
Sanofi Newman Fellowship in Dermatology – Dublin, Ireland

As part of its programme to provide postdoctoral research opportunities for scholars of proven academic excellence, University College Dublin is pleased to announce the Sanofi Newman Fellowship in Dermatology. This Newman Fellowship is established with the generous support of Sanofi. The Newman Fellow will be based in the UCD Charles Institute of Dermatology, …

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UCL Global Masters Scholarships for International Students

The UCL Global Masters Scholarship aims to enable and encourage international students from lower income backgrounds to pursue full-time Master’s degree studies at UCL. Host Institution(s): University College London, UK Level/Field of study: Postgraduate Taught Masters Degree Programme in any subject offered at the University Number of Awards: Up to …

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CIFRE Fellowships, France

CIFRE Fellowships are made available by the National Association for Technical Research (ANRT) for the Ministry which is responsible for research. The Fellowships allow companies to take advantage of annual subsidies (indicated on the ANRT site) in exchange for employing the young doctoral student for 3 years. The objective is …

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EIT Food Innovator Fellowship

We are happy to announce the new edition of the EIT Food Innovator Fellowship 2022. Global challenges in the Agri-Food systems require a mind-shift and a thrilling change in the awareness and competencies of talents: the new generation of entrepreneurs are asked to play a crucial role in solving the planet’s …

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120 fully funded postdoctoral positions in Poland

POLONEZ BIS, coordinated by the Polish National Science Centre under Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND, is a postdoctoral Fellowship Programme addressed to excellent experienced researchers interested in developing their professional skills within the best research institutions in Poland. The POLONEZ BIS programme is open to candidates of any research background, discipline or …

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PhD scholarships on Theory, Fabrication, and Optical Characterization of Subdiffraction Photonic Nanocavities – Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

A recent discovery has shown that it is possible to confine light at length scales much below the diffraction limit in semiconductors. Previously, this was only considered possible in metals through the excitation of plasmons, which unfortunately are associated with large optical losses. This new discovery opens tremendous possibilities for …

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PhD Scholarship in Organic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis – Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

A 3-year PhD fellowship in organic chemistry, photocatalysis, and homogeneous asymmetric metal catalysis under the supervision of Associate Professor Søren Kramer is available at the Technical University of Denmark. The project will be performed in the Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Section at DTU Chemistry. The position is available from October 1, 2022, …

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The objective of the Programme is to promote Polish language in the world by enabling foreigners interested in Polish language and Polish culture to study or carry out research projects in Poland. The Programme is addressed to students and doctoral students of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programs implemented …

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DOROTHY is a Postdoctoral interdisciplinary research fellowships to develop interdisciplinary approaches to health crises collaboratively

DOROTHY (DevelOp interdisciplinaRy apprOaches to heaLTH crisis collaboratively), is a postdoctoral research programme that is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The Irish Research Council (IRC) in partnership with the Health Research Board (HRB) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have come …

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