • You will have the unique possibility to drive research towards a novel cancer therapy at the interface of science and translation to the clinic and publish high-impact journals.
  • Please send your current CV/resume to, along with a cover letter highlighting your research accomplishments, a brief statement explaining how your past research ties in with the goals of our laboratory, and future career plans.

Your application should include the following in a single PDF:

  • Curriculum Vitae and coordinates of three scientific mentors or references
  • A cover letter highlighting your research interests, a brief statement explaining how your past research ties in with the goals of our laboratory, and future career plans.

The City of Hope is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal-opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, status as a protected veteran, or status as a qualified individual with a disability.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

We currently have multiple postdoctoral fellowship positions within the multidisciplinary research team headed by Dr. Ajay Goel, professor and founding chair of the Department of Molecular Diagnostics...View more

Emory University is a leading research university that fosters excellence and attracts world-class talent to innovate today and prepare leaders for the future. We welcome candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our academic community.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Helps design and conduct research within a specified field while receiving advanced training from a designated Principal Investigator to enhance professional skills and research independence needed for pursuit of a career. The specific area of research in which the trainee is mentored is determined by the department and laboratory of the Postdoc. Designs and evaluates experiments. Develops new ideas that promote current research. Prepares and publishes scientific manuscripts under the direction of the Principal Investigator. May be responsible for operation of specific equipment. May teach techniques to others, train, and supervise research staff. Positions are temporary appointments as a research trainee. The initial appointment is for one year, renewal expected if progress is satisfactory and funds are available. Appointments cannot exceed five years.

A funded postdoctoral position is available to support a collaborative project between the Seldin and Lerit labs within the Department of Cell Biology at Emory. The selected individual will work at the interface of cancer cell biology and developmental genetics using multidisciplinary approaches.

Required qualifications include an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degree in a biology-related discipline and a proven track record of scholarship, as evidenced through published work. Microscopy and molecular biology experience strongly preferred. Preference will be given to individuals with experience in one or more of the following: Drosophila genetics, cell culture, and/or mouse work, and cancer research.

The postdoctoral fellow will be co-mentored by Drs. Lerit and Seldin, with additional professional development opportunities provided by the Office of Postdoctoral Education at Emory

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: A doctoral degree or equivalent (Ph.D., M.D., ScD., D.V.M., DDS etc) in an appropriate field. Excellent scientific writing ability and strong oral communication skills. The ability to work effectively and collegially with colleagues. Additional qualifications as specified by the Principal Investigator.

Emory University is dedicated to providing equal opportunities and equal access to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, genetic information, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and veteran's status. Emory University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment on the basis of any factor stated above or prohibited under applicable law. Students, faculty, and staff are assured of participation in University programs and in the use of facilities without such discrimination. Emory University complies with Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act, and applicable executive orders, federal and state regulations regarding nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action. Emory University is committed to achieving a diverse workforce through application of its affirmative action, equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policy in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training. Inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to the Emory University Department of Equity and Inclusion, 201 Dowman Drive, Administration Building, Atlanta, GA 30322. Emory University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. To request this document in an alternate format or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Department of Accessibility Services at 404-727-9877 (V) | 404-712-2049 (TDD). Please note that one week advance notice is preferred.

Not ready to apply? Connect with us for general consideration!

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Emory University is a leading research university that fosters excellence and attracts world-class talent to innovate today and prepare leaders for the future. We welcome candidates who can contribut...View more

Our mission is to accelerate major scientific discoveries and engineering breakthroughs for humanity by designing and providing world-leading computing facilities in partnership with the computational science community. We help researchers tackle some of the world’s largest and most complex challenges with our unique combination of supercomputing resources and computational science expertise.

Our applied mathematics group is seeking a Postdoctoral Appointee to conduct research and development on differentiable and portable linear solvers tailored for advanced numerical simulations. This role will require the postdoc to work within a multi-disciplinary setting, facilitating interactions with a diverse range of experts across a broad spectrum of scientific computing, including HPC, automatic differentiation, and optimization. You will be expected to present and publish their findings at leading scientific symposia and in prestigious journals, contributing to the advancement of scalable and efficient computational methods.

Position Requirements

Required skills and qualifications:

  • A recent or soon-to-completed Ph.D. (within the last 0-5 yes) in computational science with a focus on linear solvers.
  • Software development skill in programming languages such as C,C++, and Julia. Experience in GPU programming.
  • Effective written and oral communication skills.
  • Ability to model Argonne's core values of impact, safety, respect, integrity and teamwork.

