Yearly Archives: 2021

Home 1 is a site specializing in training, internship, jobs and scholarships, student life and university news

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EPFLglobaLeaders Fellowship Programme

EPFLglobaLeaders is a new doctoral fellowship programme funding early stage researchers to become leaders in the transition towards sustainable societies. Forty-eight doctoral fellows will benefit from a multifaceted training programme, including a secondment in the non-academic sector. Host Institution(s): EPFL campuses in Lausanne, Geneva, Neuchâtel, Valais, or Fribourg Field of study: Any of the 21 doctoral programmes available …

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Wellcome International Master’s Fellowships in Health

The Wellcome International Master’s Fellowships offer nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level. Host Institution(s): Wellcome Level/Field of study: Masters Degree Programme in a subject related to Health offered at any University around the world. The research project can be undertaken at …

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L2 module de Biophysique: un résumé des cours et deux vidéo complémentaires

1 – diffusionmassemolaire.wmv 2 – Pressiongaz.mp4 [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”] résumé: [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

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FAO-Hungarian Government Scholarship Programme

The following Master of Science degree courses are being offered in English for the 2021-22 academic year: Agricultural water management engineering (Szent István University)* Plant protection (Szent István University)* Crop production (Szent István University)* Universities The following universities and faculties are participating: Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Gödöllő Szent …

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L’AUF recrute au Cameroun

Dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du projet PRICNAC – Promotion de la Recherche, de l’Innovation et de la Culture Numérique en Afrique Centrale – l’AUF recherche un.e coordinateur/trice du projet et un.e. Chargé.e. de projet. La Direction régionale Afrique centrale et Grands Lacs de l’AUF assure la …

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PhD and Masters Scholarships -École Polytechnique de Montréal (Poly), UdeM

A team of eleven professors from six Canadian universities and more than 30 Quebec, Canadian and international academic and industrial collaborators, has received funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for the Collaborative Research and Training Experience in Sustainable Electronics and Eco-Design (CREATE SEED ). In this …

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Call for applications: 34th edition of the 2021 Roberval Prize Competition

The Roberval Prize, an international competition, open in all French-speaking countries, organized by the University of Technology of Compiègne, aims to support the production and distribution of works dealing with technology in the French language. Five categories are open: General public Higher education Television Youth Scientific and technical journalism In …

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First research institution in Europe for animal and plant sciences, INRAE carries out mission-oriented research for high-quality and healthy foods, competitive and sustainable agriculture and a preserved and valorised environment. In 2021, INRAE seeks researchers from all disciplines to reinforce laboratory and fieldwork teams. Researchers will be heavily involved in scientific networks and tackle …

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Liste Finale L2

Liste Finale L2. [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

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L2 : Support de cours Biochimie destiné aux étudiants de la 2ème année du TC SNV, portant sur la structure, propriétés et métabolisme des glucides

L2 : Support de cours Biochimie destiné aux étudiants de la 2ème année du TC SNV, portant sur la structure, propriétés et métabolisme des glucides. [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”] 2 [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

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