
Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship

Here at Adobe Research we create innovative technologies for our software products to better serve consumers, creative professionals, developers, and enterprises. We bring together the smartest, most driven people we can find, and we give them the freedom to nurture their intellectual curiosity, while providing them the necessary resources and …

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Chercheurs résidents auprès de l’École française de Rome

Les Écoles françaises à l’étranger ont mis en place depuis la rentrée 2012 le statut de chercheur résident dans leurs établissements. À l’École française de Rome (EFR), ce titre est accordé à des enseignants-chercheurs, des chercheurs statutaires ou des post-doctorants sous contrat qui sont accueillis pour une durée d’un semestre éventuellement renouvelable …

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Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is an established national initiative, funded by the Department of Education and Skills and managed by the Council. In 2017, we invested in a total of 1,179 postgraduate scholars, with over 5,000 individual scholarships for excellent research awarded to date. The Government of …

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Permettre à des universitaires canadiens et étrangers, ayant complété une thèse de troisième cycle (dans le 5 dernières années) dont le sujet porte principalement sur le Canada et n’occupant pas de poste régulier d’enseignement dans une université, de faire un stage d’enseignement et/ou de recherche dans une université canadienne ou étrangère …

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CASS-FMSH┋Bourse postdoctorale de courte durée en sciences humaines et sociale pour les chercheurs arabes, France

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) et le Conseil Arabe pour les Sciences Sociales (CASS) ont le plaisir de lancer leur deuxième appel à candidature de leur « Programme de mobilité postdoctorale de courte durée en sciences humaines et sociales » conjoint. Ce programme est destiné à soutenir la recherche de postdoctorants …

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Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry Fellowships, USA

The Institute is pleased to announce the launch of its 80/20 postdoctoral fellowship program in the 2018–2019 academic year. These new fellowships reflect the Beckman Center’s commitment to providing career-launching fellowships for recent PhDs and its support for the career diversity initiatives of the American Historical Association and affiliated scholarly …

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Caius Research Fellowships, UK

Research Fellowships are awarded to men or women judged to be the most able with an exceptionally strong academic record who have demonstrated outstanding capacity to conduct original and innovative doctoral research in science or the humanities. Those to whom Research Fellowships are awarded are about to complete or have …

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Chevening is a UK government international award, which sponsors developing global leaders in obtaining a Master degree at any British university. This program is financed by Foreign and Commonwealth office and is oriented on the future leaders, influence and decision makers from all over the globe. During this one year …

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83 Fully Funded University Alliance DTA3/COFUND PhD Fellowships in UK

University Alliance is a mission group representing and supporting modern civic universities with a professional and technical focus. Our work includes developing collaborative programmes through which our member universities seek to enhance their student experience and research such as the Doctoral Training Alliance – a unique cohort-based doctoral training programme …

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As an independent and non-profit organisation, FOMOSO promotes the opinion-forming about East-Central and Southeast Europe in the German-speaking world and in whole Europe. In the additional work as a think-tank, the aim of FOMOSO is to promote knowledge and interests about political processes in East-Central and Southeast Europe. On the …

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The world has already invented ways to end poverty, yet the best interventions are not being distributed at mass-scale. Can you design a business or NGO that solves one of the Distribution Challenges below? If selected we will award you up to $20,000 to launch a pilot in any region where extreme poverty exists. …

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