Desired skills and qualifications:

  • Experience with automatic differentiation and generation of derivatives.
  • Experience with machine learning methods.

Job Family

Postdoctoral Family

Job Profile

Postdoctoral Appointee

Worker Type

Long-Term (Fixed Term)

Time Type

Full time

As an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, and in accordance with our core values of impact, safety, respect, integrity and teamwork, Argonne National Laboratory is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that fosters collaborative scientific discovery and innovation. In support of this commitment, Argonne encourages minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply for employment. Argonne considers all qualified applicants for employment without regard to age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Argonne employees, and certain guest researchers and contractors, are subject to particular restrictions related to participation in Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activities, as defined and detailed in United States Department of Energy Order 486.1A. You will be asked to disclose any such participation in the application phase for review by Argonne's Legal Department.  

All Argonne offers of employment are contingent upon a background check that includes an assessment of criminal conviction history conducted on an individualized and case-by-case basis.  Please be advised that Argonne positions require upon hire (or may require in the future) for the individual be to obtain a government access authorization that involves additional background check requirements.  Failure to obtain or maintain such government access authorization could result in the withdrawal of a job offer or future termination of employment.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Our mission is to accelerate major scientific discoveries and engineering breakthroughs for humanity by designing and providing world-leading computing facilities in partnership with the computational...View more

A postdoctoral position in Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate Dynamics is available at Yale University to join Prof. Alexey Fedorov’s group in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ( ). General fields of research include ocean and atmosphere circulation, ocean-atmosphere interactions, the ocean’s role in climate, climate variability and change. Particular focus will be on (1) ENSO and tropical climate, (2) climate links between different ocean basins, (3) stability, variability, and climate impacts of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). The work will involve climate modeling, analyses of observational and GCM data, and analytical approaches. A PhD in physical oceanography, atmospheric sciences or related disciplines is required. Previous experience with climate GCMs is a big plus. Funding is currently available up to three years. Successful candidates can begin their program at Yale in the Fall of 2024; later or earlier starting dates are also possible. Review of applications will start on May 1, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should email their CV, a brief statement of research interests, a representative publication, and the contacts of three referees to Prof. Fedorov ( ; subject: postdoctoral search). Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepresented minorities.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral

A postdoctoral position in Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate Dynamics is available at Yale University to join Prof. Alexey Fedorov’s group in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (http://peop...View more

