Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships in Canada

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation’s renewed doctoral scholarship program is a springboard for daring and original thinkers who are eager to play a leadership role in their communities. This three-year program aims to train committed leaders, developing their capacities to make their research accessible beyond the university environment, to work with a variety of actors in society, and to contribute to the resolution of national problems. and international issues that have a direct impact on Canada’s future. 

The leadership training offered to our scholarship recipients is based on a scientific theme, which is chosen because of the societal importance of the issues it raises and its interdisciplinary dimensions. This innovative model aims to bring scholarship holders to focus their attention beyond their areas of expertise and to reflect and position themselves on issues and ideas outside of their doctoral training. 

For the cycle of our programs extending from 2020 to 2023, our scientific theme will be  Technology and ethics . In particular, 2020 scholarship recipients will be asked to reflect on developments relating to biotechnology and the integration of artificial intelligence into healthcare systems.

From a scientific theme perspective, our leadership training includes the following activities.

First year: Institutes on committed leadership

During the first year of the program, scholarship recipients must participate in two  Institutes on committed leadership  – one in the fall, the other in the winter or spring – which take place in different locations in Canada and abroad. Part of each  Institute  is led by   Foundation fellows , leaders in research and teaching, while another part is led by Foundation mentors, who are leaders from the public, private and non-profit. Through the  Institutes, fellows are exposed to ideas and experiences they are less likely to encounter in academia, and are led to develop new social, emotional and behavioral skills.

Second year: Impact conference

Building on the experience and skills acquired during the first year, scholarship recipients work together, with the support of  fellows  and mentors, to organize a public conference during their second year. The objective is to share knowledge with the general public and promote social dialogue, while offering scholarship recipients the opportunity to improve their leadership skills through collaborative work with others.

Third year: Creative project

During the third and last year of the program, the scholarship holders develop together a creative project which can take many forms, from the publication of a book to a theatrical production or to a fundraising gala. The aim of this project is to present in an original way the knowledge acquired during their experience within the Foundation and to stimulate public reflection and dialogue on certain societal issues. In doing so, scholarship holders are led to experiment with unconventional knowledge dissemination and public engagement practices.

Language learning

The Foundation considers that the understanding of several languages ​​is an asset for high-level academics, intellectuals, the public and innovative educators. Understanding the official languages ​​of Canada enriches the experience of scholarship recipients .es in the multilingual context of Foundation events and allows them to better understand Canada. The Foundation also recognizes the importance of Aboriginal languages ​​to Canadian society and culture.

Scholarship recipients will be given instructions to increase their skills in the official language with which they are least familiar, and to allow them to learn Aboriginal languages.

In one look

The recipients of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation:

  • Join a vibrant community of fellows, mentors and  fellows  who are all leaders in their respective discipline or sector;
  • Receive leadership training offered by Foundation mentors and  fellows  ;
  • Benefit from an annual allowance of up to $ 40,000 for three years to cover tuition and living expenses;
  • Receive up to $ 20,000 annually for three years as annual search and travel allowance.

In addition, scholarship recipients from the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation:

  • Participate in a community retreat in Moncton (New Brunswick) from June 17 to 19, 2020 and in two  Institutes on leadership committed  during the first year of the scholarship. The first Institute will take place in Montreal (Quebec) in November 2020 and the second will take place in Helsinki, Finland, in March 2021;
  • Organize and participate in a public conference during the second year of their fellowship, in collaboration with the other fellows;
  • Work with other scholarship recipients to develop a creative project during the third year of the scholarship

The team draws your attention to the fact that the Foundation attaches great importance to the selection of a diverse group of scholarship recipients, including in terms of gender, spoken language, race, disability and region of origin. ‘origin. We also encourage people from Canada’s First Nations, as well as Métis and Inuit people, to apply.


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