Yearly Archives: 2020

Chercheur postdoctoral en sociologie et anthropologie de l’éducation – Centre de sociologie culturelle et d’anthropologie de l’éducation

The Higher School of Economics Center for Cultural Sociology and Anthropology of Education in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of sociology of culture and sociology of education. About HSE University The Higher School of Economics (HSE University) is a young, dynamic and fast-growing Russian …

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Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics and Financing of Education

The Higher School of Economics Center for Financial and Economic Decisions in Education in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of Economics and Financing of Education. About HSE University The Higher School of Economics (HSE University) is a young, dynamic and fast-growing Russian research university. …

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FUNDEP/IEAT Chairs Program is open to registrations

UFMG Professors can indicate from October 22, 2019 to Abril 3, 2022 candidates to work at UFMG as research chairman of the FUNDEP/IEAT Chairs Program. The Program has the objective of fostering collaborative work with researchers and research groups from abroad, as well as the advancement of transdisciplinary studies at …

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Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholars Program

The Russell Sage Foundation’s Visiting Scholars Program provides a unique opportunity for select scholars in the social, economic and behavioral sciences to pursue their research and writing while in residence at the Foundation’s New York headquarters. Research carried out by Visiting Scholars constitutes an important part of the Foundation’s ongoing effort to …

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Call for applications Cohort in Montpellier

This first call for candidates aims to constitute in Montpellier, over a period of 6 months (October 2020 – March 2021), a group of researchers of international renown, from diverse horizons and disciplinary fields, covering both the sciences of life and engineering, and the humanities and social sciences, to understand …

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Humanities scholarships at the College of Arts & Sciences at Cornell University, USA

The  social sciences and humanities scholarship program  invites applications from Cornell doctoral candidates for one-year postdoctoral fellowships starting August 1, 2020. The scholarship offers an allocation of $ 58,000. Two postdoctoral fellows will be appointed. The application deadline is February 16, 2020. Postdoctoral fellows will be selected based on the promise of their research …

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UNDP launches Ocean Innovation Challenge

New York, Jan 8 – The momentum on ocean protection and restoration has rapidly accelerated particularly since the 2017 Ocean Conference. However, a number of the SDG 14- Life Below Water targets still lag behind.  Between overfishing, pollution, habitat loss and the multiple impacts of climate change on ocean ecosystems, the ocean has never faced such a diverse range …

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Planning des séances de consultation et de délibération L3 et M2

Planning des séances de consultation et de délibération L3 et M2   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true …

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St. Petersburg State University and Freie Universität Berlin – Joint Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program

Within the framework of their strategic partnership, St. Petersburg State University and Freie Universität Berlin have established a Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Annually, two Joint Post-Doctoral Fellowships are offered for highly qualified, early career post-doctoral researchers. Each fellowship is awarded for 24 months. The first fellowships will be awarded starting on …

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