The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) appreciates your interest in employment at our growing institution. We want your application process to go smoothly and quickly. Final applications must be submitted prior to the close of the recruitment.   If you need assistance or have questions regarding the application process, please contact our recruitment helpline at (775) 784-1495 or For UNR Med professional job postings, please contact the Office of Professional Recruitment at (775) 784-6778.     Job Description The Bioinformatics Center at the University of Nevada, Reno is seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Scholar to join our team, available immediately. We are accepting applications from talented and enthusiastic candidates who are interested in joining an integrated and diverse team of scientists to support a broad spectrum of research projects.   Duties include but are not limited to: As the center is growing and expanding to support a variety of omics and data research, we are actively seeking a talented postdoctoral fellow, who is interested in bioinformatics, data science, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, multi-omics and/or related fields, to join our team and help us expand our supported services and research fields. The postdoctoral fellow will assist on selected ongoing projects and is encouraged to learn cutting-edge technologies and to explore new research areas. Applications to NIH/NSF grants and fellowships will be highly encouraged. The center supports a variety of career paths and as such the postdoctoral fellow will be mentored by at least two faculty, the director of the center and one academic tenure-track faculty.   The postdoctoral fellow will work on high-dimensional multi-omics data sets, for example WGS, WES, RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, proteomics and /or metagenomics. They will work closely with experimental life scientists for example to develop tools and analyze genomic (e.g., RNA-Seq, ChIP-seq, scRNA-seq) and epigenetic (PTM and DNA methylation) data using novel and previously published NGS datasets. As a team, the center performs integrated multi-omics, statistical, data science, and bioinformatics analyses applied to a variety of scientific problems. The postdoctoral fellow will have access to training opportunities.   The postdoctoral fellow is expected to perform bioinformatics related research and develop analysis pipelines and relevant software programs in collaboration and under the supervision of the center’s director and an academic faculty mentor. The postdoc fellow is expected to publish their research outcomes and to help other researchers in preparing manuscripts. They will be encouraged to improve their teaching skills by developing and providing workshops for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for research faculty.   The ideal candidate will demonstrate a commitment to excellence in research, teaching, and mentoring conducted in a dynamic academic core environment.   Required Qualifications
  • Ph.D. in bioinformatics, data science, computational sciences, statistics or a related field.
  • 3+ years of Python or R programming experience.
  • Experience in bash/shell scripting and Linux environment (Ubuntu), applied statistics, high-dimensional omics data analytics for at least one type of omics.
  • Excellent writing skills and independent and critical thinking ability.
  • Completion of a doctoral degree in the appropriate discipline is required.
  • The doctoral degree must have been completed within the five years immediately preceding the first date of appointment as a postdoctoral fellow at the University.
  • The individual cannot have held previous positions in the professional ranks.
  Preferred Qualification & Skills
  • A strong scientific publication record
  • Strong quantitative/computational biology background
  • Advanced computing skills, e.g., HPC, cloud
  • Familiarity with data mining/data science and working with publicly available databases
  • Experience in teaching academic courses and/or workshops
  • Experience with grant proposals, e.g., NIH, NSF, DOE
  • Collaborative and detailed-oriented
  Compensation Grade Postdoctoral Scholar   To view the salary schedule for this position, please visit: Salary Schedules. Salary is competitive and commensurate with related education and experience.   Perks of Working at UNR!
  • Health insurance options including dental and vision - Health Insurance
  • Generous annual and sick leave, life insurance – Faculty Benefits
  • E. L. Wiegand Fitness Center offers annual or semester memberships and spouse/domestic partner membership options.  E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center
  • Reno is proud to be a University town! Many local businesses offer discounts to WolfCard holders
  • Mountain EAP supports employees (and eligible dependents) through life's difficult moments. Mountain EAP is located in Reno and specializes in counseling and advising services for personal or interpersonal issues.
  • Several Diversity Committees and Affinity Groups focusing on campus-wide diversity initiatives to ensure we are working to create a diverse and welcoming campus climate. Diversity Groups
  • Faculty Senate is the principal representing body for faculty. Its membership includes representatives from each academic and administrative major unit of the University. Faculty Senate
  • No state income tax!
  Faculty Dual Career Assistance Program The University of Nevada, Reno recognizes the importance of addressing dual-career couples’ professional needs. We offer a dual career assistance program to newly hired faculty spouses/partners that provides resources and assists them to identify career opportunities in Northern Nevada. Dual Career Assistance Program     Exempt


    Full-Time Equivalent


    Required Attachment(s) Please note, once you submit your application the only attachment/s viewable to you will be the attachment/s to the resume/CV section of the application. Any additional required attachment/s to the cover letter, references, additional documents sections of the application, will not be viewable to you after you submit your application. All uploaded attachment/s will be on the application for the committee to review. To request updates to attachments, prior to the committee review of applications, please contact the candidate helpdesk at   Attach the following attachments to your application 1) Resume/CV 2) Cover Letter addressing personal research and career interests 3) Contact Information for Three Professional References 4) Please write a brief statement (one page maximum) about how you would contribute toward our mission of creating a culturally inclusive environment in the role for which you are applying.   This posting is open until filled Qualified individuals are encouraged to apply immediately. This search will close without notice when a sufficient number of applications are received or a hiring decision has been made.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPostdoctoral, Sciences Biologiques

The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) appreciates your interest in employment at our growing institution. We want your application process to go smoothly and quickly. Final applications must be submitt...View more

