
Programme principal Camargo pour les artistes, chercheurs et penseurs de toute nationalité, France

Le Programme principal Camargo est le programme phare et historique de la Fondation. Chaque année, un appel à candidature international est lancé, dans le cadre duquel 18 résidents (9 artistes et 9 chercheurs/penseurs) sont sélectionnés. La Fondation Camargo offre un environnement de qualité pour penser, créer et échanger. La Fondation …

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Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development/AMAS Master and PhD Scholarships, 2018/19

Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development/AMAS Master and PhD Scholarships is now available for the academic year 2018-2019. This scholarship is available for young Africans. The scheme aims to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in …

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Doctoral Scholarships for African Students at FIU in USA, 2018

In collaboration with FIU, the Université Aube Nouvelle is now accepting applications for doctoral studies scholarships within the Framework of FIU’s African Graduate Students Initiative (AGSI) coordinated by Dr. Lakhdar Boukerrou, Co-Director International Program at the Institute of Water and Environment. FIU welcomes international students to join their diverse and intercultural community. More than …

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IMéRA :Programme Art, Science et Société 2019-2020, France

Le programme Art, Science et Société accueille chaque année des artistes et des scientifiques (humanités, sciences humaines et sociales, sciences exactes et expérimentales) impliqués dans des expérimentations au croisement de l’art et de la science. Sa vocation est de favoriser le développement de collaborations articulant la recherche et la création, artistiques …

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ICPSR grant program

The ICPSR grant program is designed to give researchers an opportunity to gain experience in their academic field by working as a Research Assistant on a faculty member’s research project or on their own project under the close guidance of academic institution or scientific research center. These grants are intended to …

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IMéRA : Programme Phénomènes globaux et régulation 2019-2020

Le programme Phénomènes globaux et régulation porte sur toutes les problématiques d’intérêt interdisciplinaire liées aux phénomènes de globalisation, parmi lesquelles les quatre suivantes : Globalisation et développement durable : Comme explicitement admis dans les Objectifs de Développement Durables (ODD) de l’ONU, le développement humain ne peut se concevoir qu’à l’échelle de la planète …

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Université de Bordeaux Collège des Ecoles Doctorales Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program / International PhD Program in Neuroscience

The PhD program in Neuroscience is part of the Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program, supported by the University of Bordeaux Research Graduate School. The PhD program in Neuroscience takes place within the research laboratories of the dynamic neuroscience community of Bordeaux Neurocampus.  The program addresses a wide range of topics on the …

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The NERC Independent Research Fellowship (IRF)

The NERC Independent Research Fellowship (IRF) scheme is designed to develop scientific leadership among the most promising early-career environmental scientists, by giving all fellows five years’ support, which will allow them sufficient time to develop their research programmes and to gain international recognition. As part of this scheme, NERC will …

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