Details Posted: 25-Apr-24 Location: Upton, NY, Type: Full-time Salary: Open Categories: Academic/Faculty Internal Number: JR100947 Brookhaven National Laboratory is committed to employee success and we believe that a comprehensive employee benefits program is an important and meaningful part of the compensation employees receive. Review more information at BNL | Benefits Program Empty heading Organization Overview:   The Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven is a DOE-funded national scientific user facility, offering users a supported research experience with top-caliber scientists and access to state-of-the art instrumentation. The CFN mission is advancing nanoscience through frontier fundamental research and technique development and is the nexus of a broad collaboration network. Each year, CFN staff members support the research of nearly 600 external facility users. Three strategic nanoscience themes underlie the CFN scientific facilities: The CFN conducts research on nanomaterial synthesis by assembly designing precise architectures with targeted functionality by organizing nanoscale components. The CFN researches and applies platforms for state-of-the-art techniques for Accelerated Nanomaterial Discovery, integrating synthesis, advanced characterization, physical modeling, and computer science to iteratively explore a wide range of material parameters. The CFN develops and utilizes advanced capabilities for studies of Nanomaterials in Operando Conditions for characterizing materials and reactions at the atomic scale in real-world environments. Position Description:   The CFN is seeking an exceptional Postdoctoral Research Associate to conduct research directed towards the production of clean fuels & products from electrochemical CO2 reduction (CO2RR) on copper (Cu) based catalysts. Currently the only catalysts able to form C2+ products are based on copper (Cu), but due to the facility of their compounds to rapidly change oxidation, there is no agreement about its active phase and related reaction mechanisms, and thus no clear path about how to realize its full potential. In this role, you will develop methodology for multimodal operando spectroscopy and microscopy characterization of key functional properties on well-defined electrocatalysts, coupling with spatially resolved probes. You will be a member of the Interface Science and Catalysis group working under the supervision of Dario Stacchiola. Essential Duties and Responsibilities:   As the Postdoctoral Research Associate, you will have these roles and responsibilities:
  • You will develop a new facility for spatially resolved electrochemical measurements, making use of a scanning probe microscope that will be upgraded with the capability for simultaneous scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM).
  • You will integrate a workflow of methods to determine electrocatalyst's structure-function correlations, including: i) spatially resolved methods for measuring activity using the new dual electrochemical scanning microscope; ii) correlation with existing multimodal operando vibrational microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy and iii) Machine Learning aided multimodal data analysis and reaction mechanism determination.
  • You will contribute to the synthesis of thin-film and nanoparticle electrocatalyst libraries in collaboration with other members at the CFN.
  • You will collaborate with scientific staff with diverse backgrounds including surface science, condensed matter physics, synchrotron X-ray science, material synthesis, data analytics, electron microscopy, physical modeling, and materials theory.
  • You will disseminate research findings via paper publications and external presentations.
Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:   You are qualified for this role if:
  • You have a Ph.D. in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, or a related engineering discipline, conferred within the last five years or will have completed all Ph.D. requirements by the commencement of employment.
  • You have demonstrated experimental expertise in scanning probe microscopy.
  • You have demonstrated experience in characterization (in-situ and/or ex-situ) and data analysis for materials and/or surface science.
  • You communicate effectively, verbally and in writing, evidenced by peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations/proceedings.
  • You are committed to creative and independent research, teamwork, and fostering an environment of safe scientific work practices.
  • You are committed to cultivating an inclusive and respectful workplace environment.
Preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
  • You have experience in electrochemistry.
  • You have experience in materials characterization and analysis based on surface science techniques (e.g., X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), IR/Raman microscopy)
  • You have a working knowledge of thin-film synthesis.
  • You have the ability to work effectively in an interdisciplinary team to tackle challenging scientific problems.
Compensation:   Brookhaven Laboratory is committed to providing fair, equitable and competitive compensation. The full salary range for this position is $70200- $116200 /year. Salary offers will be commensurate with the final candidate's qualification, education and experience and considered with the internal peer group. Other Information:
  • This is a 2 year Postdoc Assignment.
  • BNL policy requires that after obtaining a PhD, eligible candidates for research associate appointments may not exceed a combined total of 5 years of relevant work experience as a postdoc and/or in an R&D position, excluding time associated with family planning, military service, illness or other life-changing events.
  Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Energy and Photon Sciences Directorate are committed to your success. We offer a supportive work environment and the resources necessary for you to succeed. About Us Brookhaven National Laboratory ( delivers discovery science and transformative technology to power and secure the nation's future. Brookhaven Lab is a multidisciplinary laboratory with seven Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, 37 R&D 100 Awards, and more than 70 years of pioneering research. The Lab is primarily supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science. Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA) operates and manages the Laboratory for DOE. BSA is a partnership between Battelle and The Research Foundation for the State University of New York on behalf of Stony Brook University. BSA salutes our veterans and active military members with careers that leverage the skills and unique experience they gained while serving our country, learn more at BNL | Opportunities for Veterans at Brookhaven National Laboratory .   Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer   Brookhaven Science Associates is an equal opportunity employer that values inclusion and diversity at our Lab. We are committed to ensuring that all qualified applicants receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, status as a veteran, disability or any other federal, state or local protected class. BSA takes affirmative action in support of its policy and to advance in employment individuals who are minorities, women, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities. We ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation. *VEVRAA Federal Contractor   BSA employees are subject to restrictions related to participation in Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Programs, as defined and detailed in United States Department of Energy Order 486.1A. You will be asked to disclose any such participation at the time of hire for review by Brookhaven. The full text of the Order may be found at:

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiPhysique, Postdoctoral

Details Posted: 25-Apr-24 Location: Upton, NY, Type: Full-time Salary: Open Categories: Academic/Faculty Internal Number: JR100947 Brookhaven National Laboratory is committed to employee success ...View more

Postdoctoral Associate in Digital Dairy Management Postdoctoral Associate Academic Job Description Department of Animal Science Bovi-Analytics Lab/Hostens Lab Postdoctoral Associate in Digital Dairy Management Description: As the dairy industry undergoes a transformative shift towards digitalization and data-driven decision-making, there arises an unprecedented opportunity to revolutionize dairy farm management practices. At the intersection of agriculture, data science, and technology, the Bovi-Analytics lab is dedicated to advancing the frontier of digital dairy management to enhance productivity, sustainability, and animal welfare. We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Postdoctoral Associate to join the team, where cutting-edge research converges with practical solutions for the modern dairy farm. With a focus on harnessing the power of data analytics, open-source frameworks, and emerging technologies, this position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the future of precision livestock farming and dairy industry innovation. The successful candidate will collaborate closely with Miel Hostens and experts in agriculture, computer science, and data analytics to tackle key challenges facing dairy farmers today. From leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms to optimize milk production and herd health monitoring, to developing intuitive digital tools for real-time decision support, our research endeavors aim to empower dairy producers with actionable insights and scalable solutions. This Postdoctoral Associate position represents a pivotal opportunity to drive impactful research at the nexus of technology and agriculture. As we strive to unlock the full potential of digital dairy management, we seek individuals who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of innovation, bridging disciplinary boundaries, and making tangible contributions to the sustainability and resilience of the global dairy industry. Primary duties: The specific requirements of this Postdoctoral Associate are as follows: Research & Development: Collaborate on kick-starting innovative digital dairy management using data analytics and open-source frameworks to enhance productivity and animal welfare at the Bovi-Analytics lab. (40%)Publication & Dissemination: Co-author and publish research findings from the Bovi-Analytics lab and present them at conferences to contribute to the scientific community. Willingness to apply for supplemental funding through NSF Postdoctoral funding. (40%) Analyze large datasets to derive insights on herd behavior, health indicators, and production trends. Design and implement machine learning models for disease detection, feed optimization, and more. (20%) This is a full-time position located in Ithaca, New York. This is a 1-year appointment with an option to extend for a year. Future possible extensions depend on funding and performance. Required A Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Data Science, Agricultural Engineering, or a related field with a focus on digital agriculture, precision farming, or dairy management systems.
  • Expertise in Digital Dairy Management: Demonstrated experience and understanding of digital technologies applied to dairy management, including data-driven decision-making, precision livestock farming, and herd health monitoring.
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration: Experience working in interdisciplinary research environments, collaborating with agricultural scientists, veterinarians, software engineers, and industry stakeholders to translate research findings into practical solutions for the dairy industry.
  • Communication and publication Record: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to present research findings effectively at conferences, workshops, and scientific meetings. A strong record of publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings is highly desirable.
Preferred Qualifications:
  • Experience in supervision of undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Passion for innovation: Enthusiasm for exploring new technologies, methodologies, and best practices in digital agriculture, with a keen interest in driving innovation and sustainability in the dairy sector through advanced data analytics and technology integration.
Supervision Supervision of undergraduate and graduate students in laboratory. To apply: Please apply via Academic Jobs Online Qualified candidates should submit a short cover letter, curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, and a statement supporting diverse communities (this can be a stand-alone document (preferred) or the information can be embedded in other parts of the application materials) outlining how, through research, teaching, service, mentoring, extension, and/or outreach, the candidate has and will contribute to support Cornell’s historical mission of “any person … any study,” via the website. Applications will be reviewed as received, continuing until a suitable applicant is identified. CALS hiring salary for this position is $56,484. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Life. Changing. Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League and Land-grant university and a great place to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students, and staff impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to further the university's mission of teaching, discovery, and engagement. Cornell’s regional and global presence includes state-wide Cornell Cooperative Extension programs and offices in all counties and boroughs, global partnerships with institutions and communities engaged in life-changing research and education, the medical college’s campuses on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and Doha, Qatar, and the Cornell Tech campus on Roosevelt Island in the heart of New York City. Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, and we do not tolerate discrimination based on any protected characteristic, including race, ethnic or national origin, citizenship and immigration status, color, sex/gender, pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions, age, creed, religion, actual or perceived disability (including persons associated with such a person), arrest and/or conviction record, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender expression and/or identity, an individual’s genetic information, domestic violence victim status, familial status, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local law. We also recognize a lawful preference in employment practices for Native Americans living on or near Indian reservations in accordance with applicable law. Cornell University embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will contribute to a climate that supports students, faculty, and staff to all identities and backgrounds. We strongly encourage individuals from underrepresented and/or marginalized identities to apply. Pay Range: $56,484.00 - $80,000.00 Pay Ranges: The hiring rate of pay for the successful candidate will be determined considering the following criteria:
  • Prior relevant work or industry experience.
  • Education level to the extent education is relevant to the position.
  • Academic Discipline (faculty pay ranges reflects 9-month annual salary)
  • Unique applicable skills.
Familiarize yourself with Cornell's COVID-19 workplace guidance as well as the university's COVID-19 services and information . Employment Assistance: For general questions about the position or the application process, please contact the Recruiter listed in the job posting or email . If you require an accommodation for a disability in order to complete an employment application or to participate in the recruiting process, you are encouraged to contact Cornell University's Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX at voice (607) 255-2242, or email at . Applicants that do not have internet access are encouraged to visit your local library, or local Department of Labor. You may also request an appointment to use a dedicated workstation in the Office of Talent Attraction and Recruitment, at the Ithaca campus, by emailing . Notice to Applicants: Please read the required Notice to Applicants statement by clicking here . This notice contains important information about applying for a position at Cornell as well as some of your rights and responsibilities as an applicant. EEO Statement: Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, and we do not tolerate discrimination based on any protected characteristic, including race, ethnic or national origin, citizenship and immigration status, color, sex/gender, pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions, age, creed, religion, actual or perceived disability (including persons associated with such a person), arrest and/or conviction record, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender expression and/or identity, an individual’s genetic information, domestic violence victim status, familial status, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local law. We also recognize a lawful preference in employment practices for Native Americans living on or near Indian reservations in accordance with applicable law. Cornell University embraces diversity and seeks candidates who will contribute to a climate that supports students, faculty, and staff to all identities and backgrounds. We encourage individuals from underrepresented and/or marginalized identities to apply. 2024-04-24

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiAgriculture, alimentation et vétérinaire, Postdoctoral

Postdoctoral Associate in Digital Dairy Management Postdoctoral Associate Academic Job Description Department of Animal Science Bovi-Analytics Lab/Hostens Lab Postdoctoral Associate in Digital Dairy M...View more

A Postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Dr. Jun Yang in the Department of Surgery at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital (


The Yang lab focuses on understanding how epigenetic regulators co-opt with oncogenic transcription factors to drive tumorigenesis, cancer progression and metastasis, and therapeutic resistance. His lab also actively involves drug discovery to target the epigenetic modifiers. We apply cutting-edge technologies, such as single-cell multi-omics, spatial transcriptomics, CUT&Tag, genome-wide CRISPR in vivo screening, bioinformatics, and chemical biology approaches in multiple cancer model systems including genetic mice, PDX, and organoids.

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Associate whose research will study the functions of histone demethylases in solid tumors. Candidates with training background in molecular biology, cell biology, cancer biology, and cancer immunology are welcome to apply.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Ph.D. in molecular biology, cell biology, cancer biology, and cancer immunology or a related field.
  • No experience required.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has a diverse, global patient population and workforce, built on the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion. Our founder Danny Thomas envisioned a hospital that would treat children of the world—regardless of race, religion or a family’s ability to pay. Learn more about our history and commitment .

Today, we continue the mission to advance cures and means of prevention for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. As we accelerate this progress globally, we believe our legacy of diversity, equity and inclusion is foundational to success. With the commitment of leaders at all levels of the organization, we strive to ensure the St. Jude culture, leadership approaches and talent processes are equitable and culturally responsive. View our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report  to learn about the hospital’s roots in diversity, equity and inclusion, where we are today and our aspirations for an even better future.

St. Jude is an Equal Opportunity Employer

No Search Firms

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital does not accept unsolicited assistance from search firms for employment opportunities. Please do not call or email. All resumes submitted by search firms to any employee or other representative at St. Jude via email, the internet or in any form and/or method without a valid written search agreement in place and approved by HR will result in no fee being paid in the event the candidate is hired by St. Jude.

Caractéristiques de l'emploi

Catégorie emploiSanté et médecine, Postdoctoral

A Postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Dr. Jun Yang in the Department of Surgery at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital (   The Yang ...View more